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Coppertop's Pop

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Everything posted by Coppertop's Pop

  1. SB 299 was signed by Governor Perdue giving law enforcement discretion. The school principal generally has no discretion over school policy regarding expulsions, but the principal has nothing to do with criminal charges being filed by the campus cop. There is a difference between expulsion and felony criminal charges. http://senatepress.net/bill-to-zero-out-zero-tolerance-in-schools-signed-into-law.html
  2. A student, their locker, bookbag or their vehicle etc. can be searched anytime on school property without a warrant and without the student's consent. Further, the student does not have to be read Miranda before being searched or questioned while on school property. Even though school policy is a zero tolerance for weapons which led to expulsion from school, the law enforcement officer has discretion as whether to file criminal charges for the knife. http://www.examiner.com/article/georgia-governor-amends-zero-tolerance-policy-on-weapons-schools So bottom line is the campus cop
  3. You can be for the attacks on Syria, or against it. It doesn't matter what YOU nor I think. The politicians will do what earns them the most money. Lobbyists run this country. Follow the money and you'll see. There's a lot of money to be made on the spike in oil prices due to instability in the middle-east. Now with that being said, the attacks are planned an WILL happen. Just go ahead and fill your gas tanks and fill the cupboard. The price of food, fuel and ammo is about to spike. Now what does Syria have do do with any of these? nada, but just wait and see.
  4. Well I'm eating crow.... The Dawgs showed up and beat South Carolina 41-30....
  5. I hope they catch the thieves who stole your stuff.... There seems to be a lot of that going on around here.
  6. Coach Steve Spurrier owns Georgia and The Leghorns have won the last three meetings... But I'm really hoping the Dawgs come alive and whip South Carolina... I just don't see it happening though. Against top 15 teams, Georgia just can't seem to get a win... any predictions?????? I say the ol' ball coach will once again come out on top. South Carolina 31, Dawgs 28
  7. You can be against military action, or you can be for it...bottom line is the politicians will look out for their own best interests, not yours nor mine. Can you say apathy? Folks are tired, but what can be done? NOTTA
  8. Follow the money...look and see which politicians can gain the most from a war. (regardless if they are Republican or Democrat). Instability in the middle-east keeps oil prices high, as well as stocks of major defense contractors. Politicians don't care about a few hundred folks killed by chemical weapons. They are just looking for ways to make money for their political donors.
  9. If a child is shot with a rifle, or if a child is killed with chemical weapons, the child is dead either way. Those who kill innocent children should themselves be killed by any means necessary. I'd send a team of assassins to handle the situation and knock of Syria's top leaders. A nice little car bomb should take care of it...The CIA can do that kind of thing and make it look like the Russians did it.
  10. According to ESPN, the Patriots waived Tim Tebow.... like him or not, he always gave 100% effort. Hopefully he'll get picked up by another team to be a back-up.
  11. https://paulding.paytaxes.net/customer/enhanced_property_tax_search.php How'd y'all do this year? Mine went down 4th year in a row.
  12. Most of the guys in my family are very tall, between 6'2 and 6'7. I'm looking for a car that will be good on gas, yet large enough to fit a very tall, very big teen. He currently drives a ford pickup, but it gets about 13 MPG, so..... any suggestions for a roomy car thats good on gas would be appreciated. I'd like a car between 2004 & 2007....
  13. Rather than discuss a difficult issue, you just accuse the Captain of being a troll... pathetic
  14. Why did he become a madman? Was it the continued deployments? Was it lack of mental health screening? was he tired of seeing his fellow soldiers leave in a body bag?
  15. This is a good point. There's a lot of money being made off this war and the poor guy who got a life sentence is just another casualty of the war. It's a never ending cycle. We send our soldiers over there to Afghanistan to kill the enemy and after so long, I suspect our guys see all Afghans as an enemy, after all the taliban/insurgent soldiers don't wear a uniform, they wear civilian clothes in an attempt to blend in. They often surround themselves with women and children. The media says nothing when a roadside bomb kills a U S soldier, but let a soldier kill a few Afghans, and everyone
  16. Shouldn't the army put a limit on the number of deployments for the soldier's own well being?
  17. Did you not see where he was on multiple deployments and he was having some mental problems because of it? Yet the Army left him in Afghanistan? Could it be our servicemen are stretched way too thin? Why do we train our soldiers to kill the enemy and then turn our backs on them when they start having problems? There's a much larger issue here. Not just a rogue soldier, but a serious lack of true leadership. The guy should be immediately released and given a medal. Look at our use of Drones...no one says a word when a drone strike takes out 30 people, yet they throw the book at this S
  18. Our government sends our soldiers to Afghanistan (to kill the Afghans), then our Army puts the soldiers on trial for killing Afghans? Sgt Bales had post-traumatic stress disorder after multiple tours in Afghanistan, and a traumatic head injury. Yet he was still allowed to serve in Afghanistan. He has since been convicted and sentenced to life in prison for killing Afghans. Our Army sends our guys over for long deployments, and then throws the book at them when the pass their breaking point. This is so wrong in so many ways.
  19. Last evening, The Offensive line looked pretty weak, Matt Ryan got sacked several times and we had a very difficult time on 3rd down. Our defense looked even weaker. Particularly the defensive secondary. The Falcons have a brutal schedule this year and I'm feeling at best the birds will go 9-7.
  20. We have comcast and have seen the bill rise steadily. phone, internet & cable is very reliable, but still pretty expensive, but it still beats having to deal with AT & T.
  21. I for one don't care much for Anti-American / Pro-muslim propaganda, but apparently there are a lot of folks who do. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/19/business/media/al-jazeera-america-promises-a-more-sober-look-at-the-news.html?hp&_r=0 “Viewers will see a news channel unlike the others, as our programming proves Al Jazeera America will air fact-based, unbiased and in-depth news,” said Ehab Al Shihabi, the channel’s acting chief executive, on a news conference call last week.
  22. Breaking Bad was on AMC last evening Any Breaking Bad fans out there? What was your favorite quotes from last night's episode? My two favorites were "Hello Carol" and of course, "tread lightly" http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=167bUtl0FVo
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