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I'm Floored

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Everything posted by I'm Floored

  1. I want a Mayberry! Please, please, please.... Hey, but for real....give Georgia Tornado one. She found my son's Christmas present yesterday and brought it to me!!!!
  2. Oooo, oooo, ooooo, me, too! Sorry, I have no hugs of that nature to offer (anybody who knows me knows it's true!) but I've been a good girl ALL YEAR LONG!!!
  3. Sorry. I've NEVER been able to figure it out. I'm sure my followers are wondering what they're following!
  4. I've barely started!!!!! Stop braggin'. It ain't nice!
  5. How fun! That pic on the top right is priceless!
  6. Excuse me while I hijack my own thread....I see you every Saturday morning. I've meant to say hello and introduce myself, just haven't done it yet! ::end hijack::
  7. Earlier today, my 9 year old asked me if I'd like to go sky-diving with him one day. "You bet!" I replied. I've always wanted to jump! He said he thought it would be a lot of fun. I told him I thought so, too, but be forewarned, because his dad didn't want us to do it. He told me that we need to make sure we don't wait until I'm too old. Then he asked me, "What's your expiration date?" Serious as a heart attack, he was!
  8. Georgia Tornado is AWESOME!!! My little boy is going to be SO happy Christmas morning. I just want you all to know....she would not take ANYTHING for her time to do this. She said, "This is what Christmas is about!" I completely agree with her, but I know not everyone would have gone out of their way for a perfect stranger. GT did! Thanks, again!!! :wub:
  9. Yes, you do - and I LOVE you for it!
  10. The PEOPLE of Pcom definitely rock! I can't stop smiling!!! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou....... Thank you for sparing my feelings. I get jealous very easily!
  11. GEORGIA TORNADO IS MY HERO!!! By the way, thanks again to EVERYONE for being more than willing to help me out! I feel so loved!!! :wub:
  12. Dialing now! No go. They are completely sold out. But YOU rock!
  13. You are so sweet! I called, and they, too, only have X-tra small. This may be one of those "learn to deal with disappointment" types of moments! Thank you ALL for your willingness to help my (not so) baby boy!
  14. No larges, either. Most stores only have X-Small. One had Small. But for a 9 year old boy, that's not nearly as cool as the skull, ya know!
  15. I told my husband that! I said, "We can go ahead and buy it, and he can wear it until New Year's." He's not so keen on that idea!
  16. Yeah, I had already checked there. I need a medium.
  17. They don't have it either. But thanks!
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSHevB1QZOM
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cubgWvBfs24 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eocgD_tMx9w
  20. Calling now! Thanks! Thanks for the offer. They're out, too!
  21. Thank you, T. They don't have any, though. My perimeter is expanding though! Who would have thought the cheapest gift he wanted would be the hardest!
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