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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Apparently there's some confusion as to what the USDA/Obama administration is going to allow re: chickens grown/slaughtered/processed in China being sold here. I don't often agree with Chuck Shumer (Sr. Sen. from NY), but I completely agree with him on this matter. Here are two stories saying two different things: http://nypost.com/2013/11/10/schumer-chicken-from-china-poses-food-safety-threat/ http://thehill.com/blogs/regwatch/administration/189845-feds-push-back-against-chinese-chicken-claims I also read a comment on one of the stories somewhere else that Tyson and Perdue a
  2. Ditto feelip. Holy crap. Guilty of BUI and failure to render assistance but not homicide? He's glad I wasn't on that jury.
  3. Yeah, I'm goin' with Low on this one. She couldn't take living with the abuse any longer, but she didn't have any problem leaving her kids to take the abuse? Yeah, IMHO, it WAS her who killed the kid. Indirectly, but still.
  4. 's OK. Dr. Phil kinda gets on my nerves sometimes, but I do think he has a heart for helping people, and I LOVE stuff like this. Muchly needed.
  5. That is awesome to know. I need watch batteries and a backup battery for my alarm system.
  6. TP is talking about Robin McGraw's foundation: When Georgia Smiled, the Robin McGraw Revelation Foundation, creates and advances programs that help women and children, especially those affected by domestic violence, live healthy, safe and joy-filled lives. https://www.whengeorgiasmiled.org/#home I can't find anything that says they receive tax $$$...I'm guessing it's a generic non-profit org. Edited to add that Robin McGraw is Mrs. Dr. Phil.
  7. Totally agree. Absolutely disgusting. I would also like to hear SPORTS SOURCE's take on this whole mess.
  8. Praise. the. Lord. OHHHHHHHHH, that is such awesome news. Blondie, thank you so much - you know I love you. Smoke and Mrs. Smoke - If I'm crying over this news, I can't even imagine how it's affecting you. My family and I have been praying for Spencer since I first heard about him from you, and my heart is just so very happy.
  9. I believe in this case the wording is because they are still awaiting toxicology tests. The father says somebody poisoned her; the ME is pretty sure she starved to death, but he has to wait for the tox results before he can say for sure. The manner of death is officially homicide; the cause of death TBD.
  10. I don't get it. The latest date on the blog is 2011. Is there something newer I'm missing?
  11. EXACTLY. I can't get over people leaving their purses in their carts and straying away from them. Or having little kids with them and the kids being two or more aisles away. But I digress. Good for this lady telling the Publix folks about it.
  12. I ain't wadin' into this argument, and I adore DGITW, but that is hilarious. One thing about her - she does not mind a good argument now and again.
  13. I love that little face.
  14. BTW, the Cubs - perennial losers, bless their hearts - sell out most of the games they play. And that is in a city with TWO major league baseball teams. The Braves were something like 10th from the bottom in attendance this year, IIRC, and that is with winning the division handily.
  15. Agreed. I don't see anything being repealed, though. The GOP are too spineless to attempt anything for real. If it does fail, it'll fail under its own weight/complexity.
  16. :wub: We had a cat like this once (size and color), only he wasn't bottle-fed. He was just a NUT! He would pester the two big dogs (lab/collie mixes) biting their legs and such and they would stand on him; he would wail and finally wriggle out from underneath them. We had horses at the time, and he would go out into the pasture and when one of the horses would bend his head down to eat grass, Gumby would stand up on his hind legs and just bat the horse's nose for all he was worth. We just knew they were gonna stomp him, but they never did. Silly animals.
  17. Good heavens. She is deteriorating exponentially.
  18. Oh, bless your heart!!! I'm so glad she was ok. How precious is she!?!?! I'm glad you wrote this because I love reading about her. I did a similar thing once - I went to work and inadvertently closed kitteh in the stairwell to the upstairs. She has this tiny little meow, so it takes awhile for me to find her as well.
  19. Doggone your hide, you stole my answer! I was gonna say World Peace. :pout:
  20. TRUE STORY. Traffic will be a frickin' nightmare. I just have four words to say to these prima donna team owners who whine and crab about every little thing and want a new stadium every 20 years: Fenway and Wrigley Fields. Fenway is 101 years old and Wrigley is 97 years old. Wrigley's owners just got approval for a PRIVATELY-funded five-year rehabilitation/renovation of the stadium to the tune of $500 million.
  21. Correct - Cobb County, but Atlanta street address.
  22. Please post a pic when it's up! We do ours the day or so after Thanksgiving. I saw some lights up at least a month ago, though.
  23. God bless them every one. Esp. those of the Greatest Generation who are still with us. :wub:
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