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Everything posted by joemturner

  1. Are people basically good? This is a core philosophical question that affects the way you view the world. This is a non-political, non-religious video. Enjoy, and think deeply.
  2. If you can't get enough, there is karaoke at Paisano's on Saturday nights at 9pm - but it is for all ages. Two 11-year-old boys were singing Journey when I left... it was rough. I suggest going to Paisano's for magic between 6pm and 9pm -- then karaoke for adults at MacFarlane's!
  3. I'm back in town and at Paisano's tonight, 6-9pm! See y'all there!
  4. Indeed, I am a magician and a speaker. And perhaps the most lovable one you've never met.
  5. Great news - and who cares if someone makes fun of your degree? People mock my profession all the time if they disagree with me or want to minimize what I say or think. Success is the best revenge.
  6. I put the "fun" in "dysfunctional."
  7. The AP was having problems getting her age right last night when I read the breaking news -- sent out one age, then sent out another. She was born in 1936, so 72 must be right.
  8. Come on -- it's funny. Tell me anyone who danced like that with Chris Farley wouldn't see the humor in this! BTW - I deleted the racism comment... please delete the quote. Wrong forum for that. But I do be gettin my gangsta on.
  9. joemturner


    Yo, Patrick Swayze -- I'mma let you finish your funeral in a minute, and I'm really sad for you... but Michael Jackson had the saddest death of the year.
  10. Just popping in to say hello before my first appointment of the day. Hope your day is productive and enjoyable.
  11. HOME DEPOT SCAM A 'heads up' for those men who may be regular Home Depot customers. This one caught me by surprise. Over the last month I became a victim of a clever scam while out shopping. Simply going out to get supplies has turned out to be quite traumatic. Don't be naive enough to think it couldn't happen to you or your friends. Here's how the scam works: Two seriously good-looking 20-21 year-old girls come over to your car as you are packing your shopping into the trunk. They both start wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex, with their chests almost falling out
  12. I think markdavd has the right idea. I also think you may have to be ready to take "no" for an answer. It sounds like these people are completely invested in the history they've created and are not keen to revise it. Tread lightly and good luck.
  13. Thank you to those who make me laugh. Thank you to those who make me think. I nearly always respect and appreciate everyone's enthusiasm, even those with whom I disagree. Thanks to LPPT, MillCreek, and my various networking buddies for their constant encouragement.
  14. Y'all are a hoot, too! I posted last night as my closing comment in the conversation before I went to bed. I tried to explain thoroughly so there would be no confusion. Clearly I did not succeed. Here's the Cliff's Notes version - no pontificating, no preaching -- just reading: Question: Where did politics enter this thread? Answer: First reference to a political figure, MCMM, post #20. First reference to the Wilson outburst, SM, post #36. I didn't see any references to political figures or events prior to those two posts. No psychoanalysis needed. I didn't have to resear
  15. I want to wrap this up differently as I attempt to make a more peaceful exit. First, I didn't start this bickering. The issue of raising politics in this thread was raised by others. I noted where it happened. No intent to berate or badger... simply noting where it began. From there it seems to have gotten nastier than I ever thought it would based on my meager observation. There has been some mocking since then, and belittling of me and my comment, all just "poking fun" I suppose. But the observations I made still stand in the posts I cited. Take a look at them yourself.
  16. Only if "sooth" is slang for "you're busted."
  17. Your dancing has entertained me, too.
  18. Don't blame me for noticing. And it wasn't a "bash" - it was merely a statement of fact. See my prior post for the details. You can deny if you like, but it was clear what you were referencing, albeit slyly. Nice defensive posturing, though. But the facts are there. That's all I was referring to. And I'm glad you liked my points. (Oh snap.) Have a nice night.
  19. Okay, this isn't a joke you can tell everywhere. But I have to admit that the twist at the end made me laugh. ============== After getting some money for sacrificing their sons as suicide bombers, two terrorist families decided to move from the mountains of Afghanistan all the way to the United States. When they arrived, the two fathers made a bet -- in a year's time, whichever family had become more Americanized would win. A year later they met. The first man said, "My son is playing baseball, I had McDonald's for breakfast and I'm on my way to pick up a case of Bud... ho
  20. The very first political mention at all that I can find in this thread is MCMM in post #20, recalling KW's rant against President Bush. That is the first overt mention of any political figure at all. As far as references to President Obama, in post #36 SoapMom wrote: "It wasn't like it was some really formal event, where people are expected to have a certain level of decorum." That is a back-handed reference to Wilson's rude outburst about PBHO's now-admitted inaccuracies in his speech last week. SM may attempt to play coy and try to convince us that she wasn't referring to that in
  21. Nice passive aggressivity. SoapMom gets the credit for it this time.
  22. I'm sick because of the estimated tax I have to send in by tomorrow. I seriously wish everyone had to pay quarterly... we would see a tax revolt in this country INSTANTLY.
  23. 1. Kanye's fan base will largely get a kick out of this; his bad-boy image is not changed, only strengthened. 2. Taylor Swift and Beyonce have become America's sweethearts this morning... even more than they were. Image strengthened, name recognition increased for Swift... still a relatively new name in the business. She is getting new fans today just from being dogged on by KW. 3. The MTV VMAs were setting the Internet abuzz last night. You could not get the news from some of the servers because they were too busy. 4. The incident is all over the morning news today, and the discu
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