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Jayden's Mommy

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Everything posted by Jayden's Mommy

  1. Yep. I've seen plenty of situations where DFCS should have intervened but didn't, yet this lady loses her daughter. This lady was in the wrong, but is the daughter really better off being removed from the home? The woman should have lost her license as an esthetician (sp?), and been ordered some sort of counseling before the child being straight removed. Being removed from your parents is devastating to a child. I've called DFCS on people who deal crack and stuff out of their home with their kids IN THE HOME while its being done, and DFCS did nothing.nada. There's also some folks tha
  2. Oh how cool!! I bet I knew your sister then. Was Mr. Davis still there when you was in the Pride? I love him, he was sooo awesome!
  3. It's probably because the Pre-K's do the cap and gown ceremonies now. My youngest didnt go to PreK so we didnt get any cap and gown pictures for him. My daughter's PreK didnt have the funds so she didnt do it either, only my oldest son got to do the whole nine with it all.
  4. Polk County is FULL of meth. Cedartown especially. There are lots of 'rolling meth labs' out there too.
  5. Yeah that story reeked of BS from the beginning. I am not surprised!
  6. My daughter got her ears pierced for her sixth birthday at Walmart. They did a good job and my daughter didnt even flinch when they did it. She was just like, oh that didnt really hurt. For her tenth birthday we let her get her ear pierced again, on top at the cartilage since she took good care of her first piercings. We had that done at Walmart as well, and it healed beautifully. I am not a fan of Walmart because I just really dont like going there with all the crowds and stuff, but their piercings have been good in my experience.
  7. I was a band nerd, played clarinet in The Pride of Paulding marching band until my junior year. I got to go to Washington DC for Bill Clinton's Inauguration my freshman year with the POP. I had a blast!!
  8. I remember that place! It was also Bilbo's BBQ Barn for a while!! HA!! And the Tasty Freeze that turned into a semi-chinese restaurant or something. lol As for my random fact, hmmmm I have four cats, I am a crazy cat lady (well not totally but getting there), hence my ninja kitty avatar.
  9. I'm going to see The Hangover II and gonna try to get out to Six Flags. My kids are finally big enough to get on the good rides and I dont have to hang out in Looney Toons land as much. LOL
  10. Yuck bats freak me out and we have a lot of them here in Yorkville!!
  11. Aww thank you! I am actually 33 years old. Those are my babies, and I also have a 12 year old son not in the picture, he is as tall as I am.
  12. HOA's can be good to an extent, but I tell you what if I'm paying for a mortgage, aint nobody telling me what I can or cannot put in my yard, or what color I can paint my home. That goes a little too far. If I want to put gnomes all over my yard, then I should be able to, ya know?? I dont like the idea of someone having to approve my yard decor.
  13. I guess I'll play, some of you may have already seen me on Facebook Me & hubby And me & the kiddos at Halloween last year
  14. I agree. I never was a Blackberry fan. I had a BB Storm several years ago. I took it back less than a week later and got an ENV 3. Now get you an iPhone, and you'll really have your mind blown. As far as stuff I have gotten that is crap, well - Pretty much ALL of those 'As Seen On TV' products are junk. They never work as advertised. I bought a straightener from TV one time called a True Ceramic Pro (or something like that) that literally worked two weeks and died on me. After googling I found out that it was a very common thing for that product. Aqua Globes were a dis
  15. They do that. They raise price to a ridiculous level, and get people mad so that when it is lowered to say ... $3.50 or so ... we think we are getting a fair price. I have been saying all along it will not go below $3.50 and I'm sticking to it. I would LOVE to be wrong on this BTW. They did the same thing to get prices around the $2.85 level. When I first started driving, gas was about 88 cents a gallon and I could fill up my little Ford Escort for $7. Depressing.
  16. I think the main point is, if you want to 'honor the Sabbath' then you are welcome to do so. Not everybody belongs to the same beliefs though and should be welcome to live as they see fit. I have friends who consider Saturday the Sabbath so not everyone believes Sunday is the Sabbath. Jesus drank wine, he hung out with prostitutes also. He didnt preach at them when he did it either. It was the Pharisees (sp?) that followed Jesus around talking about it and gossiping behind his back. Think about that.
  17. Yeah dumb. Police cars have a distinct look and should stay that way so they are easily recognized - not sponsored like NASCAR cars.
  18. Yes but that is the thing. People who drink heavily don't stay sober on Sunday. They buy it on Saturday, heck believe it or not there are still bootleggers around that make good money selling alcohol on Sunday (no I dont go to them lol). And there are actually medical reports that have shown that drinking the equivalent of one glass of wine a day has health benefits and can actually be good for you. There's many unhealthy things out there, the air is dirty, the sun can give you cancer, fast food is very bad for you, etc etc. This comes down to personal rights, and it is awesome that
  19. At the gas station near my house, it dropped from 3.95 to 3.89 for like ONE DAY, and then went to 3.99. With Memorial Day coming up, we are not gonna see it anywhere near 3.50 anytime in the near future.
  20. You do realize there's only like 3 states that outlaw Sunday sales right? It is legal in the majority of the states. And ask any police officer (I'm married to one so I know) if there are currently DUIs on Sundays. There are. Its not going to drastically change anything at all by selling it on Sunday. People who drive drunk already do so. Like it has been said, they just buy it Saturday.
  21. It took a few hours to work when I upgraded
  22. I really don't think it will increase substantially. Most people drink on Sundays now that want to. They just buy their alcohol on Saturday or whatever. Believe me there's plenty of drinking on Sundays, my dad loves to drink beer and watch his NASCAR Not everybody who drinks does it irresponsibly. Of course there are idiots who drink and drive but plenty of people are smart enough to not get behind the wheel if they aren't sober.
  23. It's official, Paul announced this a.m. that he IS running for President for 2012. My vote is decided!! http://www.ronpaul2012.com/
  24. Years ago I read a chat log between Casey and a guy that happened shortly before her daughters disappearance. All she cared about was partying and guys. I think she had someone murder that little girl, or did it herself even but she is guilty and I hope the biatch fries.
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