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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. What's even funnier is there is no way to get to them after they close..they have a big fence around the property and it's heavily patrolled.. lol I bet they hire 10 homeless peeps to march and hold candles and the cardboard signs. It was a win win situation for the homeless they get to keep the cardboard and the candles in return
  2. One of my very good friends works at Glock... I'm sure they will be amused for the day... can't wait to hear the stories... I bet 2 people show up... kinda like the Westoboro crowd. Nevermind....GLock will be closed when the rally starts... umm stupid.. and it will be dark.. .LMAO
  3. We should put together another get together sometime... I have met Feelip... I bet he don't remember :spiteful:
  4. Done to the FB page. It wasn't me with the fence... Oh and I have met DeeWee and Riley. GoldenGirl OH and who ever it was who had the flooing company that I picked up her son as bath robe with skulls on it one year for Christmas....
  5. I forgot that I also know Subby... I was friends with NC-17 on FB a long time ago plus I saw her at at a craft show in BFE West Paulding at the peoples house who got arrested for having a grow house... or something like that.. Oh and MrDis send me a smexxxy picture of him in his turnout gear...cuz he knows I firemen
  6. LPPT - see her around from time to time Hairazer - She's the best hair stylist around. KRM - One awesome Lady CopsChick - She is awesome...just awesome..her hubby is pretty dang funny and we both love shoes... Gaheart - known her for over 20 years Raclay - Her birthday is the day after mine Trixie's Treasures - I buy stuff from her Sports Source - If she don't have it...she can and will get it. Lady Raider - lives across the skreet from my trailer
  7. bling it out with Trash Cans and have someone in a cookie monster suit there.... funny and kid friendly
  8. Needs to be a red light. Traffic backs up and I can't even get out of my driveway now! I've seen trucks blow through it...sliding though the intersection because they didn't "know" it was there Traffic sux trying to get out in the mornings especially. People think once they have stopped they should be back up to the 55 mph speed limit by the time they approach my drive way!
  9. You have to go around on Loop Road... Camp Creek ends at the old terminals.. .You can't cross the run ways
  10. Its a healthy kind of carb.. You have to have carbs for energy. There has been many times I have fell asleep at my desk around 3 pm because I didn't have enough carbs at lunch. OH and it's corn tortilla's...and not flour...
  11. no..it's outside of here.. I just started it on the 29th
  12. I have paid almost 5k for my braces...and If I hit the floor..I would have been pissed. My dbf's skates almost threw him for a loop. We both have skated many many times before... but over the years...never bought new skates.. oh but I will before I go again.
  13. You should read my blog.. I don't sugar coat anything.. especially about me and what I do and have done. My struggles and how I can help others. It's not easy... I want to give up sometimes.. then I revert back to the picture... and I keep pushing forward.
  14. That is exactly why you should try to eat more often...You will find yourself eating much less.
  15. In my case this is wrong... I have to eat more just to be able to keep my calorie intake up so my metabolism will stay elevated. I work out everyday...and I need the calories all day to keep fueled. I usually eat anywhere from 6-8 small meals a day... I also eat LOTS of protein and I do have carbs. I just have to be selective about what kinds of carbs I process. As far as eating heavy at breakfast... I can't. I usually drink a protein shake and eat 2-3 egg whites. No wheat toast.... no english muffin... none of that. I have had to completely change my way of thinking about food. I was a f
  16. The next time I go...maybe I'll look ya up and we can have a meet and great at Sparkles.. and I promise not to run over your child... lol or hit them with a belt.. lol
  17. The original article say glass cookie jar... that is exactly where I saw it to.. I'll see if I can find it for you edit to post link AJC
  18. My trainer took his son up there... I was going to go..but I refuse to use those janky skates...I'm holding off until I can find some I really want to sink the $200 into..
  19. I worked on the roadway design of the HMJIT We actually won an award design ..
  20. she should have beat the schitt out of the parent then really had a reason to go to jail. I'm sorry..but if your snowflake thows a glass container at me... YOU won't like what happens. Just saying. Nobody has to put up with your kid acting like a fool. Sorry, I know it will piss some off on here...but get over it. I see to many kids in the juvenile system because parents think their kids do no wrong. I've seen them test positive at 9 -10 yrs old for drugs and still swear the test are wrong. **No way would my child steal a $1 item.** We have plenty of money and could buy that for them...blah bl
  21. Rachet! I saw this the other day... they pulled the Tube video... it must be back..because we watched it here at work .. He should have tased her punk ass boyfriend... He wanted to say something about her getting tased in front of his kids...but didn't bother to say anything to his rachet beybez mamma. The kids in the background yelling "your gay" "your gay" "my momma's gonna punch you in the face" Yeah... tell me exposure to that crap don't bred that crap!
  22. I have a friend and her grandmother lives in a house on Smith Ferguson Road and someone kicked the door in yesterday (morning). She had a security system and the alarm scared them off. This was on the Dallas Nebo side of Smith Ferguson Road.
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