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I'm Floored

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Everything posted by I'm Floored

  1. Thank you. Don't go out of your way, though, because I found the link with all the store numbers, and I'm not having any luck finding one. But, thanks again!
  2. Is anyone going to be near a Target store (not Hiram or Douglasville) that they could check an item for me? One of the very few items my son has asked for is a skull robe from there. It is black with gray skulls in the boys' dept. The two stores I've checked don't have a medium anymore, and they're sold out online, too. Pretty please?!
  3. I believe in honesty and integrity. It's how I deal with others and how I expect to be treated. I don't like it when people say one thing "behind closed doors", and say they said something else when others are looking.
  4. 1989! Not that it was a big deal and made me remember or anything!
  5. Beach Bum, We will be praying for you and your family as you deal with this loss. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us, and for letting us get to know Maw Maw. She has left an incredible legacy, and her wonderful spirit lives on in you! Lady Raider, Thanks for being such a good friend to BB and for keeping us updated. You Rock! :wub:
  6. If you're at a place with "Free Wi-Fi" there is no charge.
  7. If it's an unsecured website, they can gain access. My 9 year old has a DSi & LOVES it for all the really cool things it does. ALL of our internet access (home & work) is password protected. The first thing I did when the DSi came out of the box was to enable the parental controls. He cannot access the internet anywhere without me putting the password in. Thankfully, he's 9, and doesn't really care about the internet anyway! This is a really good warning for parents who do not know. In this day and age, we have to research every "toy" our children gets!
  8. Please go to the women's only forum! Women's Private Forum
  9. I don't know the mom, but my friend's daughter is in the little boy's class. Send me your info, and I'm sure she will meet you to pick up the clothes! Thanks!!!
  10. I think that is a wonderful & thoughtful present! I will remember that for when mine are on their own! That's a great gift, too!
  11. My mom lives 2 minutes away. We see each other several times a week. My dad lives in Tennessee, so I don't get to see him nearly enough. We were reunited about 3 years ago, so I desperately wish I could spend more time with him. We have a lot to catch up on.
  12. Thank you for keeping us updated. BB and her family are in my prayers. They are WONDERFUL people, and I know she loves her grandmother very much! Let us know when you know and how we can help!
  13. I forgot about your profile. It gets me everytime!!!
  14. Okay, let's not turn this into a religious thread! For the record, I don't believe that people who cuss are going to hell. I love Jesus more than I could ever express here, and I have said a curse word (or two) in my lifetime. I don't do it often. I find it to be demeaning to myself and others around me. I'm not judging those who do choose to cuss - for whatever reason. JUST DON'T DO IT AROUND MY KID!!!
  15. Sent you a PM. I looked at your profile. You crack me up. You look GOOD for your age!
  16. Only because this is the "selfish" thread: A dining room suite Barstools for my kitchen Blinds for the garage & basement Area rug for my keeping room & a NEW CAR! But I should probably expect a peck on the cheek, a card, and to enjoy my time picking up the wrapping paper and doing dishes and laundry.
  17. I freaked out when I read this. It's VERY close to my parents' home!
  18. Just a note...if you want to get some stuff, don't get for the boy. A friend of mine whose daughter is in the little boy's class is coming by to pick up some stuff that my son has outgrown. I have LOTS of clothes for him!
  19. Mine, too! See, I KNEW we were really sisters!
  20. I hate hearing stories like this. Not only has she done irreparable damage to the man, but for REAL victims, she has made it harder for them to get the help they need!
  21. The password is ON (all caps.) A man committed suicide. It was really sad. His wife called police. They arrived, and started looking all over for him. Another lady called in to say that someone was slumped against a tree in the cul-de-sac with blood coming from his mouth. She thought he had a gun in his hand. It was too late to save him.
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