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Everything posted by joemturner

  1. Handy hint to get sharpie off some surfaces - get a regular dry erase marker and write over the existing sharpie marks. The solvent in the dry erase marker will loosen the permanent ink. Not great for porous surfaces, though - the sharpie ink will soak in and it's difficult to get out. Wood is going to be rough unless it has a good seal or finish. Good luck.
  2. Heck, I'm a musical theater fan. If it weren't for gay Jewish dudes, I'd have almost no cds in my car at all.
  3. The thing about some accusations of homophobia, racism, etc. is that even though you may know and be able to demonstrate that they are inaccurate and untrue, the very act of defending yourself becomes fodder for others to mock and malign. You mention your good relationships with friends, family, neighbors... You are accused of being even more wrongheaded for daring to demonstrate facts in opposition to the accusation. It can become a nasty and unfortunate scene. I just say that as a cautionary note because I know nobody here wants those kinds of accusations or hurt feelings to be the ta
  4. Yo, Adam -- I'm happy for you and I'mma let you finish... but Boy George was the greatest cosmetics-addicted sexually-confused super-androgynous punkalicious boy singer of all time.
  5. I love the photo they picked to go with the story:
  6. A Friendly Geek and ihave2dogs -- those were great links! Thanks!
  7. Thanks! That blown call has got a lot of people pretty ticked off. That should have been a 3 point or 7 point game at most -- we... oh well. It's the most exciting losing season we've had in ages.
  8. Don't know if you saw this already, but if you're interested in cutting some costs this year...
  9. I remember the first time I heard "Music of the Night." I was on a plane back from London and thought it was an amazing song. I listened to the whole rotation a few times to hear it again and again. I did not get that same feeling with the music I heard in the clips from Love Never Dies. That gives me pause. ALW hasn't had a real hit since POTO. Lots of the music I heard in the press clip... well, it sounded like he was trying to force it to work. I hope that it turns out well, though. I don't have a problem with something being popular with the masses... if it's good. I'm not t
  10. That sounds fantastic! Wish I had some... but no time today as I'm on my way to a gig shortly.
  11. ... resorts to falsifying identities in order to harass, embarrass, or gang up on other people on pcom.
  12. We just changed our plan to one with a much lower deductible and a Health Savings Account. I'm self employed so nobody puts anything in the account but me. We'll pay out of pocket for various visits up to a deductible (for the whole family), then it's 80/20. Gotta take the savings on premiums and save it! That's the key.
  13. P.S. - What ALW shows have you seen or performed in? I've performed in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (professionally and locally), and Jesus Christ Superstar (professionally). I've seen various productions of Evita (touring), Cats (NY and touring), Starlight Express (NY), Phantom (London and NY), and Aspects of Love (NY). I never got to see Sunset Boulevard or Woman in White. I'm very curious about Love Never Dies.
  14. When I was in college I was asked by my piano professor to teach a session of her music appreciation class. The topic: Andrew Lloyd Webber and his contribution to musical theater. As I matured in my tastes I realized that ALW's music is, well, rather plain compared to other composers. But ALW had a knack -- for a while -- of picking the right subject and applying memorable melodies. I was enamored with Phantom for years and still enjoy it, but not with the intensity that I did. But from Joseph to Superstar to Evita to Cats (yuck) to Starlight to Phantom... he kept writing hit shows.
  15. Saw this -- and just watched the preview of the Phantom sequel "Love Never Dies" online the other day. It's a very treatable form of cancer in the early stages... hope it turns out well for him.
  16. Video wasn't working for some -- I uploaded to youtube and edited the post above so you all can see Anita helping me at the coffee meeting yesterday. Enjoy!
  17. Love ya, Anita! Thanks for being such an enthusiastic fan! Another magician asked to see me do this trick so he could see it on video. I hadn't done it in months, but Anita seemed to like my halting attempt at it this morning! Edited: Updated link -- don't know why the other didn't work.
  18. Wow. That's unbelievable. I assume the pilots' names will leak out at some point.
  19. The MBA was on the right track, but didn't quite get it. The idea wasn't to create more daylight, but rather to shift daylight into hours when more people were awake and active. It also wasn't directed at farmers. The idea goes back, in part, to Benjamin Franklin. In 1784 he noticed that Parisians (he was envoy to France) were burning candles at night but slept through dawn, wasting natural light. Even then he recognized an economic reason for shifting the clock seasonally. Of course, his original proposal was satirical... people didn't keep schedules in those pre-standardized-time d
  20. I appreciate the encouraging comments and I bet CMark does, too! If this were an election instead of an audition, we'd probably end up as "tag team MCs" for the show! As it is, I'll just check my calendar and go in for the audition if I can. Lenay is doing a great job at the theater and an audition process is great. Maybe she'll uncover several potential hosts who can be plugged into various events where his or her style is most appropriate. Thanks everyone! Your comments made my morning!
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