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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. CRAP. I had to help 6yo nephew with a school project, so I didn't see it. I'll have to watch on hulu. My prediction was that Claire would get killed. Did she? I also have no problems with spoilers, so if you wanna share, go ahead.
  2. True story. But we love her anyway. Those vehicles are indeed ugly. In another year when sales drop off, there'll be an article talking about why the "angry" cars didn't sell and how they're going back to a better design. I am just not loving either vehicle. I agree with NC - the boxy Cherokee was awesome.
  3. I knew there were keyboard shortcuts, but I've never troubled myself to look them up. Thanks for the tip!
  4. Smoke, thank you SO MUCH for posting! I haven't wanted to bug you because some folks prefer their privacy, but I have wondered, and I have been praying ever since you first mentioned that he was sick. I'm also not on FB, but I won't forget to pray. Thanks again for the update. PS - Is there anything people could do for you to ease the burden? Send me a PM if you wish.
  5. Honey, you ain't SEEN hot till you've spent a summer in Texas or Louisiana. HOT and HUMID. Winters in TX can be very cold as well due to the jet stream. I LOVE Galveston/Brownsville, and spent several summers in that area. HOWEVER, now the cartels are operating just on the other side of the border (Matamoros, etc.) BIG TIME. About an hour south of Brownsville was where they found a grave with something like 75 bodies in it a year or so ago. I love Texas, but I would not want to live there unless I were FAR away from the border. I'm telling you - for MILD winters and MILD summers, you
  6. Mild winters AND summers...maybe California?
  7. For such a little bird, they can make the most noise! And they fuss and fuss and fuss! We love 'em.
  8. mei lan


    This is true, but God love him, he's such an airhead that it isn't exactly what one would expect from him. He did have a good point, though (not closing the helium facility).
  9. As I always say, this is where you went wrong. That is a scary, scary store.
  10. I think he did. He just hasn't fallen over yet.
  11. Ditto that. It would be awesome for polio to be gone gone.
  12. HAHAHAHAA I'm guessing we would love your wife. No, I know we would love her.
  13. I swear, I hate people. :onlyhalfkidding:
  14. I thought it was cow farts. I wish they'd make up their minds. Edited to add that yes, I know it's a joke. At least I think it is.
  15. Oh, dang. One of the true greats. RIP, George.
  16. My siblings were adopted at ages 2 and 3; I could never bear to watch Wednesday's Child. I didn't want to cry.
  17. The reality of the situation is settling in for her now that they have been home for awhile. That is one factor. The other factor, and she mentions this briefly, is that she is so tired. She is tired physically from being "on" all the time, but also from the stress of worry about Tripp as well as grief for the life that used to be. I'm sure there are those who will slam her for the "date day", etc., but as I said before, that just proves THEY HAVEN'T BEEN THERE. There are simply not enough words in the English language to describe the devastating effects of long-term sleep deprivation. I
  18. Good move by her, and good move by Fox5 to to allow her to make the announcement. I always liked her as well.
  19. Maintaining a money-making restaurant business is an incredibly difficult task. And I can only image it's gotten tougher as the recession deepened and then as prices on food continue to rise. I can't imagine a sushi place succeeding at the Denny's location, but who knows. Martino's stayed open longer than I thought it would. That is a nice building...I hope someone makes a go of it. It's obvious that restaurants can succeed in the area, because so many do. You just gotta be good. That big restaurant space next to Subway on the Kroger side of that strip has a big sign up that say
  20. Ditto this. I hate it for him, but thank the Lord he has another job to go to. Geez Louise. I hate stupid mean people of any stripe.
  21. Good. If you have any questions or thoughts you think he/she needs to know, say them. And if they act like they don't want to listen, find another dr. I hope they find a solution soon! I've never heard there's no lyme in Georgia. A friend of mine had it several years ago, and THANK THE LORD the ER dr. he saw thought to check for it based on his symptoms, and he was able to recover quickly. That can be a mean booger!
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