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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Which means their costs will go up, resulting in higher prices.
  2. Won't that be interesting. Everyone planning to go to their 'favorite' liquor store on Sunday, only to find it closed.
  3. Thank y'all for the ideas. The next time they call, I'll try and find out who the debt is with and contact them. It seems they keep farming it out to different collection agencies, so blocking each one will probably take a long time. After trying to find that out, I'm going to give the 2 numbers I came up with. Maybe they'll actually find the person.
  4. Every state has different laws governing who can sell liquor.
  5. They don't have to. They'll just lose any potential Sunday sales to the competition.
  6. I'm sure someone will tell us why this is a good thing, but I have to wonder if this means using fire ant killer on an ant mound is the same as genocide?
  7. I think they debt is being passed from one collection agency to another, meaning each time it's a different company calling and threats/letters/etc won't help in the long term. ---- Over lunch I tracked down different numbers for the person they're trying to contact (or his father with the same name) and will start giving them to the callers. Hopefully when the actual family starts getting bugged, they'll stop. I'm not going to give out his name because it's probably his son they're looking for. If I understand correctly, the p.commer is a III and the son is a IV.
  8. That's not an option when you could be getting work related calls from all over. (Imagine if Subby refused to answer unknown callers.)
  9. You're contradicting yourself. In one post you want everyone to give up their personal vehicles, in the next you want everyone to drive to a park and ride. You can't have both! You didn't answer my scenario, you changed it to be something you could answer. Try again: What was your answers to: (Just for Paulding County) My answer, NOT just for Paulding County. I just want answers for PC to see how you see it working. It can be extrapolated from there. How many buses we would need? I don't know, I think this would depend on the demand. My guess is at least one hundred - just
  10. Noooooooooooooooo!!! Say it ain't so!!!
  11. This is our land line - We've had it 25+ years. Changing it is not an option.
  12. We've been getting the calls for a couple of years. It's just that in the past year or so that I realized I recognized the name. It could be that the person (or their son) put down our number on a loan they took out years ago, and it's been jumping from collection agency to collection agency. Each one promised to take our number off the list, but I still get calls every couple of months. That's one of the problems. They look like they're coming from local numbers. Will that work when it jumps between collection agencies? Not really stressing as much as annoyed.
  13. If I don't specifically tell them they have the wrong number, they just call back right away.
  14. I've been getting (I assume-collection) calls at my home number for year for a person who I don't know. I've had this number for around 25 years, so it's not a prior resident. I tell them I don't know the person, and they were never at this number, but that doesn't stop the calls. About a year ago, I realized I recognized the name - from P.com. It's not their screen name, but they have a somewhat unique name. I contacted that person and they thought it was probably for their son (who is a III or IV), and told me to just say the person is dead - a lie. That didn't work. I'm still gettin
  15. What percentage of the population will it be a viable option for? -- How many unproductive man-hours will be lost by people waiting for and riding your shuttle buses?
  16. What was your answers to: (Just for Paulding County) How many buses we would need? Where would they pick people up at, their drive or do they have to walk in the weather to the front of their subdivision? How often would they run? 15 minutes? 1/2 hour? Every hour? What can we expect to pay? --- One example under your scenario - Let's say I need to take one kid to the ballpark for practice and another to dance class, then pick up groceries for supper. Here's how it would work. - We'd walk the 1/2 mile to the front of the subdivision and wait for the shuttle - Ride the shu
  17. Over the years, I've asked you to define how it would work in the suburbs. I don't recall a viable answer. Let's say everyone gave up their car. What system would you put in place so they could get to work and to the grocery store?
  18. The only way public transportation is going to work is if everyone moves into the city. Are you willing to lead the way by moving into an apartment in a major city? Do you see the rest of the country abandoning the suburbs and moving into crowded cities?
  19. Don't you remember - during the campaign he told us all we had to do was check the air pressure in our tires and we would save a lot of gas.
  20. If a neighbor calls the FD on you and the first question you're asked is did you get a permit, your number should be proof.
  21. On the other hand, if you believe oil and coal are strictly from fossils - it would have taken an awful lot of dead dinosaurs (and plants) to create the amount of crude thats still being discovered.
  22. The hole in the ozone layer has been shown to be a naturally occurring process that we have little, if any impact on.
  23. They automatically record your number after you listen to the message. I guess that serves as your permit.
  24. All it takes is one bartender not following the rules when they clean up at night. The only option I can see for the restaurant is to either stop buying in bulk containers and only serve from manufacturer bottles, or to have someone taste every non-alcoholic drink that's poured from a bottle before serving. Small 1/2 oz plastic tasting cups would be sufficient.
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