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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. What you're saying is if we in region 1 passes it, but the Metro Atlanta region doesn't, the state will raise fuel taxes anyway. That means we'll be paying both TSPLOST and higher fuel taxes. No Thanks.
  2. Are you trying to tell us that I-75 is not an express way? When did Rome do away with their public transit? What about the 25% to be given to the local governments for 'discretionary' spending for items NOT ON THE LIST?
  3. I misunderstand your first post. It makes it sound like the BOE was dictating all organizations that have their own 'annual backpack program', including churches, give the supplies to them to be distributed by them. Thanks for reminding everyone that help is needed.
  4. Thanks - I had missed that. It's still an organization cooperating with the BOEs and schools, and not like the OP's statement that it goes DIRECTLY to the BOE for distribution.
  5. For the last few years, West Ridge Church has put on 'A Fresh Hope' where they put together thousands of back backs for those in need, and are doing it again this year. I don't see how the BOE could ask those be given to them to be handed out rather than by the organization that provides them. (The only exception MIGHT bee if they see a lot of instances where on kid/family gets stuff from a lot of different organizations and many others with nothing, they they might ask the organizations to cooperate with each other to be sure everyone is served.)
  6. Two questions - who told you that, and what will prevent the churches from passing out items directly to those in need?
  7. Yes, in almost every other way, Paulding is part of Metro Atlanta. This topic is about TSPLOST in Paulding County. The point is passing TSPLOST in Paulding will do nothing to help the traffic in Metro Atlanta.
  8. You're right about the mass transit. I'm still against if for the rest of my reasons, and I'll add another. By law, 25% of the money will be GIVEN to the local governments for currently UNIDENTIFIED discretionary spending? From the Final Investment List Report: Who gets how much will be calculated using a formula based on total paved miles of road *(80%) and population (20%), and not where it was collected.
  9. We are NOT in Metro Atlanta as far as TSPLOST is concerned. Not a penny collected will help to reduce the commute into Cobb, Fulton, Douglas or other 'metro Atlanta' counties.
  10. Paulding County voting YES wouldn't help the Metro Atlanta traffic at all. By law, not a penny would go to help Metro Atlanta traffic.
  11. I guess I don't like it because of a number of reasons. 1) When someone says the money 'stays here' that means in the region. We have no control how much of our money stays in Paulding and how much goes to other areas in the region. Here's a list of the projects we would be competing with to have funded: http://www.dot.ga.gov/localgovernment/FundingPrograms/transreferendum/Documents/ProjectList/Northwest%20GA.pdf 2) We are not in the Metro Atlanta region, so those of us who commute won't see much benefit if we pass it and metro Atlanta doesn't. 3) Too much of the money will be gi
  12. Lawyers usually frown on their clients talking about an ongoing case to the press or in public, so maybe his lawyer finally told him to shut up about it publicly.
  13. After reading the ruling, it sounds like their attorney screwed up big time.
  14. Senator Harry Reed wants to burn the uniforms and have the athletes perform nude except for a hand-painted symbol: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/07/lawmakers-want-made-in-china-u-s-olympic-uniforms-burned/
  15. markdavd


    I remember when Dish had the same problem with contract negotiations and many customers switched to DirectTV because 'they would never let it get that far'
  16. The way the law is written every county in the region will be competing for a slice from the entire region. I believe that in the end, the I-75 corridor would see the lions share of the Region 1 money, and we might get one or two projects as a token. No thanks.
  17. The way the law is written, 100% of the money collected in Paulding can be spent along the I-75 corridor in N. Georgia. There's no way anyone in their right mind should agree to that. Let the Metro Atlanta region pass it. We'll get more benefits from that than we would our own region.
  18. Can you tell us what percentage of money collected in Paulding will be spent in Paulding?
  19. Add to that many companies that don't want to hire someone overqualified out of fear they will bail as soon as the economy picks up.
  20. I've seen too many IT job postings where the list of qualifications is so specific they'll never find the person they want. It seems they're willing to go without rather than hire someone who knows most it and train them on the rest.
  21. You're saying he came up with the idea on his own and the state legislature went along?
  22. I'm stuck on the allegation that they WANT us to stand in line for 7 hours. I thought the whole enhanced ID thing was forced on the states by the Federal Government. If so, contact Obama and others at the Federal level instead of the folks at the state level.
  23. Yes. In fact, the doors still have handles with the logo on them.
  24. IIRC, when I signed up for the $37, it was for one year. If so, it makes sense if it returns to the 'regular' rate when the year is up. The fact that they will gladly reduce the rate if asked is a plus.
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