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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. They can't...they are just talking sheeze outta their mouth! Most people with common sense know how this works.... You can't just walk in to a judge and say...ummm Mr. Judge...can I get a search warrant on Ga. Tornado's trailer... I think she's running a prostitution ring... Or better yet her trailer was rockin' last night when we rode through the 'hood and 'we' think she is doing something illegal. Now...if one of the undercover deputy's came by and I got paid for some....then they have a case for probable cause... But...If you’re doing it for free... no case... See.. there is a BIG differenc
  2. and the LEO's make about 30k a year.... PFFT... I wouldn't even do it for my salary and neither would most of the arm chair LEO's on here....
  3. You are so right! This situation does suck! But what people need to understand is that there was a warrant...and it was obtained legally. They did thier job and knocked and announced themselves MORE than once. They didn't just tap....and barge in.
  4. Theft by taking??? WTF really.... you really compared a warrant for drugs to theft by taking... You just proved to the entire board that anything you say and compare should be taken with a grain of salt. :rofl:
  5. I have 2 of them.... LOVE them! I paid $179 for mine on Black Friday!!
  6. I have a case some of you need to go look at and re-read... Deputy BLAKE GAMMILL They did everything the way it was suppose to be done....but guess what...someone from a back room came and fired off rounds before they could get there. Came down a hallway!! As for knocking politely and waiting on the flipping fairy to come answer the door .......that's such BS it's not even funny. This isn't like they are coming to YOUR house and serving a warrant! They are going to a house where they had PROBABLE cause. They had enough evidence to show a judge that they had a claim. They had more
  7. I'll say it again....there is more to the story than what the news is reporting. Please know that there really isn't a such thing as fair and balanced. The news has to have viewers. They have to have dramatic stories in order for people to watch.. Funny how many murders, carjackings, and house fires are on the news every night. Not saying this isn't news worthy.....because it is, but how many times have family members been on the news proclaiming the innocence of their loved one. (Not saying this is the case with Mr. Hammett) I do know first hand that the SO didn't just show up at his hou
  8. I have!! woot woot One weekend we went to Zombie Apocalypse Last weekend we went to the Hollis Haunted Chicken House in Hollis Crossroads, Al. This is located about 10 miles south of Heflin, just off I-20. Hands down....Haunted Chicken House has been the best this year. It's $15 and it's ran by volunteer firefighters. They use this a a fundraiser to help them reach a goal of building a fire station. There is a website for it...just google the name. I don't work there....I've only been. But if you and your family is looking to have a good scare...this is it! Whatcha'all got?
  9. Better not be selling light bulbs either.... Oh yeah...and watch your antenna like Ugadawgs said...
  10. I see no problem with GuardDad being here...hell at least he's a paying member.... unlike some of us.
  11. We're having a fall festival, with games, prizes, and candy on the 27th from 12-4. We will be having a cake walk, costume contest, and a haunted trail The Refuge Hiram Sudie and 92
  12. HOLY SCHITTT I'll be there... You will know who I am...because I will not be leaving that plane!!
  13. No nerve was hit...just don't like assumptions in general. I was trying to make light of what you was saying. If you really think something is wrong then report it. It never hurts. The SO can't be everywhere. They rely on the citizens to help them out. Sometimes the store owners don't know what they are selling is illegal and they may need a visit to reaffirm this may or may not be the case.
  14. That's some funny sheeze right there... Know your facts about me....before you LIE about me! Get a grip.
  15. Considering I'm a criminal justice major...you betcha...
  16. Will there be ANY military planes there... (crossing my fingers for a C-130)
  17. That's not a crack pipe... that's a pot bowl ... or a meth bowl. lol You are right I don't think it should be sold to anyone under 18. I think you should contact the SO. on the NON emergency #
  18. There are really no test can be done unless it's rape and it's reported immediately. Now, if they are 6 and are examined by a dr. then something can be found that way... but at 16 she may have had many parnters by now... you never really know. I will say that I've done reports on false molestation accusations...and you would be very surprised at the results. #1 is MOM's reporting something happening to their kids so the dad won't get visitations. It happens... A LOT
  19. They are not "selling" crack pipes...they are "selling" a tiny rose in a glass vile... what people use the glass for after it leaves the store is not up the store owner.. You know they sell brillo pads too. Ban those damn things too.... My point is this, no matter what a crack head is gonna do what a crack head is gonna do. I don't like it...but if you start telling stores what they can and can't sell that is legal then there goes free enterprise. Coca Cola is deadly to diabetics and they shouldn't drink them, but do you ban them?
  20. <--- born and raised right there in North La. where they are from.. They make me proud. I'll try to post the picture of my 2 nieces with the brother Jep and his wife Needless to say I :wub: me some Robertsons.
  21. A man drove through it on Sunday morning. Little old man.... I actually know him. People will see him around town. His name is Bobby and he drives a little red S-10 truck and he has the magnets of John 3:16 and such on his truck. He is in a wheelchair.
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