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Coppertop's Pop

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Everything posted by Coppertop's Pop

  1. My power was off at some point, but it's back on now. Somehow, I slept right thru the storm.
  2. We are pouring hundreds of $billions into schools and roads and hospitals in Afghanistan and Iraq and now we'll be sending a few hundred million dollars of humanitarian aid to Syrian refugees. Yet our own roads and schools and bridges are crumbling. Don't blame this on the teachers union, look at the politicians in Washington. That's where the real problem is!
  3. How may Wall Street executives took a bailout from you & me, then awarded their executives with multi-million dollar bonuses?
  4. Why did we invade Iraq when it was the Saudi's who caused 9/11? 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi's. 10 years later, we are in Afghanistan with no end in sight. We'll be in Syria before long on a humanitarian peacekeeping mission and blah blah blah. QUIT sending food and medicine over there when our poor and elderly are dying over here! Quit building roads and schools and hospitals over in the Arab world when our own infrastructure is crumbling! Why is it The United States Government sends billions of dollars to other countries when we're $17 Trillion in debt and according to some reports
  5. As many of you know my nephew is in the army, currently he's in some small village somewhere in Afghanistan. Earlier in the week, there was a helicopter crash killing five soldiers who's home base is here in Georgia. Naturally, the news crews waited a couple days until the names were released leaving me more than a little worried. I get so nervous every time I turn on the news and hear of soldiers dying. These 5 killed with "no enemy activity in the area" making folks assume the crash was due to mechanical problems or bad weather or some other hogwash. I just don't believe that kind of story.
  6. In modern times, the Ides of March is best known as the date on which Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BCE. Caesar was stabbed to death at a meeting of the senate. As many as 60 conspirators, led by Brutus and Cassius, were involved. According to Plutarch, a seer had warned that harm would come to Caesar no later than the Ides of March. On his way to the Theatre of Pompey, where he would be assassinated, Caesar passed the seer and joked, "The ides of March have come," meaning to say that the prophecy had not been fulfilled, to which the seer replied "Aye, Caesar; but not gone." This meetin
  7. He too is an old man, just as the last pope was very old when he was elected. At age 76, I don't look for him to be around more than a couple years.
  8. my point exactly...those who remain calm and diversify their holdings will be able to earn great wealth when all the others panic because they believe a crash coming. Here's a news flash, if you want to become wealthy, do what the wealthy folks do... they don't listen to Fox News, but they do remain calm and they diversify.
  9. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/stock-index-futures-signal-early-103258361.html The oldest U.S. stock market gauge has gained more than 8 percent so far this year, ahead of the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite Index. Nine of its component stocks reached new 52-week highs on a day when nearly 400 stocks hit new yearly highs on the New York Stock Exchange. Many folks on this board see doom and gloom, yet Wall Street is at an all time high... When GWB was in office, the stock market had tanked, now it's at an all time high...hmmmm Maybe there is a correlation between supporters of
  10. Should it be legal then to marry your own sister or daughter? I don't think so...imagine the government outlawing this...oh the humanity! This topic is about gay marriage. Those who oppose it are laughed at and labeled as narrow minded or bigoted, someone on this board tried to even play the race card, well I oppose gay marriage. period. Laugh at me all night long, I still won't change my mind.
  11. Whatever you do, don't disagree with the folks on this board about gay marriage or the moderator will split off your topic and threaten to boot you off for a few days till your attitude changes. :angry2: :angry2: Whatever happened to fair and balanced discussions?
  12. The idiots calling the shots on this board usually edit my remarks or split them off. That won't change my view though. Gay marriage should not be legal. It is unfortunate that there is such a growing stigma attached to arguing against gay marriage. If one is opposed to legalizing gay marriage, it is automatically assumed that the opposition rests on a basis of hate, homophobia, or other such negative motivations. There are, in fact, legitimate, substantive reasons as to why gay marriage should not be legalized. Opposition to gay marriage has such a negative connotation because advoca
  13. I don't even drink, yet I still get stuck picking up beer cans and Krystal boxes out of my yard. :angry2: :angry2:
  14. We're in a mess..... we have The fiscal cliff / economic crisis, we have the decade old war in Afghanistan http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/afghanistan/8812119/War-in-Afghanistan-a-decade-of-conflict.html The US is sending troops and drones to Africa to assist the French battle an uprising in Mali, http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-obama-drone-20130223,0,7202135.story and now the little dic tator Kim in North Korea is threatening destruction of the United States. http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Latest-News-Wires/2013/0223/North-Korea-warns-US-command
  15. I'm not an elitist. I just prefer to shop at local merchants, drug stores, hardware stores, auto repair shops, banks etc. The customer service provided by a local merchant is far superior to Wal-Mart. I mean seriously, do you want your car repaired by an experienced mechanic or one of those Wal-Mart guys? My son went to WalMart on Dallas Hwy for an oil change and it took nearly three hours.... That's crazy!!!! Time is worth more than money. I prefer the service and speed of an experienced pharmacist like Curl's rather than waiting forever at the WalMart pharmacy where they keep you
  16. I refuse to shop at Wal-Mart. They suppress workers wages and then wonder why folks have less discretionary spending...duh I would love it if every Wal-Mart in America shut down.
  17. I'd like to meet NC-17, she's funny.
  18. Glad you're doing ok. Take it easy for the next couple of weeks.
  19. When this president took office, you have to admit he inherited a huge mess. (The Dow had crashed, the automakers were broke, the financial institutions were in a crisis, we were being overrun with illegals, we had two wars, our healthcare system was in a mess and the list could go on and on.) Sure America has problems, but I get irked with the quacks on the far-right predicting doom and gloom. On the financial side of things, historically, the stock market does better when a democrat is in The White House. Now on social issues, I strongly disagree with many of issues the democrats have t
  20. The criminals would then target those folks who don't (stink.) Sort of what's happening now. Don'tcha think? If a criminal knows who's carrying a gun, he's less inclined to go after them, instead, the criminal would search for an easier victim, such as a little old lady or someone who walks with a cane. In your scenario, they wouldn't be the ones who smell bad... Have a little fun with your stinky pink gun proposal, but if a criminal breaks into my house, he'll get one of two things...a long winter bellyache or a dirt nap. Just sayin'.
  21. Why is it the places where guns are outlawed (Schools) tend to have mass casualties whenever there is an incident? (Look at Columbine, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook). Instead of outlawing guns at schools and universities, don't you think guns in the hands of responsible citizens at every school and university could have prevented these massacres or at least resulted in far fewer casualties? Whether it's a janitor, administrator, security guard, etc. Only a person with a gun can stop a criminal with a gun. Why do cops carry guns and not pom-pom's? Guns are a deterrent to crime. For example
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