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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. I guess the solution would be for a member to take the minute or so every week to track down old polls and report them. The best part is if the poll is still open, you can now 'delete your answer' and re-answer, allowing a true poll-troll to continue bumping an open poll to the top of recent topics.
  2. I'm OK with a juror earning some money as long as they did their job properly. Here's what's disgusting: Casey Anthony Can Earn Millions From Media, Hollywood
  3. I know someone who was juror in a similar trial - it was not a murder but one where they had to find the defendant not guilty because the prosecutor did not make a case and left too many questions open. It made them sick. They knew the person was guilty of something, but probably not with the crime they were charged with.
  4. Tie her key to her purse with a long bungee. If she locks her purse in the car, make her walk home.
  5. I know it's frustrating trying to get a woman to change her habits. Can you ask her to keep a spare key in her purse? Of course after she uses it, instead of simply slipping it back in her purse, she'll toss it on the console.
  6. The actual quote from is Ben Franklin who said "If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some."
  7. There is such a variety of brands, features and price ranges, I suggest you go to at least 3 or 4 stores before you decide. Even if you think you'll be buying a used one, it will help you decide what you really want. Another thing is the size. Many think they want to get 'party' hot tubs that will handle 8 or more, but unless you're planning a lot of hot tub parties, don't go that big. Not only are these more expensive, but the upkeep is much higher in chemicals, etc. If most of the time, it will be used by 2 or 3 folks, look at those designed for 4-6 max. This gives enough room to be
  8. I don't believe you answered the question that was asked. It was what happens to an American who's found to be in Mexico illegally. What if you were questioned by the police and didn't have your visa with you? What if you sneaked across the border without paperwork and were caught later? What would the Mexican authorities do to you?
  9. If if looks like a duck, acts like a duck and sounds like a duck, it's probably a duck even if it's in denial and believes it's a chicken. Meanwhile, in other related news from Great Britain: 100,000 terminally ill 'do not get proper palliative care'
  10. I believe they're going to loose more revenues from lost income taxes (due to lost jobs) than they ever would have gotten from the sales tax.
  11. The correct answer to "What's your problem?" is "You running into me. Pay attention next time."
  12. Right now, the doctors can negotiate with the insurance carriers and decide not to accept a carriers patients if they can't come to an agreement. As we've seen in the past, if enough doctors opt out, the insurance carriers will quickly come to an agreement. Under the government's plan, the doctors will have no choice but to accept what the government dictates.
  13. I guess a fair question would be if you started having more 'moments' and tended to play in traffic on a major highway, yelling at cars and threatening small children -- would you want your loved ones to let you be? Or would you expect them to help bring you in and do what's necessary keep you safe?
  14. They'd just sue you over the injuries, and sadly, they'd probably win.
  15. I was just able to log on with no problems. One idea - they've changed their site, so make sure you're typing the link (www.att.com) and not using a bookmark.
  16. Probably because some are so form fitting, the girls may as well be wearing paint. The same can apply to words across their chest. It's one thing to have a school name or initials that can be scanned in a split second. It's quite another to have a complete sustenance that takes a few seconds to read. Fortunately, my girls are all very modest in their dress. They're even picky about finding swimsuits to wear in our backyard pool.
  17. You're assuming everyone knows what you're asking about. Time for a good sales pitch.
  18. If ethanol were really a good thing, it would survive without subsidies. Some day a good alternative form of energy will be found, and it won't be found using government money, just good old American ingenuity. Until then, we're finding more oil all the time. We just need to untie the hands of oil companies so they can go get it. Make them responsible for cleaning up and paying for any mishaps, but the current over regulation is killing the industry.
  19. If the predictions of the second Maunder Minimum come true, we'll be doing all we can to create Co2 to increase food production in a shorter growing season. Of course, the warming alarmists will still insist the Sun has nothing to do with the temperature of the earth.
  20. It's not the easiest place to get in and out of any time of day. That and the cheaper stations nearby are probably what did it in.
  21. Just because a judge rules something does not make it so. That decision was based on bad science.
  22. The problem with your arguments is, regardless of what the scare mongers claim, CO2 is NOT air pollution. You create it with every breath you take and release it with every beer, soda or bottle champagne you open. SCOTUS based their decision on bad science.
  23. I'm wondering - as far as carbon goes, one camel probably equals 1000 chickens. There are millions more human raised chickens that there are camels, so they must be a huge contributor to the problem. They also need to shut down the internet!
  24. Also, if Pubby seriously believes that CO2 is bad, he should be shutting down P.com: Could the Net be killing the planet one web search at a time?
  25. This is a serious item in the news and nobody in the "we're killing our plant" crowd wants to comment? I wonder how much carbon can be 'saved' if we were to outlaw chicken raising? Those flocks have to put out a lot of CO2.
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