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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. That's ok. I'm a strange and weird person.
  2. They don't sell gas perm lenses.
  3. I wear gas perms ($150-$175/pair at storefront place), and I'm about to order them online for $78/pair. Unless you have trouble with fitting, I personally prefer ordering online.
  4. RIP, Baroness Thatcher. A marvelous lady.
  5. I hate that! (Insert usual "I hate people" remark here.)
  6. Those are happy dresses! And she seems like a fun and interesting person. RIP, Miss Lilly...
  7. Haven't seen any yet, but the feeder's ready. The migration map thingy looks like they stayed in place during the cold snap and and just started moving again this past week.
  8. I would not wish that grief - which is surely the most profound grief a person can experience - on my worst enemy. Very, very sad.
  9. I wish I'd thought of that.
  10. I hadn't thought about Red Skelton Show in a long time. Great show. Also, another Midsomer Murders and Jonathan Creek fan here. Rhonda - I LOVE the little villages!!!
  11. Have is the correct word. I'm guessing the "of" originated from a misunderstanding of the contraction of could have, which is "could've".
  12. My best exercise is the long walk to the sofa for a nap.
  13. How on earth could I have forgotten Miami Vice? Add that to my list...
  14. Oh, add Star Trek (the original) and Top Gear (BBC original version) for me.
  15. I don't own any, but would like to own Criminal Minds Boston Legal The Big Valley The Andy Griffith Snow (b/w episodes only) The Closer The Beverly Hillbillies Original Tom & Jerry cartoons Original Bugs Bunny cartoons Prolly some others...just can't think right now. I would also LOVE LOVE LOVE to have all Robert Osborne's commentary on old movies on DVD, but I don't know if they'll ever make that available.
  16. mei lan


    GAH!!! Yes, I did. Took me for frickin' EVER to get it put together, and I'm a pretty handy chick. Never again. Or perhaps never again without knowing it's gonna be a longer process than the info implies.
  17. It is a good show. Reruns were running on ION, but I haven't seen anything about it lately. Dallas Red, sorry for the rabbit trail. I hope you find what you're looking for soon!
  18. OH, and you loved Parker on Leverage, IIRC. Another cute girl.
  19. OH...I recall you (or somebody) getting all hot and bothered over her and I could never figure out why. She does cut a nice figger, don't she?
  20. Walking is much less stressful on hip and knee joints.
  21. Yes, yes, you are the only one. Actually, I would be one, but I have gathered that it is a song associated with Big Bang Theory, which I have tried several times to like, but I just don't.
  22. Will do. My father had a vicious non-MRSA staph infection, so I know some of what you are going through.
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