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Everything posted by RaceGirl

  1. RaceHubby just came through there just as several police cars were surrounding a home and preparing to enter it with guns drawn! I don't see anything here on it yet.
  2. On here in a while. Anyone know how she's doing? I need to get her to do something with this mop on my head! I'm having some Don King issues.
  3. Love this show. I have a night class on Wednesdays so Lil RaceGirl Tivos it for me. Then we watch it together on Thursday afternoons when she gets in from school. It cracks me up and I love all of the "old school" music they cover
  4. Because Environmental Protection is the agency that governs silt fence/erosion issues. I have actually seen a Federal Marshall come to a subdivision and arrest a builder for violation regarding silt fence. Mud was getting in the road and they arrested him. EPA does not play around about erosion.
  5. Ditto that! I told RaceHubby the same thing a few years ago when some looney bird stopped in traffic, got out and ran to my truck flailing his arms around screaming and cussing at me. RaceHubby was shocked at how quickly I snatched my "enforcer" out of the console. I just told Hubby, "do you think he was running back here to tell me Merry Christmas?"
  6. Yeah I know. It sucks that it always seems like the sweet people are the targets for arseholes. Even though it upset my mom, I'm glad the lady only threw words at her. At least it didn't turn physical like some of the stories you see on the news.
  7. Yeah - I'm no where near as understanding as my mom. If I had been there, y'all would have to wait til tonight to find out about this. It would be accompanied by my full report of the intake process at the Paulding County Jail!
  8. Oh - whoever could that be???? (y'all hear the sarcasm don't ya?)
  9. I asked her if she got a description of the vehicle or the tag number and she said "No, I don't want to cause her any trouble. Maybe she was having a bad day" (GOD bless my mom)
  10. The new WellStar building on Carruth.
  11. Some of you know that my "baby" brother (he'll be 28 Friday) has profound Cerebral Palsy in addition to a host of other impairments and he is classified as a quadriplegic. My 71 year old (teeny tiny) mother is his sole caregiver. Last week my brother had to have surgery for kidney stones. Today my mom took him to the Dr. for his follow up appt. She just called me in tears because some lady verbally attacked her in the parking lot. My mom says she backed out of her spot and was driving through the parking lot toward the exit when a lady in her car started backing out. My mom "tooted" the
  12. Now that's funny! I'm too cheap to spend $150 on the finished product, so i thought I may just pay for the pattern and try to make it myself! :rofl:
  13. The Bert Show said...."Well, at least the carpet matches the drapes!"
  14. I heard about this on Q100 this am. Childbirth doll, complete with placenta. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=33941888&ref=sr_gallery_1&&ga_search_query=Crochet+Childbirth+doll&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_page=&order=date_desc&includes[]=tags&includes[]=title
  15. Wow! I thought you sold all of these already. Great prices, but you know I don't see my team here soooooo.....
  16. OH NO!!! I'm devastated. Will they finish this season or is the cancellation effective immediately?
  17. As if there were ever a doubt!
  18. As soon as I hung up the phone with you Bama ran that td - I told RaceHubby... "Oh Lord, the phone will be ringing in a minute!" I just knew you would call to rub it in. Regardless of who won, I still say neither team really "showed up" tonight. They both just seemed so disinterested. I expected more. At least now y'all get to face Tebow.
  19. What an odd game. I'm glad LSU is leading, but I expected this game to be more "exciting"
  20. I'll sell tickets! Backatcha Honey Bunny
  21. I'm with ya! Drinking is one thing, blatant drunkenness is a total turn off.
  22. Y'all should add the Prize Winning Pot - Stirrer award. I nominate myself for the biitch of the year!
  23. :lol: That is toooooo funny because I thought the same thing!
  24. I LOVE this show! I have tivo set to record it every week. Of course the fact that I like it will probably be the kiss of death for the show. It seems like all my faves get the boot.
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