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Everything posted by RaceGirl

  1. Excellent! Thank ya dear. Since interior trim is his specialty, he'll be glad to do that instead of replacing siding and building decks and painting and all of that other stuff he's been doing lately. Don't get me wrong, he's glad to have the work, but I know he would prefer trim. I told him he's just lucky he knows how to do all of that other stuff since there have been no trim jobs lately! Georgia Northwestern at the Rockmart campus for now. I'll have to finish the program in Rome, though.
  2. Just finished up my phlebotomy certification a few months ago. Started Medical Assissting in the summer quarter, but now I am converting over to surgical tech. My Anatomy professor suggested I would be selling myself short as an MA and there is better $ in Surg Tech. So far I still have a 4.0
  3. DITTO THAT! RaceHubby has resorted to all kinds of odd jobs here and there since building has basically stopped. My career is in the pooper too since I'm a realtor. That's why I'm back in school. Unfortunately, school doesn't pay the bills.
  4. OMG!!! I'm gonna have to quit watching NASCAR too. I was really rooting for Mark Martin this year. Do y'all think this year Jimmie may take some of his earnings and get his friggin eyebrows waxed?
  5. Wow - I didn't know that. RaceHubby said he remembers when something similar happened with Tim Richmond and he later died from AIDS.
  6. Did you read that somewhere or is that an educated guess? I have been searching online but I can't find anything specific.
  7. I always just get my momma to make them for us. She makes the best coconut and german chocolate cakes I have ever eaten.
  8. We had turkey, mashed potatoes and squash dressing. (practicing my eating skills for Thanksgiving!)
  9. WELL!!!! I was having a nice Sunday! If Jimmie Johnson will just blow an engine or crash or something, maybe what's left of my day can be salvaged.
  10. is gonna give me a friggin heart attack! And that damn Elam too!
  11. I said the same thing. and Ditto that!
  12. Well I don't wish him any harm, but I have NEVER liked Brock Lesnar. I still don't think he should have been allowed to fight Randy Couture as soon as he did. I never thought he had "earned" his way through the ranks. But that's just my opinion. I wish him a speedy recovery, but with such cryptic comments, it does make you wonder what it could be.
  13. Glad to hear Doug is well. I was going crazy trying to call your cell last night. I finally had to quit calling because I can only listen to the BAMA fight song so many times ya know! I'll let you guys rest up today and I'll call ya tomorrow before I leave for class.
  14. I usually bake baskets of goodies for my friends and family as Christmas gifts. I just told hubby I was gonna find a good recipe for apple butter to add to the baskets this year. JMT - tell the wife I'd love to know her recipe if she doesn't mind sharing. If not, I understand. I found a few online, i just wasn't sure which one to go with.
  15. Oh Crap Karen! I hope Doug is ok!
  16. That was a loaded question. Lead him not to temptation....... He can find it himself!
  17. Bumping this up to see if the night crowd knows anything. I'm just so nosy er ummmm inquisitive.
  18. Awesome vocalist. She's married to Dereck Trucks. If you like Susan, you should check out Heather Luttrell. She's another one who'll probably never get the recognition she deserves because she won't compromise who she is.
  19. Go check out Sports Cafe in downtown Villa Rica. The band Jinx is there tonight, and they are awesome. Tell Joey (the lead singer) that RaceGirl sent ya!
  20. I was born in Morgan City, Louisiana. Bounced between Georgia and Panama City Florida for most of my childhood. Moved to Austell as soon as I graduated from Panama City Marine Institute in 1988. Lived in Marietta for a few years. Moved to Dallas with RaceHubby in 1992 and have been here ever since. Love it here and wouldn't move anywhere else except Nashville or Montana.
  21. To me it seems like it has been since the big conversion.
  22. Pretty amazing when you think about all this family was involved in within the community. I know for a fact that Loreen and her daughter both donated items for a Cystic Fibrosis charity auction a few months ago. Not to lessen the severity of what they did wrong, but sometimes people should be reminded of the good as well. I'm not taking any sides, I don't have a dog in this fight, I'm just saying that from what I know, this family isn't ALL bad.
  23. I can't listen to archives because I'm not a paid subscriber.
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