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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. mom2dachs


    Watching it..........waiting on 24!
  2. No I'm not. We sold our house 5 years ago and moved into our apartment so IF we did decide to move we would be able to. People at church asked WHY we would sell our house to move into an apartment and my answer? "I am too old for the materialism." Yes, we had a beautiful home, swimming pool and huge yard. BUT.....at the time I was traveling on the week-ends all over the Southeast with DS performing and DH was (and is) in retail. The upkeep of everything was killing us. It made a lot more sense to do what we did so we could enjoy life and not constantly be working on the house, yard, etc. We cu
  3. DH made hamburger steaks w/grilled onions and mushroom gravy, fried mashed potato cakes, angel hair herb pasta and rolls. Butter pecan cake for dessert.
  4. Sorry to hijack, but what happened at the Mall??????
  5. Just curious.....what does Roy Barnes have to do with it? Is this something he is promoting in his campaign for Governor?????
  6. I haven't seen a dinner thread for tonight. Whatcha having? Country fried steak & gravy Mashed Potatoes Stir Fried Cabbage (with bacon & onions) Rolls
  7. Gotcha Look'n Good - We are overdue a Birthday Lunch!
  8. That was going to be my recommendation. There is no law, only guidelines. And even those vary with the child. I once investigated an 8 yr old being home alone and it was determined to be appropriate for that particular child. On the other hand, some children years older should not be left home alone. Regardless of the age the child should be educated on how to handle situations such as a stranger knocking on the door, have phone numbers handy of neighbors and parents, know how to call the police, etc, etc. Using common sense goes a long way.
  9. I got that email this AM. It is a GREAT deal!
  10. I haven't seen it before tonight but find Emmitt Smith's story very interesting!
  11. You are in my prayers.....God knows the need, I don't need to.
  12. Parents of approximately 100 children paid $50 to guarantee their children would appear as Munchkins in a touring Broadway play in Texas. Not only did Todrick take their money but crushed the dreams of the children. I know several people who did not fall into this category but were to be involved in the production that he still owes $1,000's to. http://new.music.yahoo.com/blogs/thatsreallyweek/64496/feb14-21-the-american-idol-dream-can-sometimes-be-a-nightmare/
  13. WOW - That is scary!!! I have called the police in similar situations in the past, too. Not only was/is she a danger to herself and those in the car with her but to everyone on the road.
  14. Thanks for future reference - I wasn't sure what time it came on here. When we were visiting in Orlando and gone all day I would watch it at midnight on Soapnet - GREAT way to stay current. Yeah, they will drag this storyline out for awhile. I felt sorry for Victor when he said "If this is true I have lost two children." I had not thought about that.
  15. Thoughts and prayers with her family, co-workers, students and loved ones. It is so sad for young children to deal with such a tragedy.
  16. No, it comes on at 3:00 now and has for several months. I don't like this new time, but what's a girl to do?????
  17. They stole my answer GIFT CARDS or even CASH are always a HIT!
  18. I saw her reading the letter that was addressed to "Mrs. Newman" but here are THREE Mrs. Newman's and TWO that were "pregnant". So, she knows Ashley had the miscarriage and wasn't pregnant? I didn't know if maybe she thought Sharon had not been pregnant. Won't be long now until it comes on today.....impatiently waiting. This is just too good - I want to see Adam get his just reward for all his evil doings!!
  19. This is the first time I have seen this but prayers have been said for her. God is in Control!! I am glad she came through the surgery and I will watch for updates.
  20. I left yesterday just as Adam was telling everyone he was going to tell the truth. Did he say anything? Do you think he is going to be honest and tell them everything? If not, do you think they will figure out the baby switch? Who does Phyllis think was not pregnant? I listened to her talking to herself 3 times but could not tell if she said Sharon or Ashley. I LOVE it how everyone in town has ganged up against Adam.
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