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Everything posted by bellaprincess

  1. Did you DVR the finale of Lost? Christian Shepherds last talk with Jack did explain a lot. Maybe I should have used limbo instead of purgatory,but I am part of many Lost boards and them dieing on impact is not really a conclusion. I do believe one fairly recent interview one of the writers did say that they did not die on impact,(FF and FB were real) but the sideways was open for interpretation. He went into a few different religious beliefs,but I can not remember the exact names, i.e. purgatory,for them. I am okay with the character wrap up with them reuniting in "limbo" after they die to g
  2. I read the book, but never saw the movie. I know the book was fabulous and both my 18 and 17 year old kids enjoyed the movie.
  3. They were not dead all along. The island did happen. Sideways was their "purgatory" the flash forward and back were real too. Nice!! I agree with you. Fringe is amazing. (and I love grown up Pacey too!!!!)
  4. You do get many more answers with FF compared to Lost. Some has already been tied up, but I don't know if the finale will wrap it all up. I think ABC made a huge mistake. They should have given it one more season. Losties are going to be looking for something to fill that void and FF would have done that. I hope they reconsider. I agree with you on V. It is okay, I just watched it because it came on after Lost.
  5. They did not die in the plane crash. The island did happen and because of that they became very important in their lives. FF has been canceled!!!
  6. There were messages shown from 7-9. I am in agreement with most that BEG said and Naturegirl. Did I want them all dead,no, but it was a natural ending to the series. The island did happen. Their deaths at different times. When it was time to move on they (all that mattered to them) met up. (Sideways was not actual time)
  7. You are kidding right? Now I know you are not but to come right out and say that It is really not nice to take shots at anyone,especially being the owner of this board and having rules in place for others not to do that. If I was a candidate and saw the owner or anyone employed with the company talking bad about someone or saying they wouldn't vote for me because an individual resident of Paulding is,I would not be inclined to come here and advertise or even speak with that company. JMO
  8. Since when? I have never sent that much stuff.It is the report card and the crct scores. Its a few papers folded in thirds. As far as I have heard a regular (long/white) envelope. I will ask when I am up in the office.
  9. http://www.wgaaradio.com/ "Williams said that this RFP or request for proposal is not a decision to outsource food service. The board also tabled a recommendation to reduce the school resource officers from 4 to 2. That will be revisited at the board’s special session coming up on Monday, May 24." This is Polk county.
  10. I am sending in a SASE. (They "say" it is to cover the cost of the envelope and stamp. I am doing that. Handling should not be charged.)
  11. bellaprincess


    You should seriously consider doing parties. Gathering areas, dancing floor, bonfire...I know my teens and their friends would love that.
  12. bellaprincess


    We did big parties for 10/double digits, 13/teen, 16/can drive, and 18/adult. We felt as though those were the ones we would go "all out" for. Not for everyone, but if you give me a chance to throw a party, I am all over it. LOL Teen drinking has never come up and I only have one 18 birthday left to give. This is from a house that we do have alcohol, do drink when we feel like it, and have wine & cheese parties once a month. Neither of the kids drink though from what they tell me they see it often. They know better then to even contemplate asking for alcohol at their party so their friends
  13. Is there any music,band, or such up there?
  14. How do I get to the show and when will it be posted? AND THANK YOU for getting with Ms. Cobb for all of us and everything else you do!
  15. In general. She was not or at least did not specify that she was speaking of this particular incident. I have no idea what they paid each month, but they were paying something. There are a few articles on the internet about this bill.
  16. Unfortunately I think WSB might be wrong on the charges she faces. I do not think the mother can be charged with feticide. ( Feticide is usually a charge when someone else does something to the mother which results in her death and the fetus) Maybe someone with more law knowledge can tell me differently. So sad.
  17. What news to you normally watch? I would like to see if I could find that story!
  18. I hope all are okay, but yeah I thought the same thing!
  19. Thank goodness! The few times I have tried to turn left off Senator I have held my breath and prayed. I would hate to have to do that on a daily basis!
  20. I always know I am going to get a laugh out of your posts!
  21. I don't have time right now to throw in some of my ideas, but some of these really are good! edit: spelling crackberry is supposed to catch it! ha ha ha ha ha
  22. Darn I forgot!! It looked like it would be good!
  23. Getting you foot in the door is all networking, it might not get you the job, but it can get you in.Brilliant idea DGITW!
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