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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I will note one other thing - buying American isn't all cut-and-dried. For instance, the Toyota Camry is built in Georgetown, KY, with parts made here, if I'm not mistaken. So even though it has a Japanese name, it's an American vehicle.
  2. I love this web site! I was already laughing, but the part about the butterly just sent me. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA We love us some good satire.
  3. mei lan


    I think every member of Congress should be paid what the AVERAGE pay of a soldier is. :angry2:
  4. That just chaps my behind. I'm glad y'all had good results with the appeals process, but a) you lost the use of that money for some days/weeks, and 2) if you have to do that every year, that gets old! :angry2:
  5. A friend purchased an engagement ring from Blue Nile and was VERY pleased with the customer service, the quality and the price.
  6. You best be glad you clarified that quick-like, missy. My favorite Merle songs are Okie from Muscogee and Big City (Turn Me Loose and Set Me Free). Here's somebody's Top 10 list and it's pretty doggone good: http://tasteofcountry.com/merle-haggard-songs/
  7. I buy American when I can and when it's something in my price range and what I'm looking for. I do try to avoid buying Chinese products when I can as well.
  8. I'll cut people slack all day long, but that was utterly and completely uncalled for. UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY uncalled for.
  9. I don't live anywhere near the airport, so this isn't an issue for me. I used to live about a mile from Dobbins, right in the landing flight path. The AWACs were a PITA when they were running maneuvers. Those suckers are LOUD. It's like a train - you kinda get used to it, and those days after 9/11 when no jets except for random fighter jets were flying were just CREEPY. Of course, I bought WAY YONDER after Dobbins was built, so I knew what I was getting into. The issue many of us have - esp. moi, since I live in NE Paulding - is that this was rammed through in secrecy, and after conce
  10. OH - I thought you had gone and the lights weren't on or something. The traffic thingy last night must have just been a fender-bender, because it was all cleared away by the time we got there at maybe 7:30. Yeah, they're still going strong. 6yo nephew LOVES to go and sit. We like going during the week after he gets out of school, because there's less traffic and you can park without feeling guilty.
  11. That poor cow has certainly gotten a lot of grief over the years. I was just trying to see it from all sides. I'm pretty sure I would have run out to help without thinking. But the liability issues other folks brought up did make me think. And you're right about other people/kids/dogs in cars nearby. IDK.
  12. They were doing fine over the weekend...we went Friday and Sunday and they were doing their usual thing with cars lined up waiting.
  13. Yes, and another factor (at least to me) is that the truck owner's life wasn't in danger...that is to say, he wasn't IN the burning truck. I can see more the store's POV on this one...
  14. Same judge sentenced a 14yo black kid to 10 years in prison for a punch that inadvertently killed another person. She should be run out of town on a rail. I am beyond livid at this so-called sentence. Well, with his stupidity, at least we can be pretty sure he'll violate the terms of his probation sooner or later and will be behind bars.
  15. Good. The cynic in me says this won't change anything even if it's upheld, but at least this dude has a problem with it.
  16. Agreed, with a minor adjustment. Awww! That's what I've been screaming forever!!! AMEN!!!
  17. Well said, sir/ma'am. The libertarian in me says the government has no business being in the marriage business. Let there be civil unions, and if people are stupid enough to union themselves to more than one person at a time, have at it. Marriage should fall strictly under the purview of each church, to be administered as each church sees fit. In parts of Europe, you go to the courthouse to get married under the law. Then if you want a church wedding, you go get married in the church.
  18. That is lovely. I'm sorry it was torn down.
  19. When they get to wrestling each other, it's hilarious. They're still a bit doddery, so it's like watching two drunks fighting or something. And if they're trying to bother Lun Lun while she's eating, she keeps chomping on her bamboo and holds them away with a foot. hahahahahaa Right now they're sitting together and it looks like they're eating bamboo. They're way too young to be able to eat it, but they love gnawing on it, and they might can digest a tender leaf or three. They are hilarious.
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