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Everything posted by afriendlygeek

  1. Another article that has some tips for addressing battery life with IOS 7. http://gizmodo.com/h...2678/@ericlimer
  2. Just got the word yesterday from my company's HR that Obamacare will cost the company an extra $104 per employee per month. I do not like it, but I was afraid it would be much worse.
  3. This is the best post of the entire thread. Many problems would be solved if we just did this. 2nd suggestion: Make it illegal for employers to provide health insurance. (I'm not 100% comfortable with telling an employer what benefits they can and can't provide, but I think it would force a market based solution that all could choose or choose not to participate in).
  4. The easy answer is that it is doing more stuff in the background. At this point, I have no idea what that "stuff" is. Sorry.
  5. Per the video they cannot continue to offer the current part time plan to part time workers. It was stated that it is a scaled down version of the plan offered to full time workers. My guess is that the PT plan does not meet the Obamacare requirements so instead of offering a plan that does, the part timers will be sent to the exchanges.
  6. An article I stumbled upon yesterday addressing privacy: http://www.zdnet.com...ely-7000020902/
  7. Try following the advice in this article to improve the battery life: http://www.extremete...-and-reduce-lag
  8. Some of the members of my immediate family have, but I'll probably wait until next weekend to see if any new problems arise since I use my iPad some for work. My family members have not reported any major issues.
  9. Dream world is right. Our government does not have magical powers and for Obamacare to work as advertised (you can keep your plan), magic is the only way. Actions always cause a reaction. It seems now that some supporters of the plan are mad that reactions are occurring such as "those mean rich companies" dumping direct coverage, cutting employees hours, not hiring people, etc... My response: What did you think would happen??? Actions create a reaction!
  10. I really hope this is true for you, but I'm afraid you will eventually be in for a surprise. I work for a large company and we have already been told to expect significant financial impact to the company which will impact all current employees and retirees. All of my friends and acquaintances are hearing a similar message.
  11. You must be mistaken since King Obama said many times that if you like you like your healthcare you can keep it. Just call him and I'm sure he will fix it for you. :End sarcasm.
  12. Hmm. I thought iPhones were made in China.
  13. If this government is the best we can do, I think it is time to shut it down.
  14. Head to Best Buy and play with one. An iPad would not be a great choice for writing papers and doing other schoolwork. A laptop or desktop would be a better choice for that.
  15. I just ordered some OTC medications yesterday that were not taxed. A previous printer cartridge ordered was taxed.
  16. Correct. I once purchased a car from a dealer in Alabama and paid Georgia tax.
  17. .....and alot more convenient too!
  18. I told you them pressure cookers are evil. First the Boston bombing and now this.
  19. Scrolls??? Who needs scrolls? What's wrong with stone tablets?? We need to eliminate zippers also - go back to buttons. Promiscuity would be reduced just because it takes longer to unbutton than to unzip!
  20. Yep. I ran into the same thing when I had a service business and tried adding a small retail component. I spent an hour filling out the paperwork to send them $1.
  21. This provides some good ideas: http://www.digitaltr...o-cut-the-cord/
  22. .............and that's why Amazon is now collecting taxes. It is a big hassle to keep up with and pay sales tax if the seller does not collect it.
  23. One point to clarify: It is possible to have a non-HD TV with a digital tuner.
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