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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. You got a message that my PM box was FULL. DUH???? I just cleared out a TON of PM's in my inbox - I had NO idea I had PM's going as far back as Dec. 11, 2008. So, IF you need to send me a PM you can do so now.
  2. SHUCKS! I SURE could use an extreme makeover. But, since it is against the rules to suggest myself.......
  3. That is Crystal. And, I agree - I think it will come down to her and Big Mike with her winning. I cannot see the Producers letting a guy win for three years in a row!! That is Aaron Kelly. We have known him for several years and he is a sweetheart!!! But, I have to say I haven't been really impressed with his performance on Idol. I have heard him sound a LOT better. I think his nerves have gotten to him. (Who can blame him????? That is a HUGE position to be in.)
  4. That can sometimes work AGAINST the contestant. In Season One Simon HATED these two guys and they were voted into the Top 10!! They were horrible and when we saw them onstage at the Fox during the Idol tour I was embarrased for them. They were SOOOOO out of their league with the other talent on the stage. One of them actually fell down during the show.
  5. I AGREE!!!!!! Paige proved she should have gone home LAST WEEK. Really don't think she'll survive another week (hopefully) but Garcia wasn't much better.
  6. Just went from BAD to WORSE!!! Paige just proved WHY she should have left LAST WEEK!!!! That was absolutely HORRIBLE!!!! Anyone else watching????
  7. Bizness, I tried to send you a PM but it said you are not accepting new PM's. Could you please get in touch with me???? TIA.
  8. AWESOME ~ WTG ~ PROUD OF YA!!!! Lucky64 ~ IF you have never heard of the Peachtree Road Race you must be new to the area since July 2009???? It is a HUGE deal and people come from all over the world to run in it through the streets of downtown Atlanta. And, everyone who completes the race gets a Peachtree Road Race t-shirt. It is a PRIDE Thing!!!
  9. The prices I saw on the website ranged from $200 - $849. I would love to give one to the DGD's but they wouldn't appreciate it or take care of it. And, I don't have the money anyway.
  10. THANK YOU for clarification. When I see AMS I think.......Atlanta Motor Speedway. I knew I was WAY off base but with the number of schools being added the last several years I couldn't begin to guess what school was being discussed. Not having a dog in this fight, I can totally understand some ppl being upset with some contestants singing while the majority did not. For several years, DS performed at the Miss. Patriot pageant and he did the Miss. Georgia Christmas. At both he was the only entertainment and sang several times throughout the competition: intermission, calculating scores, et
  11. I don't know the answer to your question but FYI you can also find the As Seen On TV merchandise at Walgreens, CVS, ACE Hardware and other locations.
  12. NOPE. It is gonna be hodge-podge night here. DH has three deliveries to make on his way home from work in Buckhead so he'll be home late. Got plenty of leftover fried pork chops, baked squash, mac & cheese, Rodney's ribeye steak to choose from. Butter Pecan cake for dessert.
  13. Can you please tell me exactly where you are located? I am directionally challenged but have hezrd wonderful things about your bakery and want to come by. TIA
  14. DH and I went to the one in Hiram week before last and at least 4 times while we were in there he made the comment their prices were too high. We shop at several different GW and Park Avenue (they tend to have better merchandise and priced less) and Hiram is just way outta line. I don't get it either - but they are consistent with it. I was back in there on Wednesday when a friend from AL came to visit. She wanted to go and did find a few things. I did not see any patio furniture but I wasn't looking for it. Big Lots is a good option.
  15. It was reported David Justice did, too. I wasn't who he cheated with so all I can say it "it was reported he did." I saw a story about her on E! and that was part of her problem in trusting Eric Bonet. And, just as she let her guard down and did trust him, he did the same thing to her.
  16. DD was born at 38 weeks and was 7 lb 11 oz. DS was born at 31 weeks and was 3 lb! He came home from NICU at 37 weeks weighing 4 lb 7 oz. I had an ultrasound the afternoon DS was taken by Emergency C-Section at 10:36PM and they had said just a few hours earlier he would be 4-1/2 lb. DUH????
  17. YEP. But, he has been having an affair with this #$%*^@&%*$*@#%$ for 11 months. So, I don't think Sandra winning the Oscar had anything to do with it. It would be sad anyway but for this to come out at a time when she is on top of the world. SO SAD!!!! Maybe it is just me, BUT..........WTHeck???? Sandra is not only beautiful and intelligent but she has treated Jesse's children as her own. Has anybody SEEN Tiger Woods wife???? Or remember when David Justice cheated on Halli Berry (considered to be one of the most beautiful women in the WORLD??) I know it isn't as much a
  18. My favorite part of the entire night was when Ryan got in Simon's face!!! :lol: And, I loved Ellen's comment to Casey, too. The singing, not so much. But, I do still think Crystal will win it.
  19. A friend was visiting yesterday and was asking if I had been to one. She was saying what good prices they have and she likes their brand frozen pasta dinners. Cheap and good. I look forward to checking it out.
  20. Haven't given it any thought. DH doesn't like corned beef, so.........but, that breakfast someone mentioned sounds good to me and I have everything to make it tomorrow.
  21. I am not going to be able to make it tomorrow. Ya'll enjoy!!!
  22. mom2dachs


    ME EITHER!!! Gotta get my Keifer fix. LOL. They just mentioned "polycystic kidney disease" on Huse. That is the kidney disease I have!!!
  23. ME TOO!!! I thought it was just me, but after being here over 13 yrs that is still my #1 complaint!!!!! I HATE IT!
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