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Coppertop's Pop

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Everything posted by Coppertop's Pop

  1. I hope and Pray the lawyers for Delta and the City of Atlanta file lawsuits to delay this for years and years and literally break the bank. Money talks adn Atlanta and Delta have lots of lawyers and lots of money.... I don't want 737's landing in Paulding County! Who'd have thought I am now a fan of Kasim Reed over Dirty David Austin?
  2. I'm shocked that Commission Chairman (Dirty) David Austin would intentionally keep District Commissioner Pownall you out of the loop regarding the backroom deal regarding the airport lease. Chairman Austion mentioned having a trust issue in video posted on the paulding.com main page. I feel like (Dirty) David Austin came across as being arrogant and condescending towards Commissioner Pownall as well as towards the general public. Further, for Dirty David Austin to be on both the Airport Authority as well as the Board of Commissioners seems like a conflict of interest since one board needs th
  3. Paulding County is still operated by the good ol' boy network. I have no regard for the current Commission Chairman David Austin, nor the mayor of Dallas, Boyd Austin. These two need to get booted out of office. I am strongly opposed to jet traffic flying into Paulding County. When I moved out here nearly 25 years ago, I wanted peace and tranquility. It looks like my tranquility is Gone With The Wind! Further, for Chairman Austin to keep the district commissioner Todd out of the loop on this airport is just dirty politics, especially since the airport is in Todd's district. Dirty Da
  4. I'm glad my kids are done with the school system too.
  5. I really feel like David Austin did Todd wrong.... arrogance (or cowardice) on Mr Austin's part. I will not be voting for David Austin.
  6. When my car battery got stolen, the Paulding Sherff's office took an incident report over the phone. On a different incident, Col. Walker gave my son and his girlfriend a ticket for not wearing a seat belt, well my son paid his fine, Both my son and his girlfriend insisted she had her seat belt on. She went to court and pled not guilty, and after several months she went to a hearing, but the judge believed the deputy instead of the two eye witnesses who were in the car. Sure, it's only a small fine, but I have totally lost all respect for the Paulding County Sheriff's office over a $15 fi
  7. I won't be voting for David Austin. This whole secrecy thing just stinks. I did support Todd Pownall and will continue to do so.
  8. this whole thing just stinks... follow the money and you'll see. I stand behind my statement that Austin is a crook! Time and time again the voters have rejected this airport and Austin rams some 737's right down our throat! I'll be voting against Austin and any commissioner who's on board with this mess!
  9. Perhaps it's time to organize a recall of Commissioner David Austin. I told you folks he was crooked...now you finally listen!
  10. It's my understanding the park is closed and will stay closed until further notice. I always enjoy going to Cades Cove and going up to the top of Clingman's Dome and stopping at teh visitors center and so forth. Hopefully we can still get on the blue-ridge parkway and ride over towards Ashville and up to Boone. I just won't bother going to Pigeon Forge this fall.
  11. We had planned on going through the Great Smoky Mountains and driving through Cades Cove before going on into Pigeon Forge next week. This irritates me.
  12. The last three episodes were totally AWESOME. While "Ozymandius" left me sitting on the edge of my seat. "Granite State" left Walt feeling so isolated and alone, I actually felt sorry for Walt. The finale of "Felina" tied up loose ends and let Walt go out with the upper hand, so to speak. I was wanting walt and Jesse to both ride off in teh sunset, but it just wasn't meant to be.... Breaking Bad in nearly episode has plenty of action, excellent story and great acting. I was sad to see it all come to an end. Breaking Bad was one of the best TV series in years. Discuss your favorite
  13. Marietta see below link for more info. http://www.northgeorgiastatefair.com/
  14. We're planning on getting there early, the weather is supposed to be perfect and from what I've heard, Loretta Lynn puts on a great show. I know she's getting pretty old, but I still love to hear her sing. Also, a couple of local churches have food booths and from my experience, their food is much better than those guys that travel from town to town with the fair. CRB
  15. Excellent post. A friend of mine told me once the best stocks to invest in are things we see and use every day. Say you are sitting in a local restaurant and you look out the window, what do you see? A gas station across the street, (invest in oil companies) Salt on the table (Morton Salt), Ketchup, Mustard, (Heinz), Coca Cola, Paper napkins (Georgia Pacific) Lights, Power Company (Duke Energy or Southern Co) Cars in the parking lot (NAPA auto parts store) People texting (Verizon), etc. So forth,. I suppose when you invest in a variety of well run companies and ove
  16. I am an expert on school suspensions... Generally when the school suspends a student, common sense doesn't matter. The principal will quote chapter and verse of some vague school board policy. That way the school principal can blame the board saying his hands were tied, yet the board is never held accountable for ridiculous actions of the principal. It's all one big three ring circus... Best answer is to send your kid to private school.
  17. My assets, (pension and other holdings), are considered small potatoes by most folks, but they are very important to me. Many families are living very close to the edge financially, so to speak. Having worked and saved and invested for years, I do recognize most of it all could be wiped out very quickly. My financial advisor has as much as told me to put as much as possible into cash, diversify the rest, and to take a wait and see approach. During the last stock market downturn, my father lost over $60,000 in a matter of a few days... Over several years, things did improve, but now th
  18. Democratic Senate leader Harry Reid has already said the GOP bill is dead on arrival in the Senate. It's all smoke and mirrors. They'll haggle back and forth for a couple of weeks, but Obamacare isn't going away.
  19. For a number of months the bond market has been indicating that the economy was improving and that interest rates (yields) should be higher. Higher yields are a direct result of an improving economy. For 2 years forecasters, including the FED, have underestimated where the world's largest economy, was going to. Why the Federal Reserve acted in such a fashion is bewildering and why they did it is unknown, but we do know what some of the consequences will be: 1) a lower dollar - America thrived in strong dollar environments under both Reagan and Clinton. 2) higher commodity prices - gold
  20. http://www.cnbc.com/id/101049191?__source=yahoo%7Cfinance%7Cheadline%7Cheadline%7Cstory&par=yahoo&doc=101049191%7CStocks%20are%20about%20to%20plung While many strategists are riding high right now, this expert is predicting a 16% drop in the next three months, erasing all of the gains stocks have made this year. No one truly knows what tomorrow holds, but it would be wise to look at the reason stocks are so high. The Fed keeps pumping $85 Billion per month into the market and you have to ask youself when is this artificial stimulus going to implode? Discuss please.
  21. I was flipping channels and came across Al Jazeera America tonight. I simply won't be watching that network and I'm seriously thinking about dumping comcast. the only reason I watch is to get ESPN and History anyways, and I can do without them both. The arabs have been a problem since the oil embargo of the 1970's. Sickening.
  22. The only person able to stop the gunman, was armed with another gun....Strange ain't it?
  23. More Americans get killed due to violence across America than on the battlefields in Afghanistan. Violent crime is all around us. Violent crime is higher in cities with tough gun control laws.
  24. I saw you in Ingles a few days ago, glad your computer is fixed. those computer virus bugs can really drive you up a wall. `
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