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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Why are you making stuff up? Nowhere do you show where the Cobb county case has anything to do with Stand your Ground laws. The only place these two cases are related is in your mind.
  2. The one on Dallas Highway at the Wal*mart get knocked down fairly often also.
  3. The worst part is he often sees opposing views as personal attacks. Other times it's like trying to hold a debate with a two year old.
  4. Do you get the feeling like I do that he actually believes trickle down means he should stand with his hands out and the money will 'trickle down' without having to do anything?
  5. That is sad news. I enjoyed him in The Finder.
  6. While I'm glad things are working out for you, I can't help but wonder what is says about the overall state of the country when the reason you're doing better is that the sales of alcohol are up?
  7. I thought he was already tried and found guilty in the liberal press and in the minds of progressives across the country.
  8. I don't know. I think I'll wait until the zombies are at the door before I give it any serious thought.
  9. Anyone living in the flood plain below a dam should have long ago considered what they would take if they had to evacuate on short notice.
  10. I thought the past 3.5 years were based on nothing but Instant Gratification - going by the names Hope and Change.
  11. The article talks about Ga ports, but it looks like a strike would involve the entire east coast.
  12. I imagine the doors came as a kit with the holes pre-drilled. The person installing the posts put them in upside down, and the door hinges were just lined up with the holes. In other words, the instructions weren't printed in enough languages and the workers couldn't read them. They don't have privacy doors back home, so they didn't see anything wrong.
  13. One reason gas prices are higher in Metro Atlanta is the EPA requires a special 'boutique' blend be sold that contains some expensive additives. I'm not sure how far out this requirement extends, but outside of the area, the additives aren't required.
  14. Am I reading right that these charges were brought against a pre-teen who as also sent to jail?
  15. The problem is when the only guideline is "It's simple - if anyone suspects child abuse, they should report it immediately" there is no room for asking anyone about it. The mindset is to turn it over to the 'professionals' and let them do their job. I guess what I'm saying the standard should be more that an untrained person 'suspecting' something.' If they have proof, report it. If they 'suspect' every kid they see with a bruise or broken arm was abused, doesn't help anyone.
  16. I guess what you're saying is the person who saw the child with the Mongolian Spot and reported it as abuse to DFACS, resulting in the child being taken from the parent's custody and the parents being put through hell getting it straightened out was justified? They 'suspected' abuse and made the call, just like you said. Would every person who saw the spot be justified in calling DFACS because they 'suspect' it to be a bruise resulting from abuse, with no other supporting evidence.
  17. When you give blood, one of the questions is if you want to be notified if any abnormality are found. If I'm reading this right, it seems the simple answer would be to include the same question on the initial questionnaire filled out by the subjects.
  18. That might be what they're supposed to do. It doesn't prevent them from calling DFACS directly every time they see a child with a bruise.
  19. I have to ask this - How is a company supposed to know a phone number is a cell phone before calling it?
  20. Everyone has different ideas of what good pizza is. I was in Chicago once and ate at one of the famous deep-dish pizza joints. I was looking forward to a treat, but was greatly disappointed. It was the blandest pizza I've ever had. The sauce may as well of been unseasoned tomato sauce, and the sausage just tasted like ground pork.
  21. At what point does the system get overwhelmed with 'suspected' cases and cases where untrained volunteers report something 'just in case'? At what point does the system stop working for kids truly in need because the number of frivolous cases that need followed up on are too great.
  22. It's still sad, but he apparently had a brain tumor: Top Gun' Director Tony Scott Had Inoperable Brain Cancer
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