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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I think it's a MARVELOUS idea! I know two families who have done/are doing this, and it's worked VERY WELL for them! The kids are well-adjusted, and the families are happy ones. And yes, how are you doing? I thought of you in the middle of the night last night when I got up to go to the bathroom ( ) and thought to myself I needed to ask you how you're feeling.
  2. Sure don't, but I'll let you know if I hear of anything.
  3. We put out two bags, and they were picked up. Our sub. had lots of people donating.
  4. mei lan


    We leave ours on 77 in summer, 73 in winter. I don't think 80 is too hot.
  5. Hey, he's a great guy if you're into revolutionary Marxist murderers. I personally would not wear a t-shirt with his image on it.
  6. Oh, amen. We've been praying, too, and thanks so much for the update!
  7. I always use my debit card as a CREDIT card at the pump, and anywhere else I possibly can. Way safer.
  8. I don't know the answer to your question, but he lives in Florida now.
  9. Oh, dude - those are some horrible losses!!! My dad would have been beside himself. I'm glad you have a good hive going now, though. Maybe they'll prove to be long-livers.
  10. I read the same thing, and the son of the main guy who is charged with all the crimes said he'd be surprised if the other two brothers were in any shape to do anything. He is mostly estranged from his father, and says that the other two brothers have drank themselves to death, nearly, and one is close to being mentally "gone" (for lack of a better word) due to it. Oh, I did also read a comment on some other site somewhere that this family is a large extended family who moved here from Puerto Rico after WWII, and that most of them are fine, upstanding, decent citizens, and are APPALLED at
  11. We're prolly a little sensitive on account of being told how we do everything wrong by most everybody else for so many years. BUT I will say that I personally have been told by at least two northerners that they've never heard of stopping for a funeral, and even more (co-workers, esp.) who have made fun of me in the past for saying ma'am and sir. I don't take it personally, and I wasn't offended...I'm just stating my experience that some northerners have made their thoughts known to me. And for the record, I do have quite a few more super-nice northerner friends who have marvelous manners
  12. Yes. I think Elizabeth Smart is without a doubt the most inspirational of these. Also, I'm glad to read that neighbors called police about the house several times for things like the woman in the back yard. At least they tried.
  13. Fantastic response! I'm the same way, and if I did realize it was his funeral procession, I would still pull over out of simple respect. It's just something we do here in the South. Also, I wouldn't have a problem with them burying him in a cemetery where my father is buried. The man is dead. What do I care where his body is interred? I really haven't understood the uproar in MA over burying him in a local cemetery. If somebody's willing to pay for the plot and the burying expenses, fine by me.
  14. Has anybody ever told you you're a strange and weird character?
  15. mei lan


    Listen - we be bored. We's kinda hopin' you'd forget about it and go back out there so we'd have some new stories.
  16. True story. I grew up on that, and was in college before I had a steak in a restaurant. I was aghast at the poor quality...I'm thinkin' people pay MONEY for this crap? Cannot beat home-grown.
  17. Ah, the blue hair crowd.
  18. They're calling Ramsey "Dead Giveaway Guy". I love him! If he's unattached, maybe we could hook him up with Sweet Brown (she of the "Oh, Lord Jesus, it's a FAHR!" video)...they'd make a great couple! (I'm being serious in my liking each of them. They both really seem like truly nice people, with colorful and fun personalities to boot!) This story continues to sicken me. Ye gods. Edited because I was reminded that I read a comment from someone who grew up in a house like that, and he said it's solid old construction, with not much noise transfer, and most of the windows would have
  19. There is indeed a bee hive crisis in the US. It's called Hive or Colony Collapse Disorder, I think. Anyhoo, tens of thousands of bees are just dying, for no apparent reason in the past few years. Entire hives are being wiped out. My father was a beekeeper, so I find all this quite interesting. IIRC, several months ago I read an article that a joint project by the Army and somebody like Mayo Clinic (or some university, maybe?) came up with a diagnosis of some sort of fungus that's activated by weather or some such. I can't remember the details, but everybody was happy because the solut
  20. I like both Teds. Don't agree with Turner a lot, but he's a great guy (and a frickin' genius). Gotta love Nugent.
  21. Is that for residents, or for city facilities only? Anyhoo, I've lived in municipalities before where the trash pickup was them or nothing. I agree that this probably won't benefit you. Ronald Reagan famously said, "The nine scariest words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"
  22. You've got the prayers, sir! Please remind him that lots of people are praying for him.
  23. Here is the actual obituary. Even funnier than reported! http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/nytimes/obituary.aspx?n=antonia-larroux&pid=164596250#fbLoggedOut
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