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Everything posted by joemturner

  1. I'll pass along all your comments! It is good stuff. I don't know how protective she is of this recipe but I'll certainly ask if she wants to tip the goods. Remember, though - she's married to a magician and secrets are kind of the family's stock in trade! Oscar - PM sent to you. I have 3 jars remaining that have not been spoken for. I'm going to try to set all the rest up to be delivered or picked up on Monday. If there is interest in another batch, Mrs. JMT may make another trip for good apples... so I'm happy to take a pre-order.
  2. Mrs. JMT is happy with the enthusiastic feedback! Thanks! 3 jars have not yet been spoken for!
  3. Atlanta Mentalist Turner to Appear on CBS Atlanta News @ 11 Atlanta CBS affiliate WGCL-TV 46 will air a special report on Thursday night, November 19. As a tie-in with the CBS series "The Mentalist," CBS Atlanta News has scheduled an interview with Atlanta magician and mentalist Joe M. Turner to discuss mentalism as an entertainment phenomenon. Turner will discuss some of the historical and psychological aspects of the art of mentalism, offering a glimpse into the unusual world of mental perception, influence, and illusion. Details to follow. Are you following Joe on the variou
  4. This year, I admit that even I have trudged through the outer edges of some of the dark places that Mr. Richardson has recently found himself. This kind of problem transcends political viewpoints and is no laughing matter for anyone on the left or the right. I pray for the best for him as he seeks recovery. I hope his open discussion of his problem helps others to be aware of depression in people they know, and helps other depressed people find the strength to call out for help.
  5. I would simply say that this description doesn't accurately reflect everyone's thoughts on why it was wise to change the set-up.
  6. Talk to Barry Cook at Burnt Hickory Baptist Church. Tell him I sent you.
  7. Not an ac-dc fan either. But people once felt about the piano and organ as you do now. There is room for beauty and joyous worship in many styles. Just hate to see differences in taste expressed as a mocking or dismissal of other churches. An unnecessary internal battle, in my view. Blessings to all as you seek to worship Jesus Christ in a pleasurable and meaningful style and context. JMT
  8. Don't know where to send you. Good luck! If you decide you'd like to come try it out sometime anyway, just let me know!
  9. Hmmm. I'd say they are more blended, probably 50/50 at most. Lots of the "contemporary" music is traditional hymns reset with nice orchestrations and/or band arrangements. They do have a band (bass, guitar, keyboard) onstage along with their orchestra. Probably about 15-20 people in the orchestra. If you're looking for a real "high church" orchestra and worship experience, this isn't it. No robes, no suits and ties. But the music is always good and often great. It's going to be contemporary Christian and a mix of choral styles and orchestral works. 104.7 The Fish plus some classic
  10. Please come visit at least once. I'm out of town this weekend but you are certainly welcome to visit; I hope you'll come again when I can be there with you. They use a piano, a nice orchestra, a praise team, and a choir. Combination of musical styles in most services. If you talk to Barry Cook (Worship Pastor/Music Minister) tell him I sent you. Nice folks. And Pastor Mike is a hoot! BHBC -- Due West Road between Mars Hill and Midway Road. Best... JMT
  11. Man, I was with you until the last sentence. Burnt Hickory Baptist has an excellent orchestra in their main services at 9:30 and 11. Good luck in your search.
  12. I nominate AGG for "Little Miss Sunshine" LPPT for "Miss Firecracker" Oscar for "Miss-Ing in Action" the Postman and COWA for "Mis-Information" Myself for "Mis-Direction" or "Mys-Terious"
  13. Just for clarity - There is a rating button on each post - you can rate it + or -. Those ratings accumulate from posts all over pcom into a "reputation" for the person who wrote the post. So votes on the posts end up creating a label that shows on a pcommer's profile. The post ratings are less problematic, in my view. You are presmably evaluting content. It's the reputation badges that I question. If we were all sitting in Pat's living room and he made us wear red or green hats based on the secret votes of the others in the room, who wouldn't find that a little creepy?
  14. I share your view. Sadly, I don't even fully trust some mods anymore; opening up additional functionality that is so easily abused to diminish others just doesn't inspire confidence. Just my opinion. It's not my sandbox. It's not my sandbox. It's not my sandbox. It's not my sandbox.
  15. I also think it's kind of an ad hominem attack on me to snidely suggest that a positive cumulative total is enough to make me not care about the underlying question I raised. Sure it's nice, but what do you think of me if you think just a few backpats would change my outlook? Is that really how shallow you think I am, Pat? Really? Why else would you suggest that? P.S. I certainly didn't say I was "persecuted," but your choice of words indicates how you are trying to influence the perception of the issue.
  16. If it doesn't matter, why not let the posts be rated? If it's irrelevant, why worry if it's negative? I mean, if it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter... Unless... it actually matters.
  17. By the way - another important question was asked elsewhere. Why are Pat's posts exempt from being rated at all?
  18. Yes, I feel the same way. I'd rather people form their opinions about me by interacting with me rather than by seeing a popularity meter on my profile page. See my latest post in the other thread for more reasoning. Thanks for asking an important question.
  19. I don't like the idea of making it an opt in or opt out system. If the rating were only for the post and not a cumulative "reputation" tied to the member, that would be one thing. But we can already see which topics the board finds most interesting by seeing the real votes: views and replies. The new rating system doesn't make it any easier to identify great topics. The only new result I see is the ability to hang a more overt badge of popularity or unpopularity on people's profiles... even more apparent than the star rating. What is the purpose? We already know that there are
  20. As long as we're being honest... I agree and understand. Yesterday I sold the biggest single deal my company has ever sold in terms of dollars. It's a huge event at the Wynn in Las Vegas in December. The company is based in business-friendly Texas and expanded this year, now with offices in five regions globally, employing more people both here at home and yes, abroad as well. I and another colleague (whom I booked acting as his agent) will fly out for a couple of days and I'm going to work like a dog for two days for this company. That said, my 1st and 2nd quarters were so dreadful
  21. I am thinking there are some pcom "personalities" I'd like to meet... sadly, I don't think they exist except as figments of various other people's imaginations.
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