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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. You're right. The temptation to see what kind of outrageous thing he comes up with next is too much. BTW - where did I use the word HATE? It's also entertaining to see how he responds to those to Stand up, speak out, and talk back to him. Finally, it's interesting to see how much he gets away with here that most would be banned for.
  2. He's ignored because after reading the same thing multiple times, people still can't figure out what he's trying to say. It's not bad grammar, it's writing that wouldn't make sense even with the best grammar and perfect spelling. If it's not that, it's because he repeats the same thing over and over and over and over for months on end.
  3. Every time I try to understand what you write. What you write might make sense in your head, but it usually looses something between there and the keyboard.
  4. This is the state responding to a FEDERAL requirement. They wouldn't be doing it if the Feds didn't insist.
  5. Exactly! Also, liberals are incapable of being hateful and intolerant. Just ask them! And if they know they can't argue a valid point, they'll brush it off and call it a strawman.
  6. If the person carrying conceled were doing their part properly, nobody would know a firearm was present.
  7. I expect this ruling will be overturned by a higher court.
  8. That was my first thought also. The first person not buckled in their chair correctly, a chair not secured in the swing or a child getting too close and somebody can easily get hurt. Some chairs weigh hundreds of pounds. That's a lot of weight to be swinging back and forth with little control. A better swing would be one where the handicapped person could is lifted from their chair and secured into.
  9. You forgot the rest: Judge not lest ye be judged by the same standard.
  10. I take that answer to mean that you don't have any examples.
  11. The main-stream networks were doing that withing minutes of the shooting.
  12. CFA is a privately owned company. Basically Dan Cathy (and his extended family) are the owners. In the case of a publicly traded company, the owners are the stockholders, so if the CEO said something like this against the stockholders beliefs, they would have every right to fire him.
  13. Why is it that when someone Stands Up, Speaks Out and Talks Back to you with FACTS going against what you say you believe, you decide to post nonsense like this instead of debating those FACTS? Can anyone help me interpret what he's trying to say in that paragraph?
  14. When did the owners of a company stop having the right to determine what values their company should be run by?
  15. I'd rather see an iron-clad law on reporting of the gifts by both the lobbyist and recipient. Often, the value of the gift is more in what it is than the cost. Then the voters can decide. Two tickets to a sporting event or a golf outing can easily run more than $100.00, but in the end, it's just a sports event or round of golf.
  16. I believe some people are so uncertain about the validity their beliefs that they must attack and spew hate toward anyone that opposes them.
  17. Where did Dan Cathy say he was homophobic? It sounds to me like someone's personal beliefs are causing them to see words that aren't there and were never even implied.
  18. Actually, this won't change things much for CFA. Many of the organizations involved have been calling for boycotts of CFA for years because of their Christian beliefs.
  19. How should he have responded when asked about the accusations the groups had been making?
  20. He was asked his companies position during an interview. If the pro-gay / pro-gay marriage groups hadn't continually been bringing it up in the past, it probably wouldn't have come up now.
  21. Why are you so intolerant? It's his company and he can run it as he sees fit. If you don't agree, don't give him your business.
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