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Jayden's Mommy

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Everything posted by Jayden's Mommy

  1. Yep round 2 is hitting Yorkville. This stuff is sooo much scarier when its dark!
  2. I didn't look at her either so no jealousy on my part. What to be jealous of?? My hubby's way hotter than Hugh so I got the better lookin spouse lol Hugh looks like an uglier and much older David Lee Roth. And no I'm not a soup chicken , far from it.
  3. Just had a pretty good storm here. LOTS of lightning, thunder and hail. We are having a good soaking rain thats been going for at least 20 mins, and still going.
  4. Yep same in Yorkville. Dark clouds and thunder. It needs to rain already and stop teasing us!
  5. Haaaaa!! Oh yeah scar them for life. LOL Oh and I agree that the beach is a good choice!
  6. 85???? My grandpa isn't that old. Eeewww!
  7. Severe t-storm watch has been issued until 8pm.
  8. Maybe but I think the more likely reason for her lack of expression is that she is a psychopath with no emotion. I bet when/if she us found guilty she will be crying like a baby.
  9. There was another call for a mistrial but it was denied. I missed the testimony of the tattoo artist, I really wanted to see that. Oh well. Prosecution is done and they think the defense is going to be short. I think using the tattoo artist as the last witness is a good move on the prosecution's part. She got a tattoo that says 'bella vita' shortly after Caylee's death. This woman is just .... grrrr.
  10. We have a dodge stratus. It gets decent gas mileage, around 25-28 mpg. It's very comfortable. We have 3 kids and we all fit in there fine. The ac went out on ours though, and it shakes a little when we drive . I can't tell you I those are common issues though. I would recommend the vehicle, dodge makes quality vehicles IMO. Sorry for the typos I'm on my phone here.
  11. Yep she did say that but I have heard that the chloroform would dissolve after a certain amount of time and be undetectable. I just heard that so I am not sure how accurate it is. I do think Caylee died by suffocation by the duct tape. That's why the drowning story has surfaced, no lungs to prove otherwise and similar types of deaths (suffocation - drowning). They are showing pictures of the heart stickers found in Casey's room. This is not good for Casey! I hope she takes the stand, I would love to see her try to explain all this.
  12. Bummer!! That place was fun my kids would love going there.
  13. Derail (sorry)- This thread got me thinking about that place in Maggie Valley - Ghost Town. I was gonna look it up for a weekend trip, and their website is gone. Did they close down??
  14. My 2 grandmothers are Nanny and Mema. And my kids call my mother Mama G and hubby's mother Nanna. I like mimi though, I think thats what Im gonna go for, but I am in no hurry to be grandma just yet, my oldest child is only 12.
  15. Awww congrats! Grandmas are very cool!
  16. Nobody really knows but I take the sticker as her warped way of comforting Caylee.
  17. That's interesting. I am anemic as well. It began with my first pregnancy. The OB/GYN put me on iron tabs and told me to eat lots of Cream of Wheat but i couldn't get my iron normal no matter what. I still have it but I last ha it checked 2 weeks ago and they said I'm only slightly anemi currently. I have never craved a thing though but I do eat Cream of Wheat almost everyday.
  18. I cannot tell you how many jobs I have had where I did not receive my breaks that I was supposed to get. By law, employers are required to give you x amount of breaks per hours worked. Walmart was the worst job I ever had, they are the WORST with this. Personally I am not doing any thing work related until I am on the clock. If some folks dont have a problem with working for free, more power to them. I do have a problem with it though. Any employer too cheap to compensate me for booting a computer is not worth my time, because that is time I could be at home spending time with my k
  19. I'm not familiar with invisalign but I had clear braces when I was a kid. I regretted it and wished I had went with regular metal braces. With clear braces you can't eat certain foods like mustard because they stain the braces and you have to make sure you keep them very clean because if they get dirty it shows up!! Just like a white car shows dirt more than a black car, kwim??
  20. Yep the heart sticker is disturbing. I have been thinking all along she 'accidentally' killed Caylee by drugging her but I am now leaning towards she accidentally suffocated her with duct tape. Anybody who can go clubbing and hang out and party for an ENTIRE MONTH knowing their child is dead / missing is seriously distubed.
  21. Strep throat is going around. We had to take my daughter to urgent care today. She had strep throad, a sinus infection, and an ear infection. Hers started out with body aches. If it doesnt go away in 24 hours or so, you need to see a doctor. They said strep can affect your heart if untreated so its nothing to mess with.
  22. My daughter needs to go to urgent care, the Floyd Urgent Care in Rockmart we usually use is closed today
  23. Well yeah, but if I had to pick I'm taking John, Jerry makes me think of joe's apartment, that movie grosses me out lol
  24. Ohhh, no I didn't know that. Well John is way hotter than jerry o Connell.
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