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Coppertop's Pop

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Everything posted by Coppertop's Pop

  1. according to eym_sirius, if you refuse to go alone, doesn't that imply that you're bigoted or racist rather then safety conscious? After all, Isn't Hate such a strong word? I don't want folks jumping the fence to cross my mom's property, but eym_sirius questions me for being so judgmental. I don't like it when bums walk up and down the road pushing a grocery cart and they dump the cart in my mom's creek, but since I don't like that, I'm somehow a racist. Why can't we all just be huggy kissy and get along better? Cause the world ain't one big happy family. Its full of thieves and mugger
  2. Doug does great work and his work is reasonably priced too!
  3. So you have no problem with folks who are walking to take a shortcut and knock down a fence on private property? Oh, and there are three Grocery carts thrown in the creek and countless cups and moon pie wrappers from the folks who've WALKED to and from the ball fields taking a shortcut through my mom's yard? As far as the burglaries, those folks probably do drive though. Who could carry a microwave oven, big screen tv, jewelry box and air conditioner while walking?
  4. This past week in my mom's neighborhood in the South Cobb area near Cobb Hospital, there was a home invasion in a house up the street from her. The house two doors down got burglarized. Through the years there been several armed robberies and murders in the South Cobb Area. She called me last night to tell me vandals broke down part of her fence. I'm ready to scream. The Cobb County Police Dept has increased their patrols along her street. But she still refuses to move away from the cesspool of South Cobb County. A lot of the folks who live in the apartments along Austell Road, Mulkey Roa
  5. The Patriots are winning...Folks have been saying the new coach has a winning attitude.
  6. Band kids generally have higher grades and test scores than the athletes. My mama was a drummer for the Mighty McEachern Indians. My boys play the Saxophone and the Trumpet. A big High 5 to all the folks who put the band on the field. So when the band kids try to sell you some discount cards, candy bars or Christmas wrapping paper, peel out your wallet and ante up. In today's MDJ, there's an excellent article written about the band kids. http://mdjonline.com/view/full_story/15157654/article-Dick-Yarbrough--Self-appointed--band-editor--is---ready-to-march?instance=lead_story_left_colu
  7. The OP state the majority of Americans now support gay marriage... the OP didn't state the majority of Americans now support civil unions. Many folks could care less about civil unions, but are strongly against gay marriage. Again, there IS a difference. Marriage is between One man and One woman. Unions and contracts are not marriages. There is a difference. Are you still in elementary school or something? Again, get a dictionary and stay off google. You might just learn something valuable.
  8. Marriage is between One man and One woman.... We're not talking about unions, we're talking about marriage.... get a dictionary. There IS a difference.
  9. Mainstream Americans have more to worry about than who their neighbor chooses to shack up with. We have two wars, the economy is in the tank, we're overrun by illegal immigrants, crime is on the increase, our schools are failing, our nation is broke and the list could go on and on... What two adults do in their own homes is none of my business, yet I will still say I OPPOSE GAY MARRIAGE... It just ain't right, it ain't normal and even the people of Californication voted it down. Even they can see it just ain't normal. Call me a homophobe or bible thumper or just whatever, but even a tom
  10. You don't know me and I don't know you. For you to call me a bigot and racist is inflating your own self-worth. AMF
  11. Forgive me for mentioning the race of the guys wearing backpacks when school's not in session. I live in a neighborhood where we have a lot of white folks, older white folks who've been here for decades. When we see black teens walking along the street, we know they don't live in the neighborhood and "might" be up to no good. Forget about the previously mentioned crimes, drug activity, robberies, burglaries and so forth. I'm not a bigot or racist, but I still believe if you look at the areas with a high crime rate, the percentages of minorities is higher. Compare Riverdale (Clayton Count
  12. Over the years, my fence got took out by a drunk driver, I've had my mailbox smashed, my car battery stolen, I've had to pick up numerous Krystal Boxes and beer cans out of my yard. Those events were a nuisance, but that's small potatoes compared to what's happening now. Cars and homes being vandalized and burglarized, drug dealers being all around, "homeless" folks wandering up and down the roadway, many assaults and armed robberies RIGHT HERE WITHIN 1/4 mile of where I'm at. That's too close for my comfort! What happened to the quiet little community we used to know 20 years ago? A
  13. :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: Oops... for some on this board, to even mention that means you are a racist! FACTS DON'T LIE! FACT - areas in the county with a higher percentage of "minorities" have a higher crime rate. FACT - schools with a higher percentage of "minorities" have lower test scores.... do you see the correlation? The authorities want to be politically correct, but I'm no politician, I'm a taxpayer who's mad about the crime rate. Just sayin'
  14. As the community in general sees more crime problems, the school system will also see an increase in problems. Many punks get their start in the schools by bullying, intimidating and harassing others. We need an educated society, not a society full of drop-outs. Keep an eye out for each other and STAND UP and take back our community!
  15. On Merchants Drive, we already have the junky used car lot, tattoo parlor, liquor store and Title Max. What we now need to make the area complete are a few gold buyers, check cashing agencies and weekly rental apartments. That ought to really revitalize the area! :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:
  16. I live very close to New Canaan Baptist Church... in my area, there has been a large increase in the number of folks walking along Merchants Drive / Atlanta Highway near Huddle House, Ingles, Arby's and back towards the liquor store near Captain Eddie's. Back and forth all day long, folks are walking. There have been MANY reports of vandalism, drug activity, burglaries, etc in this area. Just this evening I see four (black) youths walking up the side of Merchants Drive. Two were wearing backpacks. Now why are two teens wearing backpacks on a Sunday evening when school's out? IT LOOKS SU
  17. I suppose it's back to work tomorrow.
  18. I'm glad property owners will see a break. Times are tough right now for a lot of families.
  19. The most valuable commodity when a recession hits isn't gold or silver, believe it or not, it's liquor. Folks who drink will do whatever it takes to get boozed up. They've been known to pawn their wedding rings, use the kids' lunch money or even let the rent wait an extra few days. Sadly, the liquor business is booming right now. When folks hit hard times, they tend to hit the bottle. Anyone want to dust off their grandpa's still? just sayin'
  20. My brother bought 4 new tires to go on his semi-truck today. The folks at Quality Tire were super fast and had better prices than the competition. I Highly recommend using them for commercial tire purchases. :clapping: :clapping:
  21. I'm wondering if I'm too late or if I should just ride out the storm.
  22. Several years ago, I lost money buying individual stocks, so now I personally only buy mutual funds with a decent track record. The markets have lost 5% last week and I feel like more losses will happen next week. I've always heard folks say not to even try to time the markets as ups and downs are normal, but with all the bad news from Wall Street as well as uncertainty in Washington, is Monday 8/1 a good day to transfer most of my holdings into bond funds, money markets and cash? I feel like if I wait too much longer I'll be stuck. Your thoughts.
  23. Cobb County raised the millage rate on a 3-2 vote. Lee, Goreham and Thompson voted yea....Ott & Birrell voted No.
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