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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I'll bet that's nothing to the earful she got from her mother. She is old Nashville money, and such things just are not done. Ditto the DUI, dana. He wasn't just a wee bit DUI, either...he blew at .139...nearly double the legal limit. Geez Louise - call a cab already!
  2. I would tell you about our experiences, but I am not speaking to you on account of you get to go on that Ketchikan Bering Sea thing. GAH!!! :angry2: Actually, it sounds like you have everything covered. The balcony and the binoculars are the things I would say are just way important, and you've done those, so HAVE FUN!!! We did do the White Pass RR thing in Skagway...what a lovely journey! Skagway is a teeny tiny town, and Ketchikan isn't much bigger. I loved Ketchikan, though - the atmosphere, the fishing environment, great shopping, etc. We were only there for like f
  3. Baby steps, indeed. My then-16yo nephew arrived at Shepherd in an ambulance and in a full coma, having been given the official diagnosis from multiple neurologists and neurosurgeons at a teaching hospital that he would be a vegetable the rest of his life. He walked out of Shepherd under his own power six weeks later, and despite missing a semester of school due to PT, OT, etc., graduated high school on time. I have heard many such stories about how the parents of children just don't give up and they recover to a remarkable extent. Does not always happen, and my nephew's recovery was much f
  4. The police report detail is hilarious. Kudos to the officer's keeping his cool. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2312672/Reese-Witherspoon-Jim-Toth-pose-mugshots-actress-arrested-disorderly-conduct-resisting-officer-husband-apprehended-DUI.html
  5. I didn't realize that the Sophia Loren photo was famous...apparently she photobombed the Loren publicity shot before photobombing was cool. Reading her Wiki entry, she sounds like a sad, empty person.
  6. Yowsa. The be some boobage in that picture! And check out Sophia Loren sitting next to her...she ain't too shabby, neither! Interesting post. Thanks!
  7. Duuuuuude. Also, I love Molly Ringwald's hair in that first clip.
  8. Indeed it is. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083943/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
  9. I love that you folks who know about these things (and are living it) are being so helpful. You are the ones who know what it's like, and that is just so encouraging.
  10. In defense of this poster, I don't think he was meaning any disrespect to Tripp's situation. It seemed to me he was responding to the poster above who talked about old trees being dangerous in general, when the original topic was just about the sadness of seeing a huge old tree gone. He did put a sarcasm mark. JMHO. Flame away. Sure, they are. Uh, huh. Riiiight. :snort:
  11. They don't need a video to see what's wrong with Congress. They could just put up a picture of those 535 people...it's self-explanatory.
  12. Man, this is a popping story. I see another update like every three minutes! Geez Louise...those folks in Boston are gonna be mighty jumpy today.
  13. I'm tellin' you - twins!
  14. This story has the best pics I've seen. Or worst, as the case may be. Ye gods. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2311379/West-Texas-fertilizer-plant-explosion-Death-toll-rises-disaster-near-Waco.html
  15. I swear, that's what I would do without thinking.
  16. Well, obviously older trees should be properly taken care of, esp. when they are near where people will be.
  17. Aw, crap. I HATE to see trees go. I'm a conservative, but calling me a tree-hugger would not be out of line. :cray:
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