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Everything posted by joemturner

  1. Among other things, the "almighty dollar" allows places like pcom to exist so others can have a place to bash capitalism and other people's entrepreneurship and risk-taking for free. Good luck in your continued venture, Brandon. Let me know how I can be an entertainment resource for you in your new business model. JMT
  2. Hope to see some of you this evening at Paisano's! I'll be performing table-to-table from 6 until 9. Come on out!
  3. I agree - this is a big loss. Not as big as the loss of WF Buckley, but still significant. As for the MJ reference - I'd wager that 99% of the people who were so worked up over that couldn't even tell you who Bill Safire was.
  4. Thanks to those current and former pcommers who came out to see me tonight!
  5. I'm heading over there now. Come enjoy a nice night out despite the rain.
  6. I love me some In and Out burgers!
  7. Come out tonight and enjoy the magic!
  8. I enjoyed it when I ate there. That one time. Several months ago. Guess that's the story in a nutshell.
  9. Looks like they fixed something. My channel 2 is better tonight than it has been in weeks.
  10. I am going to need an army of star-bumpers. I'd like to know what it's like to have four or five. I've been as low as two, if I recall correctly. But I just can't stand three... it's so... in the middle.
  11. Unbelievable. So sorry... looks like that house is not long for this world.
  12. I have lost 20 pounds since April. I did it the boring way - burn more calories and eat fewer calories. Wish I had something sexier to say about it... well, other than "I didn't know there were abs under there!" As it so often the case in life... if you want the reward, you have to sweat for it.
  13. I think my experience conflicts with this assertion.
  14. I respect people's right to have an opinion, but I do not respect all opinions. That won't earn any stars on pcom, I'll tell you that right now!
  15. I've bumped everyone in this thread up. Just for fun!
  16. Saw this report on foxnews.com earlier today -- wondered if anyone else would be as intrigued as I was. Glad to know at least one person was!
  17. Clearly, I've given up hope of ever going above 3. With that being said, everyone is welcome to give it a try.
  18. Doubt it. The standard complaints of those who have been caught lollygagging are: 1. They're making us look bad. 2. Teacher's pet. 3. They're blowing the curve. 4. They're just kissing the manager's a$$ - brownnoser. 5. What are they trying to prove? 6. He thinks he's so much better than the rest of us... Almost never is it about laziness; it's about wishing the high-achievers would slow down so the poor work of the lower-achievers would seem normal. High achievers will recognize the truth in the above; the rest will consider it stuck up... I say, see #6. That is al
  19. This is not addressed to any specific person here... it is just a reaction to a commonly-used phrase, "teaching to the test." There are several reasons I am not using my education degree in the classroom today, despite several offers. This idea of 'teaching to the test' is not one of them. There have always been tests. And teachers have always taught at least in part based on the material that they had to cover. The best teachers I ever had - or worked with - weren't great teachers because they knew how to teach me as an individual differently than everyone else in my class. They
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