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Coppertop's Pop

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Everything posted by Coppertop's Pop

  1. You've played that fiddle before dude. Give it a rest. Just because someone is disgusted by two grown men humping, doesn't mean they have deep seated insecurities about their own sexuality. It means they are opposed to homosexuality being shoved right in their face by the media and the courts. Granted what two adults do in the privacy of their own homes is no one's business, most folks are sick of the "IN YOUR FACE" attitudes of queers. Seeing grown men kissing on the evening news just about made me puke.
  2. How long will it be until a lawsuit or hate crime allegations filed against a minister who refuses to marry two gays? What about a justice of the peace...can he now refuse to marry two gays? What's to keep a man from marrying his daughter? What about his sister? Our society has hit rock bottom!
  3. The report said one man was in custody... A good lawyer would work a deal for the one in custody to let him squeal on the others. If he refuses to talk, the State should go after the death penalty for armed robbery/murder.
  4. Eric Erickson is paid to stir folks up. 'nuff said!
  5. I have found that many black folks distrust "whitey" and some of the most racist folks I've come in contact with are black. Yet some of the kindest most decent folks I've ever met were black.
  6. http://www.foodnetwork.com/contact-us/package/index.html I contacted food network and asked them to apologize to Paula and to bring her back. She's the only one on that network worth watching!
  7. Pulling in and out of there might be a little tricky...I'd suggest they level out that hill and somehow make an entrance off 278 and not enter/exit solely on Hwy 61. I'm glad there will be another grocery store in the area. This is excellent news for Paulding County.
  8. Ours went down, and my taxes should be lower (unless our elected officials raise the millage rate, which they so often do).
  9. There is a decent flea market on Hwy 27, near Bowden Junction, about a mile or two south of I-20. It's much nicer than the place on Hwy 41. It's open on Saturday & Sunday. As far as Bills Flea Market in Lithia Springs, I've piddled around there and found a couple of deals. It's open on Saturday & Sunday. It's a very busy flea market. My favorite one is Mountain Top Flea Market between Attalla & Walnut Grove Alabama. They're open on Sundays and they have vendors galore. My next favorite one is Trade Day at Collinsville Alabama, they're only open on Saturday though. I
  10. According to the AJC, Cobb County police were involved in a shooting in the 3500 block of Dallas-Acworth Hwy, just inside the Cobb County line. Details are sketchy at this time, but I'm sure we'll find out more on the 11:00 news. http://www.ajc.com/news/news/breaking-officer-involved-shooting-in-west-cobb-co/nYFtt/
  11. You are better off to email the commissioner of who's district it's in and attach a photo of the trash pile. The commissioner will make a phone call to the marshal and then the trash will get picked up. The Marshal's office is slow as Christmas and generally unresponsive. The elected official is much more responsive and pleasant. been there...done that!
  12. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=SMH An internet acronym popularly used as 'Shaking my head' , but people deny the actual meaning. 'Smack my hooker' Person 1: My girlfriend spilled her drink on my keyboard. SMH!!! Person 2: Smack that hooker bro!
  13. SMH.... Seriously. The AJC always tells the truth.
  14. http://www.ajc.com/ap/ap/crime/bolivian-villagers-bury-suspected-killer-alive/nYD4H/ Villagers in Bolivia's southern highlands buried a man alive in the grave of the woman he is suspected of having raped and murdered, an official said Thursday. Police had identified 17-year-old Santos Ramos as the possible culprit in the attack on 35-year-old Leandra Arias Janco Sunday in a Quechua community near the municipality of Colquechaca, said Jose Luis Barrios, the chief prosecutor in Potosi province where the community is located. Enraged, more than 200 community members seized Ramos and bu
  15. The suspect "somehow impacted some glass" ...wonder how that happened? The guy bled a little too? hmmm Being the fine journalist you are, why not get your camera and post photos of a very large blood trail from the coke machine at Ingles all the way past Family Dollar and Big Lots towards Cato? If no murder happened, Could police brutality be the cause of such a large amount of blood? That might be a good headline as well... Again, I heard from folks at both Ingles and Big Lots that there was a murder, so that's why the topic was started. To imply that MY reputation is tarnished is am
  16. We've probably all seen them, but seriously. What on earth is cooler than seeing a chubby white chick in a bikini with a jailhouse tattoo? I went to White Water and for every good looking sharp tattoo on a smokin' hot college gal, I see some hoochie mama with tattoos on her chest and across her back side and even on their thighs, feet. I wish I would have had my camera with me...it was definitely a sight to behold. Now I don't have anything against tattoos and I don't have anything against chubby white chicks, but jailhouse tattoos and bikinis just makes me shake my head. Anyone
  17. I went to the Ingles shopping center on Merchants Drive and some folks were talking that someone had apparently been murdered in the parking lot last night. On the outside walkway near the Coke machine, between Ingles and Family Dollar, there was a lot of blood on the sidewalk and it looked like there had been a struggle. The blood trail went all the way past the Big Lots over towards Cato, I walked into Big Lots and the clerk there said the cops had the area roped off for most of the day, but no body was found. This is really close to my home and it's giving me the creeps. Anyone h
  18. I buy my meats from Ingles or Food Depot.
  19. Many regular workers can't afford T-Bone steaks and choice cuts of prime rib. But for heavens sake, you dare not say a word to the folks on the government dole who have an EBT card. Their grocery cart is full of the finest cuts of meat, while regular folks like me get stuck eating Spam and baloney. If you even think something's wrong with that picture, you'll be called a hater and insensitive to the less fortunate and blah blah blah.
  20. When I'm all stopped up, I get either some Vick's Vapor Rub or some red hot chili peppers. If all else fails, you could call an ENT and wait several days for the medicine to start to work. I hope you get well soon.
  21. I've always used a couple drops of whiskey followed by a couple drops of mineral oil in my ear The whiskey kills infection and the oil gets any moisture out. Leave the whiskey in for at least 10 minutes and then put in the oil at least 10 minutes and Repeat every four hours. Good luck
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