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Coppertop's Pop

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Everything posted by Coppertop's Pop

  1. Is it selfish to ask for open & transparent government? I'm opposed to this commercialization airport deal. Commission Chairman David Austin and District Commissioner Tommie Graham kept District Commissioner Pownall in the dark and out of the loop on the scheme to push this airport deal right up our nose. Austin flat out said Todd Pownall couldn't be trusted. Well I'd trust Todd Pownall over David Austin or Tommie Graham any day of the week. Todd has never flat out lied to me. David and Tommy both have lied to us all by promising one thing, and doing another all in secrecy. Sort of
  2. These commissioners as well as the folks at the FAA need to get pestered daily with emails and phone calls denouncing this airport. Ask all your friends and neighbors to get involved and stop this madness. Chairman Austin needs to get booted out of office...so does Carmichael, Graham and Barnett. They have put their own interests ahead of the citizens and I'm tired of the good ol' boys. I just hope and pray the FAA will put a stop to this mess once and for all!
  3. I grew up in Smyrna and attended Wills High. Back in the 70's I played baseball at Brinkley Park and we'd ride bikes to the pool on Church Street. The pool at Jonquil had a high dive, but the pool at King Springs wasn't built yet.
  4. http://www.ajc.com/news/business/takeoff-delayed-for-paulding-airport-plan/ncPDz/ Since I'm not a premium AJC subscriber...all I got was the headline... but just reading the headline made me happy. Anyone know what else was mentioned in the article?
  5. Chairman Austin is looking out for himself...not the citizens!
  6. I don't particularly like Vittles. They have a smoking section and non-smoking section. Even though there is a doorway between the two sections, smoke always comes over to the non-smoking side... It's so bad it gives me a headache.
  7. I'm glad a firm with 600+ lawyers is taking on David Austin and his good ol' boys! 600+ lawyers will tie this mess up for years... makes me happy happy happy! I don't want 737's landing in Paulding County...
  8. I hope Delta's lawyers are better than that slick lawyer wannabe Cable Guy from Paulding County. I suspect Delta will tie this up in court for years.,... and hopefully next election we'll have a new Chairman and Board of Commissioners who can bring this expensive pathetic mess to a halt. The citizens don't want 737's landing in Paulding....why don't our officials get it? I hate to say it, but why doesn't Atlanta simply annex all the way to the airport? I'd rather see that than keep getting screwed by Austin, Graham, Carmichael and Barnett.
  9. Pubby gave an opinion and so have countless others. But the FACT remains, voters were promised one thing (a general aviation airport only), yet delivered another (commercial passenger service). Classic case of bait and switch.
  10. Toned it down a little, but the truth remains, Thompson made promises which weren't kept. I call that lying...don't you? Bait and switch, deception, etc. He needs to not only stop the deception, but resign from the board...so does Austin, Graham, Carmichael, etc. The citizens of Paulding County were made promises regarding the airport which each of these folks didn't keep. Whether it's a little white lie or a great big whopper remains to be seen, bottom line is folks don't like being lied to at all.
  11. I call BS to this whole article. The taxpayers were promised one thing, yet delivered another (in secrecy).
  12. graduated from Wills.....I used to be a bagboy at the A & P grocery store in Belmont Hills I used to love Lums hot dogs on South Cobb Dr. The fountain at Dunaway Drug Store where I'd order a Coke Float. Bill's Family Restaurant on Concord Road Campbell's Restaurant Aunt Fanny's Cabin the list could go on... Things have changed a lot in the last 40 years or so
  13. I've been craving a Chuckwagon Steak Sandwich from Fat Boy in Smyrna. Those were the best...
  14. My wife and I were eating lunch at KFC in Dallas. There we are eating some of Col. Sanders' finest when a young lady at a booth near us changes a baby's diaper...right there at the table. Seriously...why not go to the ladies room or even out to the car? Talk about uncouth and no class...OMG...and to top it off, after she changed the diaper at the table in front of other customers, she didn't even go wash her hands....she just kept right on eating her fried chicken. Paulding's finest for sure.
  15. It's obvious Chairman Austin flat out lied to the voters.... now what are we going to do about it? Recall him? Protest? I doubt it. folks are too busy or just could care less one way or another. I don't want 737's landing in Paulding County, but I have been sold out by Chairman Austin.
  16. I hope Delta and the City of Atlanta can somehow drag out this court battle for years and break the bank...thus stopping large jets from landing in Paulding County. Atlanta has much deeper pockets than Austin/Graham and the rest of the good ol' boys.
  17. I can't believe what just happened...Bama loses... depressing
  18. I STRONGLY DISAGREE. I strongly believe Chairman David Austin and Commissioner Tommie Graham both should resign. The backroom deal to bring commercial air traffic to Paulding County will no doubt fill their re-election coffers. Hopefully Mayor Reed and Delta have more pull with the FAA than Austin/Graham and can bring this to a halt.
  19. I don't want 737's landing in Paulding County. For Commissioners Austin and Graham to shove this backroom "secret" deal right down your throat is just pure corruption. No openness, no transparency...no problem according to Tommie Graham and David Austin.
  20. I have a step mom and a mom both. Whenever family events come around (graduations, birthdays, etc), the tension between the two moms is often thick. Each doesn't particularly like the other, however I tend to invite everyone and whomever shows is expected to behave and not show out. But trust me, My mom would really show out if given the opportunity. The step mom often remains silent though, so it's kinda like she's distant even though she's been married to my dad for many years. If they were to meet in a dark ally, my mom would stomp her butt and then gloat about it.... Be nice to t
  21. Harassing phone calls shouldn't warrant a $100,000 fine and a year in jail. That's crazy. There have been actual assaults where the criminal only got probation. So, threats are different than actual assaults. jmho
  22. There will surely be a market correction in the months ahead, but right now, today, there are a lot of folks making a fortune in the stock markets and many folks are hoarding cash, lots of cash. I can't explain it, but historically, the stock markets have been higher under Democratic presidents than under Republican presidents. I agree our spending deficits are growing at an alarming rate, and it appears the current administration is kicking the can down the road, so my best advice is folks to manage their retirement accounts and not wait on Social Security to carry them through retirement. I
  23. http://www.ajc.com/ap/ap/top-news/dow-average-closes-above-16000-for-the-first-time/nbzyX/ Stocks are at an all time high....When George W. Bush was in office, the stock market had tanked, we were in two wars, we were being overrun with illegal immigrants, the automakers were broke, and the doom and gloom stories were deep and wide. Thank goodness (most) Americans saw the light and booted the republicans out of office. Carry on....
  24. I hope and Pray that lawyers for Delta and the City of Atlanta succeeds in stopping this from being shoved down our throat. I don't trust David Austin and I hope he gets voted out of office. I don't want 737's landing in Paulding County!
  25. Folks don't like the high crime area around Turner Field. Could that be the reason attendance is down?
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