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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. The only way to eat a steak!!!! THANKS A LOT ~ Now you've got me craving West Cobb Diner. I haven't been this week and am missing the good cooking. I love their mac & cheese and fried okra. DH is going to pick something up on his way home........I am going to suggest he stop there!!
  2. Those pictures are BEAUTIFUL and CONGRATS to the Hubby!!!!!
  3. I thought I'd start the Idol thread off a bit early with this review of last nights performances and the reasoning behind the last minute switch to the guys: http://new.music.yahoo.com/blogs/realityrocks/321651/the-american-idol-top-20-night-part-1-crystal-falls-ill-but-the-boys-recover/
  4. OMGosh - She is BEAUTIFUL!!! I know all of you are enjoying her and loving her to pieces. Good to hear from ya and glad to know she is doing so well. (Hope you are, too!!!)
  5. I have asked that question, too, as they are constantly putting the contestants down. Then WHY are they THERE???? Aaron is a great kid - we have known him for years. But, I agree another year would probably have been better for him.
  6. My ringtone and ringback tone are the Alabama "GO BAMA" cheer. I have planned to change it since the National Championship game, but.......... I will check out the sites given on here and see what I find. I haven't found anything on the Verizon site so far that grabbed my attention.
  7. I AGREE - they shouldn't be in the furniture business if it is too difficult to deliver. And, their problems with their distributors - that should NOT become YOUR problem!! You ARE sweet and I have no doubt you expect ppl to treat you as nice as you treat them. But, they have shown they are not going to do that and not going to do anything but give more excuses. I also agree with WTA and CC about getting your refund and compensation for all your trouble. This company has NO idea what damage they have done. I was talking to someone earlier today that made the comment "you don't want to do
  8. What a tragic loss for those babies and their Grandmother. The family will be in my prayers!
  9. Years ago my supervisor was stressing because her 3 yr old son was not potty trained. The pediatrician told her to chill and let him do it in his own time. IF he was not trained by his 4th birthday then they would discuss it. Her son was potty trained before his 4th birthday - but at his timing not the mothers. And, I agree that it will be much easier in the Spring. I guess I was a lucky one too as I picked up my 2-3/4 yr old DS at the babysitters one day and he was in underwear. He had told her he wanted to wear it (fortunately she had some on hand) and from that moment on he wore big bo
  10. The night of THE Blizzard of March 13, 1993 DH was in the hospital in Montgomery, AL and I was sleeping on a cot. I can remember hearing the thunder and thinking "well, they missed the forecast again - no snow, just a thunderstorm." There was a LOT of thunder and lightening. Man, was I SHOCKED when I looked out the window the next morning!!!!!!!
  11. I am just reading about your DD and DGS as I have been out of town. My DS was born by emergency C-Section at 31 weeks weighing just 3 lbs. He is a healthy 19 yr old today and never had any problems other than having to stay in NICU for 6 weeks. God and Modern Medicine are Miraculous in these situations! They will be in my prayers and I will be watching for updates.
  12. Maybe it is just me but when my children were 14 yrs old I didn't tend to check in their rooms at 2AM on a regular basis. There is some dispute in the article if she had run away in the past. I hope and pray she is found safe or returns home soon. I cannot imagine how her parents and loved ones must be out of their minds with worry.
  13. The TV show Atlanta Magician posted a thread ( http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/237084-variety-acts-needed-for-network-tv-show-contact-me-asap/page__fromsearch__1 ) about is on tonight on the SPEED network. This is the first episode. The man who juggles chainsaws that was on America's Got Talent was shown in the previews.
  14. We have leftovers in the frig from last night but think they are gonna wait. I am in the mood for a pizza - either white sauce from Domino's or Spinach Alfredo from Papa John's. Whichever with mushrooms, pepperoni and ground beef. Tonight is DH's late night to work PLUS gotta watch 24 so don't need a mess to clean up.
  15. Sorry but we switch off CBS when Dagmar comes on. Just too perky aka fake and the voice is not tolerable.
  16. I use it for business which is my pleasure. Since I cannot work or drive I am at home most ALLLLLL the time and I am online from the time I get up until I go to bed. Between selling on ebay, checking out p.com and chatting with long lost friends on FB, I am totally entertained. With me it is definitely an ADDICTION!!!
  17. He connected him with the culinary dept of White Castle and gave him $5000 to go toward his education. At the end it said he has applied for culinary school and is using the scholarship the Boss gave him to go. I LOVE that show - it always has a feel-good ending.
  18. Every time I have eaten there we were served a good sized and good tasting cornbread muffin with the entree. Sorry if I mislead anyone but I really enjoyed it and look forward to the next visit.
  19. I liked Michelle, too, but have to save overall it hasn't been a memorable night so far.
  20. GOOD MORNING!!!! What a beautiful day the Lord hath made. Looks like it is going to be a wonderful day in GAWWWW-GIA!
  21. AWESOME - WTG Wyatt!!! (You have EVERY reason to be proud GT- that is quite an accomplishment.)
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