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Everything posted by gog8tors

  1. Do you not know how to swim? Not being snarky, or anything, it's just that I hear bout folks paying others to teach their kids how to swim, and that's just strange to me. When I was a kid we either were taught to swim by our parents, or sometimes our older siblings (most of the time being thrown into the canal,) or we learned at scout camp. We taught our own kids to swim.
  2. WTH does that mean? If your drinking you shouldn't be driving period. And, she never said she couldn't control how much she drinks, just that she chooses not to drink. Much like many people. Too bad you don't know how to control your drinking.
  3. Between roller skates, bikes, and the beach we were outside all the time.
  4. Replanted 3 Gardina bushes. Still trying to get rid of whatever this sickness is. Tomorrow we'll be at the VA.
  5. I don't think we're getting dumber. We are however accepting mediocrity, and punishing excellence.
  6. Is a new version of the hand games we would play?
  7. so, basically when the kids hit 9th grade the parents should just disappear?
  8. I didn't. But, I did have an awesome purple bike, with the ape hanger handle bar, and a sparkly purple banana seat!! OH YEA, I was so cool!!! OK as cool as an 6yr old can be.
  9. I have heard these exact words come from some teachers. There is a willingness to let the parents off the hook, but the same teachers will bitch moan, and groan when they have to deal with it. 1. Put video camera's in the rooms. 2. Start charging for materials-5 sheets of paper .10, pen, 0.20, pencil 0.5 you get the idea. 3. When parental unit comes bitching hand them a copy of every correspondence you sent. Now to be fair, for those of us that actually use the web site, for the love of all things keep the damn thing up to date. 4. Don't encourage kids to be disruptive, because it is bett
  10. DS doctor gave me a list of books. I'll see if I can find it.
  11. Yeah I figured that out. Got him mixed up with another butthead.
  12. I could never understand those.
  13. Actually I got this ass mixed up with another ass. Sorry I look at this whole thing (not just the BSA) as, yep your gay, so what? it's not that hard to know one way or the other. You want to flame? Go for it. Oh, wait a minuet some already do. If they want a civil union then have a civil union, they want to deal with all the crap that goes with divorce fine. However no matter how much you tell anyone how "normal" it is to have sexual relations with the same sex. It just ain't. Now that's my opinion, like every thing else it's just one woman's thoughts. I have heard that the GSA have had
  14. Firs of all y'all do know that the OP is female. The fact that some of you old timers didn't figure that out is funny as hell. Second, she got y'all hook line, and sinker. Third, the way stuff is going your sexuality is going to define who you are before we know it. Folks with be all "Hi, I'm gay/bi/hertro and my name is__________.
  15. How refreshing that there is a follow up to this story. Thank you NJ.
  16. Rat, or King snake. Both good to keep around.
  17. I voted the same. You should have added "same amount, but real enforcement of the laws we already have."
  18. Get the white board while your out. Trust me she'll need to keep him busy.
  19. Geez he just broke his wrist. Give her a white board to write down the honey do list. He'll have time to do most of it now.
  20. Mainly b/c it takes forever to figure out what's for dinner. Well that, and I hate cooking.
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