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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Stephen Hawking is a climate scientist?
  2. It looks like India. This is a temple where they feed rats: http://thewildones.faketrix.com/picture-22-wild-animals-feeding-rats-milk-in-India.htm
  3. The only global warming mentioned in that piece is a poll of Americans. Here's a list of scientists and others who do and do not believe the Hurricane was cause by GW: Reality check: Who believes Hurricane Sandy was/was not caused by global warming? Please note the credentials when looking at the list.
  4. People are assuming it's the parents or family that drove this. I would suggest that it isn't the people in her life talking about the election that led to this. The girl is in Colorado - a swing state. Every other commercial on TV and radio is a political ad about one candidate or another. You can't get away from it unless you turn off both TV and radio for the duration - it's enough to drive a sane adult crazy. Then add the NPR spin discussion and she finally had enough.
  5. As long as it's Oct 31st, the time of day doesn't matter in Paulding County for ToT.
  6. Where I grew up, the town council set the official date and time for Trick-or-Treat. They didn't change Halloween, they set the time children would dress up and go door to door begging candy. Nobody thought it was odd or strange. In fact, it was nice to have an official start and cut-off time.
  7. I wonder what the wait will be at around 5:00 today?
  8. Maybe they just ran out of bread and milk and decided to send everyone home.
  9. I think some may have seen the post made by the site pest pet as am attempt to turn this political. --- It's humbling to realize that something that takes man years to build can be leveled by the forces of nature in a brief few minutes.
  10. From: http://trunkortreat.homestead.com/
  11. Leave it to TP to support the only puppet in America that's both on welfare and a millionaire. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Hollywood/2012/10/05/Dishonest-PBS-and-its-Millionaire-Muppets
  12. Had she given simple straight forward answers to the questions to begin with, most of the criticism wouldn't have happened. Someone was concerned with the expenses for the buses because they've been told the school transportation budget was tight. The answer to that should have been that the event paid the school system for the buses. How hard would that have been? She's the one who presented herself as the representative of the air show on P.com. What's wrong with asking a few simple questions?
  13. Laurie, Out of curiosity, what was the percentage of pre-sales vs at the gate? As far as next year, they really need to work on the advertising. The only place I heard about it was here. I wonder how many Paulding residents never heard about it at all?
  14. The whole thing about the buses could have been dealt quickly and easily within the first few posts by simply saying the expenses for the buses were paid for by xxxxxxx. Instead all kind of non-answers have been given. -- As far as the McDonalds thing, the $15.00 gate fee is closer to the local mid-scale restaurants. The comparison should have never been made.
  15. I started by offering a simple solution to resolve valid questions people were asking. Unfortunately too many look at those asking questions as being nay-sayers. That simple question was this - how much tax money was spent on this event? Notice there's no judgement in that question. Your continued lack of response, buried in hundreds of words, make me wonder what really is going on. You do make it obvious that the planners fell down big time on publicity. And you never did answer my question concerning the statement you posted about McDonalds
  16. All I did was offer a suggestion on how to alleviate some folk's well founded concerns. The questions I posed should be a matter of public record and right up P.Com's area of expertise to investigate and report on. Instead, you make it sound like someone wants to cover up how much tax money went into this thing. What's wrong with asking who paid for the buses when they've been told that there isn't money in the budget to cover otherwise normal expenses? It's great that the same employees facing furloughs are getting overtime, but what's wrong with asking if that overtime was paid for
  17. I'll send my kids at around 1:00 am. I know They'll want to get in a full 24 hours of trick or treating.
  18. The OP didn't ask about Halloween, she asked about Trick or Treat. Not always the same thing. It will be the 31st in Paulding County, but if you live in other areas of the country, check with your local government.
  19. We're in tough economic times. People are seeing what appears to be huge government expenses in the form of overtime and other expenses to put on an entertainment event. When we're being told there isn't enough money for normal expenses (i.e. the school buses) and employees are forced to take furlough days, these are reasonable concerns. I think it can be resolved if someone would undertake getting the answers to a few simple questions - How much time/material/etc. was donated? How much of the costs were paid for by the gate fees and other fees? How much unreimbursed expenses di
  20. Paulding is not one of the many communities across the nation where the local leaders determine the day and hours for Trick-or-Treat. In fact, many folks here can't fathom that local governments all over do so and they get upset and insulting at the very thought of beggars night not being on Halloween itself. It's safe to say people will be out on the 31st.
  21. http://www.pauldingairshow.net/purchase-tickets/ I was thinking of taking the grandkids until I saw the prices. Unfortunately it would cost a little too much $$ right now.
  22. But there is a per-person entry fee.
  23. Obama/Biden: 201 Romney/Ryan: 206 Source: Battle for White House
  24. In Paulding county, it will be on Oct 31st. If you are in another area of the county, check with the local government, because many of them officially set the date and time for Trick-or-Treat. Believe it or not, the locals don't complain because they're not changing the date for Halloween, they're setting the window for beggars night.
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