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Everything posted by JerryLovedLSU

  1. The subjects get recycled weekly.
  2. Is it really that bad where you are, because I keep hearing it, but I don't feel it.
  3. Your "out" requires them to adhere to your way of thinking. Marriage is legal, not religous.
  4. Your belief on what a 'marriage' should be. It's two sides pushing their beliefs.
  5. You want everybody to adhere to your beliefs. Is that any different that what you are accusing them of? Fighting over what to call it is about as rediculous as I can imagine.
  6. And how are you not trying to force your beliefs on the nation?
  7. As adults we are responsible to decide what we want to invest our time and emotion in. There is a segment of our society that decides to involve themselves in every cause they can find. It's odd.
  8. And just look at how many people got sucked in.
  9. I've had several so called fogless mirrors and none of them were as advertised.
  10. I remember eating homemade ice cream and getting sick every single time. And it not being very good.
  11. That's where I live and I really have a hard time telling people where I am. It's closer to Kennesaw and the Paulding line than it is to Acworth.
  12. Last seen being chased with tar, feathers, and pitchforks down Dallas Hwy.
  13. Be prepared to have him followed, his picture taken, and possibly videotaped by PCom posters.
  14. I was cursed with small hands and most Glocks are too big for me. I like Kimber Ultras, but they're pretty proud of those things.
  15. Cause most of those dudes are white.
  16. YAY PERSONAL FREEDOM!!! Can we outlaw those stupid looking Uggs too??
  17. It's an honest question. A school can only take so many children, once they have all they can take, you have to go to your next choice. I don't see how that helps anybody except those who get their wish on the first try. Vouchers (to me) just seems like a popular idea that gets bandied about with little thought put into it.
  18. Lets say we do get these magical vouchers, are schools just going to be able to take unlimited amounts of students?
  19. It's the fancy French spelling that threw you off.
  20. My biggest question is what do you do when you tell them it's unacceptable and they STILL do it? Has less to do with being a parent and more to do with teens being teens. It would be a perfect world if our kids always listened to us.
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