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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN), requires larger employers to give workers 60 days' notice before a plant closing or mass layoff, so yes, this is normal.
  2. The fastest way to refresh is to press F5.
  3. And by what authority did he promise that the Federal Government would pick up the costs of any fines or other expenses resulting in the breaking of the law?
  4. Anyone who is coherent enough to vote should also be coherent enough to understand it's their personal responsibility to make the arrangements necessary (within the law) to vote. They should also be able to understand that if they failed to make those arrangements, no matter the reason or circumstances, it's their own fault. Expecting others to bend over backwards to get a ballot in your hands is selfish and unreasonable.
  5. If it's the one I read about earlier, it's clearly an edited video. Watch how the finger 'jumps' every time the vote changes.
  6. I'm sorry your mom is in the hospital and not able to vote. Your idea is an interesting one, but it is a lot bigger task than you may think. First, the administrators would (probably) need to be sworn in for each and every county and city their patients might come from. They would need access to the specific local ballots for each of those districts. They would need to be able to verify the patient is registered in the district they say they're in, and that they haven't already voted, and that they get the exact right ballot for their home district. They then would need t
  7. In other words, you wrote a pure opinion piece based on your beliefs, not facts.
  8. Haven't y'all learned by now - Obama never lies. What he says today is the absolute truth, no matter what he said yesterday. If he says something different tomorrow, that will be the absolute truth, negating whatever he said today. Se no lies - just an ever changing evolving version of what's true.
  9. You think this is bad - you ain't seen nothin' yet: Post-election flood of ‘Obamacare’ rules expected
  10. I heard Fred's is opening another location.
  11. I'm sure Pubby will spin up here shortly to explain why every reporter worth their salt isn't pursuing the demands the WH made for these companies to break the law while promising to cover any and all fines. As far as the number potential of Lockheed layoffs, I'm sure they have to go with the worst case scenario - if funding is cut 100%, they won't be able to employ most of their folks for any length of time.
  12. You actually believed him when he made that promise? -- Remember the game we used to play as kids - where you would say the opposite of what you really mean? Everyone should realize by now that Obama's been playing that game for years. Obamacare will NOT cost the middle class Obamacare will REDUCE the cost of healthcare In other areas, he promised to: REDUCE the deficit Will have the most TRANSPARENT administration in history He WILL be there for the storm victims.
  13. In related news: 'Million Puppet March' Falls 999,400 Short...
  14. Are we using more than the earth produces? http://freeenergynews.com/Directory/Theory/SustainableOil/
  15. It's surprising how many liberals are wanting to GIVE more tax money to a multimillionaire puppet.
  16. I don't see anything that couldn't be found with google then translated into Canadian.
  17. Some students at MIT had too much time and equipment on their hand recently so they did an experiment with tin-foil hats. They found that the tinfoil actually amplified signals rather than block them: Researchers Prove Tin Foil Hats Boost Receptivity To Government Signals For those who don't like titles on their links: My link
  18. Talking about how much of the world's supply of oil we've used - some interesting reading is on the Abiotic Oil Theory. A google search on the term will give many different sites. Here's a good summary: Source: http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/on-energy/2011/09/14/abiotic-oil-a-theory-worth-exploring The problem is most of the world was taught that oil comes from dead dinosaurs and plants, so even getting funding for research into something like this is difficult. Also, the very ideal that Oil might be a renewable resource is something that would make any good lefty's hea
  19. They can't even accurately tell us the exact average temperature last year. Another thing I'm surprised nobody's brought up is sea level rise. Unfortunately, Nasa revealed recently that they haven't even been able to measure that with any degree of accuracy. They're proposing another satellite to correct the problems: Finally: JPL intends to get a GRASP on accurate sea level and ice measurements For those who don't like to have titles on their articles: My link
  20. Good try, but the second decomposition started, you were producing Co2 again.
  21. Yes, we do need to be diligent about what we're putting into our environment. The problem is that many scientists don't believe CO2 is the pollution that warmists say it is. It is a natural plant food and very important to the cycle of life. I challenge anyone who believes CO2 is a pollution to go 10 minutes without producing any, then report back.
  22. Does anyone else find it interesting that this prolific leftwing poster doesn't know who Neal Bortz is - specially since she's posting on a board intended mostly for a metro Atlanta community? Secondly, that S/He hopes Bortz is wrong about 0bama winning?
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