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Everything posted by joemturner

  1. I've written a lot. Some I wish I could revise. Some I don't. I've made some excellent arguments for my point of view along the way... along with a couple of dumb comments and a frustrated verbal temper tantrum or two. The smart thing would be for another candidate to run who doesn't have his or her name on all my stuff... but who makes it into their platform.
  2. Thanks, Pubby! I'd like to get that raw footage later, if possible. Definitely happy to credit to pcom whenever and whereever used...
  3. Shout out to Angela Wingers - Wingers Media Productions. Thanks!
  4. Sorry I was late. I finished my speaking gig at 8:15 and hustled on over as quickly as I could. GREAT turnout!
  5. Lee Child's "Jack Reacher" novels are fun.
  6. Come on... I like Hey Jude. Cut me a little slack, man.
  7. I like to "Imagine" a world where that awful song was never written.
  8. Sorry I'll miss tomorrow - speaking at Hillgrove HS FCA.
  9. I really enjoyed Herman Cain's appearance at the Paulding Chamber's monthly luncheon today. Inspirational, motivational, and very mild political content. Saw Pubby & LPPT there, along with naturegirl, NewsJunky and others. I got to meet Mr. Cain afterwards and get a photo. Pubby also took some video of me performing for him that I hope to get and share with you later. Pubby was talking to him and neither he nor Mr. Cain spontaneously combusted... in the short time they had to converse. I witnessed LPPT inviting him to come on Pcom and chat it up in our political forum
  10. Funny, all of these Ole Miss jokes have had the words "Ole Miss student" changed to "blonde." Some dang Reb must've hacked pcom.
  11. I also hope the pizza place stays open... :hungry in New Hope:
  12. I'm planning to be there. I am a big supporter of Herman Cain and the Chamber is doing us all a great service by having him in to speak! (And you networking folks can then see me speak the following Thursday at Paulding Business Association meeting! )
  13. Even if they don't get 2 weeks notice - at least be man enough to tell them on the last night that they're working. There's no excuse for having to drive up to do your job and find out the place is closed.
  14. That is awful to hear. What is it with just fessing up to your employees and telling them what is happening? I keep reading about this approach of just locking the doors and hiding. It is disgraceful.
  15. We just ate at the one at Seven Hills yesterday - is it still open?
  16. joemturner


    There are surely some bad apples, but generally speaking I have to admire people who are willing to get out and proactively look for customers to make their business succeed.
  17. My strategy was to marry my wife, and then just do stuff in the order she tells me. Seriously, a list is good, then go through again and prioritize. What has to be done first... deadline, late fee, whatever... some kind of pressing urgency. What has to be completed by Tuesday? What can wait until later? As you go through, you can identify the things that can really wait until Thursday or Friday... or later. Some weeks you just have to print a full page or two of a calendar just for that week in order to see everything. But that's how I have to do it sometimes. I rem
  18. That stinks! We were just at Sparkles yesterday celebrating my daughter's birthday. Loved it! P.S. I keep having people tell me about that commercial I did for them, but since we don't have Comcast, I've never seen it broadcast... just online!
  19. Yes - our reception of that signal conked out the other day - very strange. We moved our antenna a bit (we use an indoor, flat antenna) and aim it here and there and usually can pick it up just enough. Wonder what happened?
  20. TONIGHT -- 6pm to 9pm -- Paisano's on Cedarcrest! Tell your friends! JMT
  21. Cherry Systems saved my butt a couple of years ago - and for a lot less than I expected. If the drive stopped working but the discs themselves were not melted or physically broken, Cherry is likely to recover at least part of your data. I definitely recommend their services.
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