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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. I watched this interview.... "I pooped my pants" The commando part made me fall out laughing!
  2. My dad used Net10. Same concept. My step mom uses Straight Talk.... she lives in rural arkansas and has NO problems at all. She even has a smart phone.
  3. The food was horrible and so was the service. We took about 12-14 people one sunday and their was 4 waitresses.... none was wanting to be bothered to serve us.
  4. I am sitting her laughing my ass off right now.. I actually know the person driving the Grey Escape... The teenager that drives it (her mom is the owner) will use her grandmothers placard. They do it all the time at the mall. The mom is the one I know for a fact who does it all the time. I can guarantee the grandmother wasn't with her...because she has been in the hospital for about 2 weeks now. The grandmother doesn't even drive or own a vehicle. She NEVER rides in that Grey Escape. LMAO... They brag about doing this at the mall...especially at Arbor Place. I have a guy who works with me
  5. My stepmom is west of Pine Bluff and her power was out for over 12 hrs too.
  6. My mom died of Lung Cancer at the age of 52. That and the Daniel Fast was my motivation.
  7. Spoons hold more...and it can be used as a shovel... Oh, and bowls..ban those too.
  8. everclear isn't real moonshine... and real moonshine isn't everclear...
  9. I use actual moonshine... Bought it from a "man" I know in the mountains.... I buy it by the 1/2 gallon. We will be having this for New Years Eve
  10. I bought gas at Wal-Mart on 120 for $2.89. If you use your Wally World card you get .15 cents off a gallon.
  11. I am about to buy me a new Glock 17...the generation 5 edition!! I am so danggg stoked.. To me, I get just as excited as buying a new gun as I do a new pair of boots..
  12. whhhuuut I'm right near the 7000 area of Hwy 61... That is right here in the Nebo Road / 61 S area.
  13. Have you checked Hobby Lobby or Michaels for the oils? Not sure about the Airwick or Glades.
  14. Do it gladly...because some of us would love to be moms... let alone a room mom! j/s Hug your kiddos.
  15. I use Paulding Waste on Hwy 61 south of PCHS... LOVE them.. I pay $90 every 6 months... Do I care if I pay more...NOPE... great customer service and some of the nicest people you can find. You can even call them up and pay your bill over the phone and they don't even charge you a fee. LOVE THEM!!
  16. Hands down...Atlanta Road Body Shop is the best around town...
  17. I'm looking for someone in the Paulding Area that paints or does the window designs. I know you seen them. They paint "Merry Christmas" on the plate glass windows of stores or they do the paintings on the auto windows of the price and description. If you know of anyone please let me know.. I have the # for one guy..named Greg..but I was wondering if you know of anyone else. TIA
  18. Don't be an ass CC..it's really uncalled for... and to make those kinds of statements make you sound like you are a middle schooler out on Christmas break. I for one know that NC don't 'need' any help defending herself..but when you start making fun of people and slinging rude comments... I hope she beats the sheeze outta you...
  19. BOOYAH!!! I called it!! His kids/family was on the patch.com saying no drugs was there. I'm not surprised.
  20. Tell him to be very careful when shaving and he can do it with one of the 4 blade razers....tell him to try one of the womens style...they are more gentle. They are worth the money for this type of stuff... Don't get in a hurry and it will be ok... a shaving knick will bleed and bleed... well anything in the head are will bleed... bad. But you can get it stopped and it's not like he will require stitches. lol You will just have to hold pressure to it longer than normal. Oh, and tell him to be thankful he's not a woman in her child bearing years .... He would think he's dying... :rofl
  21. No...I use a regular one.. lol I didn't really change anything I do...except I don't eat lots of veggies that are green leafy... lol Here is a good website that will help ya http://www.drgourmet.com/askdrgourmet/vitaminkfoods.shtml http://www.drgourmet.com/md/relativewarfarinlist.pdf
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