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Everything posted by joemturner

  1. The individual post ratings are one thing - the cumulative "reputation" label in your profile is another.
  2. Yes, of course. It's my fault for asking questions during the experiment. Mea culpa. (Actually, I read your experimental disclaimer. I think my questions serve a purpose.)
  3. Thanks, but I'm not looking for backpats. I'm just curious... why set up a reputation system that indicates on your profile if you are liked or not? What is the purpose behind the implementation of this system, if not to broadcast to all of pcom "these are the good people" and "these are the bad people?" Is it the hope that negative reputation folks will either change their opinions to something more appealing, or that they'll just go away? I'm not sure I understand the goal that is achieved by allowing anonymous post clicks to result in a public labeling on your profile. What is th
  4. Now it's positive. I'm talking about my reputation visible on my profile... your "reputation" is visible to the whole pcom world on your profile. I have a lot of qualms about this idea. Anonymous labeling of posts that result in a "reputation badge" viewable to everyone... Really - what is the purpose of the badge? Is it so that new people can tell who the popular pcommers and unpopular pcommers are by looking at their profiles? Pat, is that really what you're interested in setting up?
  5. Here's what I think. I think this reputation system has nothing whatsoever to do with good posts or active participation. I think it is a backdoor opportunity for anonymous, petty vindictiveness. Same with the stars. There are people on this board who stopped reading the content of my posts long ago -- they just react viscerally to my name and that's it. I could say the sky is blue and that would be reason enough for them to pick at a scab somewhere and off we go again. I don't mind if some people don't like me. I don't always like everyone else, either. That's par for the course
  6. joemturner


    What on earth did I post since the changeover of the board that has already given me a negative reputation? Seriously? I'm paying for this? I guess I ticked off the clique. Sorry I bugged someone. JMT
  7. I'd like to meet Cuteyellowbug, the Postman/WalkingTall, COWA, MotorCityMadMan, and Mrs. Howard. Probably not all at the same time, though.
  8. Forget the celebrity top 5. I have a pcom top 5. (Not that I would act on it, of course.)
  9. Man, that stinks. I hate to see this. I especially hate to see this and Fatacks both go under. Blessings on your next steps, Brandon et al. JMT
  10. I am so sorry to hear this. I thought you folks had a great product and a real popular niche. Your closing in a place like Hiram is an ominous sign for everyone. I'm really disappointed for y'all. Blessings in your next steps... JMT
  11. It's generally not super easy. The link above looks pretty straightforward, though.
  12. I should have just told them to save it until they really needed it.
  13. Since this reappeared on the front page, I will tell you that on Sunday afternoon, I saw two women at the gas station discussing what time they would need to go to bed in order to get the extra hour of sleep because they missed it on Saturday. They were not kidding; they were actually trying to figure it out. "So if I go to bed tonight at 10, is it really 9 or is it really 11?" I thought I was going to bite my tongue off.
  14. I hope for nothing but the best for Tim Tebow and his girlfriend. As for UF - hope they get beaten soon. They got an unearned 6 points in Starkville where I believe my beloved maroon Bulldogs outplayed them. Florida escaped with a "win" because a blind official awarded them 6 points for fumbling near the end zone. We all know that was an error in officiating and without that I think the game would have ended differently. UF and the gators can kiss... well, let's just say that I find them only slightly more tolerable than LSU and Oxford Junior College. That is all.
  15. ST, you're cute when you're completely befuddled.
  16. Thanks to the pcom families who came out tonight!
  17. I should have mentioned the hours - 6pm to 9pm. See you soon!
  18. I'm back at Paisano's on Cedarcrest tonight after being absent for other shows over the past few weeks. Come enjoy some pre- or post-trick-or-treating magic and "Mangia!" JMT
  19. Hate to miss it - I'm on my way to the first show of three today. Have a great time!
  20. Humpty Dumpty is eerie but an amazing image.
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