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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. They are unreliable... That is why I use Solar Reflections between Kmart and Acadamy
  2. Checkkk out my blog.. I talk about it on there... http://katsfat2fit.blogspot.com/ I bought mine at GNC for $24.99 You are suppose to take up to 3000 mg a day. I take 2 tablets1 -2 hours before breakfast, 3 tablets around 11 (1-2 hours before lunch) and 3 tablets around 6 pm (1-2 hrs before dinner) You want it to be a minimum 50% HCA. If you can find 60% then that is better and you dont' have to take as many pills. If you can find the one that has Potassium it is suppose to be better. I've had good luck with the ones from GNC. Just google Garcinia Cambogia with Potassium http:
  3. My step mom has Net10. When my dad was alive I was paying his every month and he got 750 minutes for $25. I had it auto enrolled and it came out of my checking account every month. My S-M pays $45 or $50 and has unlimited everything...she is auto enrolled and is billed the same thing every month. They were with Verizon...but was paying $170 a month for 2 phones. They just couldn't afford it. I offered to pay it for them..but said no.. But they did switch last summer to Net10 and I was able to pay for their bills without them knowing.... lol when my S-M found out that it wasn't coming out of he
  4. Yes they do work... I've known people who went to the one in Hiram and had great success. Oh, I am taking the garcinia cambogia that Dr. Oz talked aboutt. ALONG with my workout/cardio I've lost 8 of the 10 pounds I put back on over the last 3-4 weeks.
  5. It's going to happen... and 92 North of 120 will also have 2 roundabouts and also a relocated intersection. The city of D'ville and private business spent all that money on that website and the design of the new 92 through D'ville. GDOT had very little money into it.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymVPBPDJp5A
  7. http://paulding.com/forum/index.php/topic/221232-airbrush-painting/
  8. I use Dr. Grant in Douglasville... Oh and you should ALWAYS try to negotiate with the doctor... I did.. and I didn't pay 5k for my braces either.
  9. PBC sold alcohol too... so it's not just S&S. I went to PBC back last year... was not impressed. I will tell you that most businesses around town allow the mentally and physically handicap adults to come for free... I'm talking about Movies 278 allow the workers to bring their clients to the movies and allow them to watch the movies for free. The bowling lanes on Austell Road do the same. PBC wanted to charge them so they take them all the way to Marietta for bowling. For this main reason I would never spend my money there. I even told the manager at the lanes that. We only go to B
  10. I bet money she don't go back! Why would she... You can't say... Guilty, Not Guilty, oopss.. you may be guilty... let us try again.. Hell NO... and the US shouldn't send her back either! She did enough time in prison then there was an acquittal...
  11. TP... guess what... if you keep doing the same thing over and over...you keep getting the same results... I fall into that catagory... guess what... I'm not in the negative. OH...he's another shocker for you... I'm female... and I work in a male dominated work force. ::shocker:: I've busted my ass for what I have EARNED... Get that EARNED!! Never have I EVER taken ANY kind of handouts. Never had kids I couldn't afford. Never got had kids and thought... oh well, I can always get medicaid to pay for birthing this baby...oh and then I'll get WIC.... I'm sorry... people will get pissed about me sa
  12. That's because their claims have ran out.. I know that over 1200 people applied for 20 fire fighter positions in Fulton Co. Over 500 made it through the first 2 phases just to take the physical agility test. SO post all the crap you want...but I'm calling BULL SCHEESE on this!
  13. getting moving helps...like walking...but you must maintain your heart rate above 120 beats minute.
  14. I am "that" person in the gym that will piss you off...because I am working out and cutting up. I have a very colorful language and ways of expressing it.... that I embarass most men.. My guys that workout with me (except my trainer) don't know or evne know what to expect me to say...or do.. It can be quite comical at times. I don't know what I would do with my time after I got finished with one of your workouts... lol I would miss the smell of a gym... then get depressed... lol and have to make a binge run to my gym just to get my fix... lol
  15. hmm Petrol? Don't you buy that by the litre? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :blink:
  16. I have leaned down so much by doing more weights... It's an awesome feeling to be 40 and benching 100 lbs 4 sets and 12 reps in a set... My goal is to do more. I'm pushing 400 lbs on a 45 degree leg press. When I started I couldn't do but maybe 45 lbs. I think me and WhatsurFranTime could be buddies..
  17. To many vehicles are getting repossessed now for them to be calling on every vehicle... 9 out of 10 won't call. It's not manditory here. Oh, and you don't need a court order to repo a car... As long as someone else is the lien holder on the vehicle and you are a day late...it can be gone. Depends on the terms of agreement....(that nobody ever reads)
  18. I follow a strict diet... and I lift heavy. Yes, I'm a girl and NO I don't have big muscles. I do more weight training than I do cardio. It's a proven fact that lifting heavier will burn more fat than cardio. Cardio is great...but add some heavy weights and watch the results. Women can't and won't bulk up... you will lean out. Here is one article... Link
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