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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. He already told us he worked for 50 years and all he has to show for it is his Social Security.
  2. Did they specify Paulding County? I imagine there's a number of Northside Elementary schools in metro Atlanta.
  3. We were promised it would never happen!
  4. I have no idea what "Your Link" says, but often the first impression is a person's name. Both first and last. It's not surprising it has an impact on your standing.
  5. Where does bridges and dams come into having a business? He wrapped those government built things around the following words: "If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen." How clearer could he have been?
  6. It's NOT a cut in healthcare insurance costs, it's a cut in expected/planned/budgeted future costs.
  7. One problem I see is if it does make it's way back to the US, how long will it take to diagnose it? Most doctors haven't ever seen a case and because it's all but wiped out, Polio won't even be on the doctor's radar. This means there will be a lot of other tests before they check for polio. In that time, how many more who haven't been vaccinated will be infected? The same applies to many other diseases that have been made very rare in this country due to vaccinations.
  8. Costs going UP by 2.2% = Decrease in costs???
  9. Or at least lost it's fluid and deflated.
  10. I saw them at Aldi's. IIRC, they were under $3.00
  11. This is nothing new. Never leave oil soaked rags in a pile because they can spontaneously combust. Either put them in a metal can, or hang them individually.
  12. Y'all got it backwards. He spent $7.2 trillion and created 1.03 jobs.
  13. What the press refused to report was Quayle was given a flash-card with POTATOE on it. He was helping with a spelling bee and was set-up from the beginning.
  14. There you go responding like a 2 year old again.
  15. Is that the same video you posted a few weeks ago? Why did you post it again instead of going back to the original topic? And that 'report card' has been debunked so many times you should be embarrassed for insisting on bringing it up over and over and over and over and over like a 2 year old does when they want something.
  16. The Solyndra loan may have been stared under the Bush administration, but the load was also DENIED by the Bush administration.
  17. I thought maybe the first post was from a phone and the others from a computer.
  18. Judging by his original post, TP would give the guy a nickle and expect him to go happily on his way.
  19. I just might buy tickets to see that.
  20. Still nothing to do with the topic. Edison was like the liberals of today - he knew that AC could be dangerous, and wanted to protect people from it. Telsa knew DC was impractical for mass distribution, leaving AC was the only way to efficiently transmit current any distance.
  21. Please explain to us exactly what this has to do with the topic?
  22. Think what it would be like if 2 like George Soros got together for coffee. He nearly single-handedly brought down the British government by manipulating their currency. It's no secret he wants to turn our country socialist. Imagine if he had like-minded help from a wealthy friend.
  23. He was fairly big. I think a young Red Tailed Hawk is probably right. I did find pics of a young bald eagle that looked similar, but the hawk is closer.
  24. I came home the other day to find this guy sitting in the front yard guarding it's prize of a rabbit. Can anyone help ID it? The best I was able to come up with was a young bald eagle, which would be kinda cool.
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