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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. You support giving your tax money to millionaires because they appear to be in the business of educating children rather than getting rich off of tax money. They probably make enough money off of royalties to support the show if they were forced to.
  2. You're still supporting a multi-millionaire puppet?
  3. Was it a high-speed chase where they got everyone when they stopped the car, or a high speed chase where the perps jumped out, ran and had to be tracked down? Also - Putting a school on lock down is probably pretty easy - a phone call from the right person based on something that might be happening in the area. Releasing that lock down would by it's nature be a little more involved. The appropriate decision makers would have to confirm to their satisfaction that whatever triggered the lock down was indeed resolved and there is no longer a danger to the students.
  4. And were are you located? I just need 10 or 20 pieces or so for smoking meat.
  5. I see you avoided answering the question and tried to make it about the person who asked rather than the topic itself.
  6. Especially since he told us himself he knows how to mooch off the NYT website himself.
  7. For the culinarily inclined, there are a lot of recipes for Buffalo Chicken Macaroni and Cheese on the 'net.
  8. Pre-computerized cars may run, but where will you find fuel?
  9. No. Even without an active computer connected on your end, they are still communicating with the routers at the other end.
  10. Leaving a computer on 24/7 isn't going to damage a router.
  11. A good start is by nobody allowing you to tell them what to do, how to act or how to vote. Of course, you'll probably get mad that someone's standing up, speaking out, and talking back to you. IIRC, TP's drink of choice is Drambuie.
  12. You must of read something else. It was suggested earlier that you need to stop doing that.
  13. I was thinking more in terms of a catastrophic disaster, such as a few high level EMPs going off, or huge solar flare that takes out (i.e. destroys) most things electrical. I saw that they're releasing the remake of that in a few weeks. It takes place in Washington State and the North Koreans are the bad guys.
  14. No tin foil hats - sostudents at MIT have found they act as antennas/amplifiers!
  15. Do you intend to follow the rules of the site or not?
  16. In the case of most instant catastrophic events there won't be any mass communications so, people won't know what happened. They'll know there was no electricity, phones will be out and their cars won't run. The water and natural gas lines will quickly run dry, but they will have no idea what caused it.
  17. BTW - just because I can watch youtube videos on my device doesn't mean I will. Also - the survey is flawed because it forces people without either a a cell phone or a tablet to answer 'no' to the related question about being able to read QR codes.
  18. This reminds me of a book I read last year - One Second After by Wm R Forstchen. It gives you an idea of what life would be like if all most all modern conveniences were gone. I do believe most of us are not prepared for that situation. One part most don't consider is that you must not only be prepared to take care of yourself and family, you must be prepared to kill to defend them.
  19. Is this supposed to make any sense at all? Is there anyone who can interpret?
  20. In other words, you are publicly promising to continue to not follow the rules the owner of this site has established by starting clearly political topics in the wrong forum. Mature adults are capable of following the rules. 2 year olds are not. Which are you?
  21. True if you owned the site. Since you don't own the site, you don't have the right to do whatever you wish. You must post within the rules the owner(s) have clearly spelled out.
  22. I predict he'll start a political topic and it will get moved. he'll start another identical topic, it will also get moved. Then he'll complain that nobody want's to hear the real truth and he's being picked on.
  23. Create as survey that asks folks what they know about topics discussed on NPR and of course NPR listeners are going to know the answers. Ask those same folks about topics discussed on FOX (such as what really caused the Benghazi attack) and see how informed they really are.
  24. If it's a publicly held company, it must be announced publicly.
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