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Everything posted by joemturner

  1. I hope everyone who was going to buy that costume changes their mind and goes as an immigration agent instead.
  2. Wow! I'm checking my calendar... that sounds like fun!
  3. You could join his facebook fan site/campaign page and try making a comment there.
  4. Full link (other link was for phones): http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2009-1...gic-brain_N.htm
  5. A couple of buddies of mine are featured in a very interesting article today: http://m.usatoday.com/health/854166/ JMT via BlackBerry
  6. Frank Sinatra at the Omni, January 1994. I will never forget it. Don Rickles opened, Frank Jr. conducted, and the Chairman was large and in charge.
  7. My brother lives in Sylva... came down to visit this weekend. He was ready to go back to the mountains! He works at WCU...
  8. I like Standard Time better, myself.
  9. 1. Daylight Saving Time is correct - here's more on the topic of your poll, if anyone cares. 2. Thanks for reminding us!
  10. Good morning! It's not at all an issue of being snarky or backhanded. I'm just sincerely confused why some commentary continues to be about me rather than the point. It seems that whenever I post, there are a few participants who ignore the content and focus directly on their opinions of me - easy, predictable, racist, amusing, snarky, whatever - and totally ignore the actual points I contributed. I can only guess that it's because they agree with me but still want to argue about something so as not to be seen agreeing with me in public. Could damage their reputations! My comme
  11. Sorry if I upset you. Best, JMT P.S. In addition to criticizing me personally for the way I respond to you - which I am trying to do respectfully - have you any comment on the actual points I contributed to the discussion? I couldn't help but notice that in our last interaction, it also ultimately devolved into snickering about me as a person rather than any actual examination. Is that all that's left? Since we agree on the racism thing, I thought there might be some other areas of agreement to be found. Just doing my part to take out some of the incivility in the forum
  12. Thanks. I wasn't suggesting that anyone here raised the issue. I wasn't spinning, either. The JOP's racism is the subject of this thread. The reactions to it, I think, are perfectly justified and also would be justified in other situations which deserve the rightful disdain of those offended by racist attitudes. That's what I'm getting at. Not "full of myself," but actually thinking the anger is justified and has broader applicability. I'm sorry if that makes it sound like I'm twisting things or if it seems self-serving. I didn't realize that pointing out that racism exists in mult
  13. P.S. Thanks for apparently taking me off your ignore list and for reading my post.
  14. I don't know what makes what I said "white.". Are you implying it was racist in some way? I don"t see what you're going for here. I am confident that you were not implying that there are no racially insensitive words or lyrics with race-based stereotypes in modern rap. The lyrics in the genre frequently involve highly offensive racial and sexual stereotypes that do not make the news, but which would surely draw a righteous firestorm if uttered not just by any politician of either party, but even by an artist in nearly any other genre. Shall we really debate the content of specific lyrics
  15. Let me clarify. That was certainly not a backhanded slap at the members of this board. It was a front-handed tweak at some of the behavior on this board. And I agree with you on the issue of this nonsensical JOP. Best, JMT
  16. Clearly, the action by this anachronistic JOP is ludicrous. If he were wearing some bling and recording a rap album, he might have gotten away with such blatant racism without any scrutiny or examination of his motives in the national media (or on pcom). Or maybe if he were a political cartoonist and the target were Condi Rice. Or if he were objecting to something Juan Williams said during a television interview last night on the number-one watched show on cable news by dismissing him as a house slave. Outside of that, not a chance.
  17. This just in... Ole Miss is changing their playing surface to cardboard. They look better on paper.
  18. Wish I could make it this morning, but wife is out of town and I have a sick kid. Catch you next time!
  19. My heart is breaking. I remember high school band and what it was like to share that experience with the others. Losing a friend... and a fellow bandsman... it's just as sad as can be. So young... and I am heartbroken for her parents. Never met her, but mourning for this family.
  20. I'm 27 - I'll be 28 next month. Of course, I've started counting in hex...
  21. The episode turned out to be the season finale. It aired last night. You can watch it online here - beginning of segment 3: http://bit.ly/2qpHmp You'd be surprised how many hours of effort went into such a minimal moment and such a trivial trick!
  22. View from my suite at the Beau Rivage, Biloxi: Hate to miss the Paulding Business Expo tomorrow -- I'll be performing for a conference here that was booked long before the expo was even a glimmer of an idea. Y'all have a great time and tell everyone you see that I wish I were there... and keep an eye out for more shows at Stars & Strikes, coming soon!
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