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I'm Floored

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Everything posted by I'm Floored

  1. When I was new to the board, I was shocked that so many people had the same name. They would ask a question, and sign it "TIA". I finally figured out what it meant!
  2. Two people are stuck in an elevator at Regions Bank in downtown Dallas. (You don't hear that on the scanner everyday in Paulding!)
  3. We were jammin' in Zaxby's tonight. My 9 year old said, "What kind of music are they playing?!?!" I replied, "MY kind of music!!!"
  4. I HATE cheese! It makes me sick (really - like throw up kinda sick.) So I'll step out, and play when you pick a different color!
  5. I just sent a note to his mom on FB to tell her about this topic! She'll get a kick out of it!
  6. Oh, I know who you're talking about! He is a great kid - from a great family! (I'm officially "old" though, 'cause in my mind, he's like 10!)
  7. I listen online, and it is just the county traffic. It won't tell us what's happening in the Dallas city limits.
  8. I am so very sorry for your loss. He was obviously an important part of your life. I can tell, though, that you blessed him greatly, as well, with your friendship. What wonderful memories you must be left with! I pray for peace as you grieve.
  9. Not me! That was NOT my first thought!
  10. Okay, I did it. I looked. As I did, I had the thought, "Wonder who the model was for these." Then I read further to find that you're supposed to take pics of your own, send them in, and allow her to make a CUSTOM pendant/keychain/cell phone danglie thingie, etc. People, I'm not a prude, but there's a reason we don't walk around with our Uh-huhs showing! I mean, if I was gonna wear it around my neck, why even put on pants?
  11. I love how it said this pattern is for the "experienced crocheter". Experienced at what? Somebody has too much time on their hands!
  12. He finally called us back. It was my friend's house, but, thankfully, he had moved not long ago! No one was living there (at least - there wasn't supposed to be.) I hate for a house fire to happen EVER, but thankfully no one was hurt or lost an immediate place to live!
  13. Is anyone nearby who can tell me which house it is? I don't know the numerics, but I have a good friend who lives right there! I'm worried (can't reach him by phone.)
  14. I think they said they were taking him to Floyd Medical. I did hear the Fire responders say they couldn't find any power line fire.
  15. Thanks. I wondered because the first on scene reported "minor to moderate damage."
  16. They just said major damage and vehicle fire, too. Is this for the same call? (Sorry, busy with a customer and missed some traffic.)
  17. Cool! I'll definitely try to make it, although I'll be a little late. I have an appointment tomorrow, so I knew I couldn't do it then. Thanks!
  18. Is it Tuesday (the 10th) or Wednesday (the 11th)? If it's Wednesday, I might be able to come!
  19. I'm just the opposite! I make it a day ahead so I can drink it the next day (or two.) If I'm running low and make a new jug, my boys know to save the "old tea" for Mom!
  20. When Rescue arrived on scene, they asked for a phone number for the mother. They made entry to the room and said they would be working with one patient. They then called for a landing zone at Kroger. Deputies were dispatched to the parking lot. The ambulances must have their own dispatch, because I didn't hear that traffic. To be fair, deputies on scene may have not known that it wasn't an accident. They don't always hear all traffic that goes out. They respond when they are called (like to the LZ.) This man was obviously very ill. His mother couldn't reach him, and said he had
  21. Your friend, his wife and children are all in our prayers. We'll be thinking of you, as well. Thanks for being such a faithful friend to him and for sharing with us.
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