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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. Arby's. Monday and Tuesday are DH last nights at work and it is 8:30 before he gets back to Paulding County. So much easier just to pick something up and with coupons it is as cheap as cooking plus no mess. I will have a Chicken Club and potato bites. YUMMMM.
  2. So sad but I love her mother's attitude in her statement. Bless her heart!
  3. I am really glad the people who stopped and called law enforcement were there for the child. And, I am glad she is safe - as far as we know. Years ago as an investigator with DFCS I got a call to go to Hwy. 61S. There was a 4 yr old riding his little bike down the middle of the highway!!! We did the case plan with the mom to add additional locks on the door, etc. I was even amazed to watch the 4 yr old unlock and unchain the door to get out! I returned a couple of days later and was standing on the outside of the door about to knock when I heard the Mom screaming at the same 4 yr old "If
  4. mom2dachs


    House....speed dating???
  5. DH and I heard a commercial on the radio for Extenze. "Makes a man thicker and wider." I told him, Wouldn't you hate to be driving down the road and your 6 or 7 yr ago ask "what does that mean????"
  6. I would be interested in going in on a box - count me in!!!
  7. Since my strokes I am unable to read a book but I can see to read print on my laptop. Someone suggested I could read a book online. My favorite author is Mary Higgins Clark and she has a book out since I've been unable to see to read a book. I would love to be able to read it. Anyone read books online to suggest a site? Any suggestions or info is appreciated. TIA.
  8. I have never been there but will be sure to go now - those biscuits sound irresistable. Thanks for the info.
  9. Wendy's. DH late night at work so he will get a burger and I am going to try their new fish sandwich. (Between watching the race and going out to dinner with DS, DD and DGD's we didn't make it by the grocery store on DH's day off yesterday. )
  10. I am watching and I am really glad Sandra Bullock and Jeff Bridges won, too. I am looking forward to seeing CRAZY HEART and BLINDSIDE, I haven't seen either. But, will watch them when they are available on Comcast On Demand. I sm not so sure I am going to see PRECIOUS. After 18 yrs in Social Work, I saw too many real life stories like Precious' story.
  11. DGD is 9 and has a call phone. The family only has cell phones and DD/SIL had guardianship of a family member who has since moved out. They already had the extra line under contract and the phone. So, there was no additional expense. The phone is set up where she can only call (or receive calls from) her parents, both sets of grandparents (4 cell phones and 2 land lines there), her parents best friend/neighbor and two other very close friends of her parents and two of her friends. She does not take it to school and very seldom leaves the house with it. But, since they do not have a landline, i
  12. I was referring to the 5 and 6 year olds the poster was talking about. But then added that it would also be a long day for the older ones as I believe it would. But, I was NOT saying they would need a nap.
  13. I would think they would have to have nap time. It would make for an awfully long day for the younger children (and even the older ones)......there doesn't seem to be an easy solution to the financial mess the school systems are facing.
  14. THANKS!! That Alfredo sounds really good - and it is a really fattening dish. DH makes it from time to time and it is SOOOOO good. He adds grilled chicken or shrimp or both to his.
  15. The purpose of a 4 day work week saves money as far as bus expenses, one day less of lunches for the students, etc. And, they will have to make the days longer unless the legislature changes the law as to the length of time the students have to be in class to complete a school year. The way it stands, the law would dictate how long the school days would be. I think more and more county school systems are going to take this route to try and save money in the budget. It does put the hardship on the parents.
  16. I would love to have your friend's link, too. Squash is very good stewed with onions, seasoned with salt & pepper and add butter the last 15 mins of cooking. Or, it is good with the same ingredients and baked in the oven. When it is done you can top with cheddar cheese and put back in the oven until it melts for additional calories. Or.....you can stew it as above and then mix with crumbled saltine crackers, one egg, tablespoon of mayo, cheese to taste, mix and put in a casserole dish and top with more cheese. POOF: squash casserole. YUMMMM....wish I had some squash to cook.
  17. NO - THANK GOODNESS. Married to him for 10 yrs and discovered I didn't know him at all. Pathological liar, psychopath, sociopath, narcissist, etc, etc. But, that hell sure makes me appreciate what I have been Blessed with for the past 20+ years!!!
  18. YES he is absolutely loving performing at Disney and is doing GREAT!!! He says it truly is a Magical place. It worked out he was able to fly home because his 2 days off last week and his 2 days off for this upcoming week were Thur-Fri-Sun-Mon. He had a short shift on Saturday and he got someone to cover it so he had 5 days off. It was a WONDERFUL surprise but I told him if he continues to do that (Walk in with no notice - I had just talked to him and he told me he was on his way home from the gym. LOL) one of these days I am going to have a heart attack. LOL!!!! THANK YOU for asking. BTW
  19. We shop Kroger almost 100%. When I was able to I would go to Publix every week for the BOGO and really miss those deals.
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