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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. The only question is, have they fixed the quality? Just in case, keep your paperwork and at the first sign of it tearing up call them again asking for a refund.
  2. Who is planning on coming?
  3. I believe this proves the 'occupy America' crowd is racist.
  4. In most scenarios, the power can be expected to be out months or more likely years. This is not just fantasy. A government report on the effects of an EMP pulse was published. The problem is, it was published the same day the report from the 9/11 commission came out and it was all but ignored. One thing we're overlooking is how far would you have to walk before you're in an area with game or fish, remembering that hundreds would either be trying for the same areas. Refrigerators and coolers won't work, so you will need to be able to preserve almost everything. Then there's the mat
  5. Imagine Walmarts and other stores running out of food and medications after 1 day and not being able to get any from the warehouse because transportation is affected. Imagine also the first day making your way to the store and finding everything being cash only because all communications are down. This is assuming law and order are still in effect.
  6. This post has nothing to do with the topic at hand. How long do you think you would last if food was no longer available at the stores?
  7. I just got done reading (actually listening to) a book called One Second After by Bill Forstchen. http://www.onesecondafter.com/ It is a well researched piece of fiction, and deals with what most likely would happen after an EMP attack. This is something that could very easily happen. I recommend this book if you want a picture of what could really happen if we lost all electrical systems, whether it be via an EMP attack or Solar Magnetic Storm.
  8. A valid question. It was not juried. It's put on by the Dallas Fine Arts Association and takes it's name from that.
  9. The church is on 120 between Macland and 92. It runs from 9:00 until 4:00 on Saturday, Oct 15. The form I have says the fee is $25.00 and the contact info is in the first post.
  10. Who is that ugly guy? Great pictures MillCreek! --- --- --- Everyone - I'll be at Hope Church next weekend.
  11. Folks, If last year was any indication, this one is well worth doing. I'll be there with my WoodCrafts!
  12. I hope everyone can come out today. It looks like the weather will be fantastic!
  13. The hand painted trees are $12.00 They come apart and lay flat for storage.
  14. Didn't you post this exact same thing a month or two ago?
  15. Thank You. Here's a not so good picture of the back table.
  16. Cherish the moments - they grow up fast!
  17. Where's TBAR and his inside information on the tunnels when you need him?
  18. Doesn't he know that running down a slide is dangerous?
  19. I don't care for pumpkin pie. Especially now after seeing the picture of how they're made!
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