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I'm Floored

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Everything posted by I'm Floored

  1. Whew! I'm not in the same area, but I think I need to make a few phone calls. I'm paying way more than that.
  2. I have the scanner on. I've had to take a few phone calls, so if anything big has happened, I've missed it.
  3. One of my favorite kid stories is this: I was teaching dance. One of the little girls in the second grade came to class very concerned about her school teacher. She said, "Please pray for Mrs. Green. She has New Mexico." By the way, Mrs. Green had pneumonia. But they had been studying the states in geography!
  4. Whoo Hooo! From one (old/former) cheerleader to all of you young whipper-snappers.....way to go! I'm proud of you, and proud to be a Spartan!
  5. My 9 year old and I were playing the "Guess Who?" game earlier. If you're unfamiliar, it's a game with two gameboards. Each one has flip up pictures of about 30 different cartoon faces with names. They each have different traits. Each player draws a card with a picture of one of the characters. Then the players take turns trying to guess the card that the other has. You do this by asking questions to eliminate, such as, "Does your person have facial hair?", "Is your person male?", "Is your person wearing a hat?", etc. It was my son's turn. He asked me, "Is your person a Democrat?"
  6. Dr. Michael Miles is AWESOME! I used him when he was with West Ga Family Medicine, and I transferred to him when he left to begin Lifetime. His nurse practitioner, Erin, is great, too. Dr. Miles is our family doctor. He takes care of everyone in our family, and even handles my "feminine" needs. He is thorough, knowledgeable, and has a great bedside manner. I can't say enough good things about him!
  7. From the scanner earlier: PCSO asked that 120 be shut down between 92 & 360 (Macland) due to the dam about to breach. County engineers and DOT were on scene concerned that 120 would "wash away." This call came out about an hour and a half ago.
  8. From what I've heard on the scanner, I would advise him to stay with his dad. It's too dangerous for anyone to be on the roads, IMO.
  9. No, and we're very concerned about her (and some other friends of ours who are neighbors) too!
  10. We are very blessed. Hearing the scanner, I'm aware that so many people are facing devastation right now. My prayers are with them! We've only had our driveway flooded, but I thought I'd share a few pics. (Nothing else to do, since we're stranded at home, right?!)
  11. Check out post #24. Did she meet this description? Another Panhandler Topic
  12. Mine is a sophomore, so I don't know the seniors, but it was a McCravy girl. She was very elegant!
  13. We left with 4 minutes to go. South was losing 6-0. And it's homecoming.
  14. I don't have a scanner, but I listen online. I haven't heard anything for 3 days now.
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