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Coppertop's Pop

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Everything posted by Coppertop's Pop

  1. I've seen many war movies, but Apocalypse Now really made me think... What a messed up awful mess that was in Southeast Asia. So many young men sent there...and many didn't come back home.
  2. One of my dear friends lost his father in Vietnam on April 23, 1968. Check out popasmoke.com for many tributes to our fallen soldiers... The following narrative was submitted on the popasmoke.com website by Victor L. Avery, Sgt., CrewChief, HMM-363, Vietnam, Narrative: On April 23rd 1968 John Wiseman and I were flying supplies out of Hue. John's copter was flying wing most of the day and my plane flew lead. The LZ was very close to the base so we flew at tree top level. We flew the route all day without incident. As evening closed in our pilots decided to switch leads. Whe
  3. The right to bear arms has proven to be somewhat of a thorn in the side of the gun control supporters. Hitler took away gun rights from his people and we all know how that one played out. Our society would see an immediate drop in crime if everyone carried a gun! The only thing that will stop a criminal with a gun is someone else with a gun, whether it's a policeman, security guard or armed private citizen. Violence is gripping our nation and cities with strong gun control laws are by far the most violent! CRB
  4. This topic has obviously struck a nerve with some folks.... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. Nearly 3600 views and many diverse responses. I should have been a politician or a TV personality. Stir up a hornets nest and then wonder what all the fuss is about! Next topic will be about gun control...watch out! Adios folks. I'm done with this topic...bye bye!
  5. Lucky is now a member of my fan club......
  6. I didn't run... I have been reading the many replies of folks who apparently want to quash my freedom of speech, simply because they disagree with what I'm saying. Again, behavior is a choice. People choose whom to lie down with and whom not to lie down with. Calling me a judgmental, bigoted, hateful and homophobic ass doesn't change the fact that behavior is a choice. Sure, here in America you are free to choose, and I'm still free to voice my opinion of how homosexuality and those who support is in fact "The Devils dirty work"!" I won't be supporting the Boy Scouts because they hav
  7. That's exactly what it means.... GAYS ARE PEDOPHILES
  8. Perfection eludes us all... I give you that, but my whole point is the gay activists have attacked any organization out there who won't sign on to their agenda. It amazes me just how many organizations have set aside their longstanding policies to appease a small yet vocal segment of our society. Gays DEMAND acceptance, even though mainstream America doesn't go along with that lifestyle choice. Behavior is a CHOICE. Men lying with other men is a CHOICE. They weren't born that way, they chose to act that way...the "QUEERS" who are in your face DEMANDING access to these young boys are disgusting
  9. So anyone who opposes gays is full of hate? I don't think so. Homosexual behavior is a choice and it's not hateful to be disgusted at the sight of two grown men all smooched up on each other. (Or two lesbians either). I have been at Cumberland Mall, shopping with my dad, and gotten disgusted by two queers all locked up, french kissing and licking each other...right out in public... ewwwww. And you want that behavior to be acceptable? You want to send your son or grandson off with queers? Not me!
  10. You have obviously failed as a parent to raise your child right.
  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queer Since its emergence in the English language in the 16th century (related to the German quer, meaning "across, at right angle, diagonally or transverse"), queer has generally meant "strange", "unusual", or "out of alignment". It might refer to something suspicious or "not quite right", or to a person with mild derangement or who exhibits socially inappropriate behaviour. Queers try to say they were born that way, but homosexuality is a chosen lifestyle behavior, not the same as an trait, such as blue eyes or red hair. Queers are trying hard to
  12. http://gma.yahoo.com/boy-scouts-vote-end-ban-gay-scouts-gay-221630640--abc-news-health.html The Boy Scouts have lowered their standards by openly supporting gays. Queers have destroyed another fine organization...where does it stop?
  13. I agree that we don't need Heavy Industrial area near Macland Road & Olde Mill. Way too many residential properties near there. Why not develop near the railroad tracks & the spray fields or even out HWy 278 past the old Hospital? A railroad spur could be built and it would already be on a 4-lane highway.... In a zoning case a couple years back, I got stuck with apartment homes adjacent to my property even though myself and many homeowners spoke to the commissioners to oppose the development. The County approved the development unanimously.... Developers still rule this county
  14. Some days I just scratch my head and wonder just what in the world you're talking about.
  15. Rally X, Frogger, Pac-Man, Missile Command
  16. Good friends are hard to find when they discover that you're down. http://deesongs.homestead.com/tomthall.html There have been times, even in a room full of people, when I've felt all alone.
  17. My mother was diagnosed with a torn Achilles tendon. She apparently hurt her foot the day it was pouring down rain and she slipped while taking out the trash. The foot doctor put her in a "boot" rather than wanting to do surgery. Does anyone out there have experience with an Achilles Tendon injury?
  18. When I was a Boy Scout, one of my most useful skills I learned was how to tie various knots in a rope. We practiced over and over the right way and the wrong way to tie knots. Even now, when I go down the road and see someone who has lost a load of stuff they didn't tie down correctly, I recall my scoutmaster and his precise instructions and learning the right way and the wrong way to tie knots. All the media seem to be teaming up against the Boy Scouts, but Scouting was a positive experience for me. A Scout is... TRUSTWORTHY. A Scout tells the truth. He keeps his promises. Hones
  19. I don't particularly like domestic drones. The Government is watching every move you make, Whether by drones or phone taps, etc. but who is watching every move the government makes? Who is in control? It sure isn't the legislature or the courts. And do you really trust the executive branch to be truthful? Surely they wouldn't lie.
  20. I remember when there was only one traffic light in Paulding County and most of the roads were dirt. Those good ol' days are Gone With the Wind.
  21. I need to vent. The media keeps beating the drum about gay marriage, yet they remain silent on 1000 other important issues. Here's a news flash, gays have been around for thousands of years, they aren't going away! I don't support their lifestyle choice, but they are in our community all around us...get over it. (We have thieves and muggers and murderers and dope dealers and alcoholics amongst up too, why aren't their sins all over the front page of the news?) The news media keeps quiet about backroom political deals and shady contracts and corruption beyond our wildest dreams, yet they a
  22. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/03/25/us-cyprus-parliament-idUSBRE92G03I20130325 "Deposits above 100,000 euros in both banks, which are not guaranteed under EU law, will be frozen and used to resolve Laiki's debts and recapitalize Bank of Cyprus through a deposit/equity conversion. The raid on uninsured Laiki depositors is expected to raise 4.2 billion euros, Eurogroup chairman Jeroen Dijssebloem said." What exactly is keeping our financial and political leaders from doing this to you and me? Pretty scary!!!
  23. Remember the Bush/Cheney lies about WMD & yellowcake? How much money did Haliburton and countless others make off this war? I know this may not have much to do with Chicago, but look at the aid we've given to the needs of the Arab world while our own society is in shambles.
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